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2013-11-8 10:43| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 27| 评论: 0|来自: 中国常驻联合国代表团

摘要: Statement by Ambassador Liu Jiey on the Introduction of Security Council’s Annual Report to the General Assembly


Statement by Ambassador Liu Jieyi, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations and President of the Security Council in November 2013, on the Introduction of Security Council’s Annual Report to the General Assembly




Mr. President,




First of all, I would like to congratulate you, on behalf of all the members of the Security Council, on your election as President of the General Assembly. I thank you for arranging today’s meeting. As the President of the Security Council for the month of November, it is my honour to introduce the annual report of the Security Council, contained in document A/68/2. The report covers the period from 1 August 2012 through 31 July 2013.




Mr. President,




The Charter of the United Nations entrusts the Security Council with the primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. Over the past year, with the support of the whole UN membership, the Security Council has sought to actively discharge its responsibilities, urging the peaceful resolution of conflicts and undertaking a series of peacekeeping and peace-building activities all over the world. It has responded to a variety of security threats, leading to some positive results and playing a central role in efforts to maintain international peace and security.




Mr. President,




Addressing hot-spot issues on the African continent has long been a focus of the Council’s work. More than sixty percent of the Council’s agenda items are related to Africa, and half of the United Nations peacekeeping operations are deployed in the continent. The peace and security of Africa are inseparable from those of the whole world. Over the past year, the Council, in close cooperation with such regional and sub-regional organizations as the African Union and the Economic Community of West African States, worked for a settlement to the conflict in Mali through active mediation and promoted the restoration of constitutional order and national stability in that country by taking swift actions to authorize the establishment of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA). In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the Council strengthened the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) and endorsed the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Region. In Somalia, the Council established the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) to support the Somali Government’s efforts for security and reconciliation as well as enhance coordination among various United Nations agencies in Somalia. The Council followed closely the situation in Sudan and South Sudan, supported the efforts of the African Union and sub-regional organizations to stabilize the Central African Republic, and undertook peace-building operations in Burundi, Sierra Leone, and Guinea-Bissau, thus playing an important role in maintaining peace and stability in Africa.




The Council also made great efforts to promote peace and stability in the Middle East. Over the past year, the Council held monthly discussions on the Israeli-Palestinian issue, and supported the efforts of the parties involved to promote the resumption of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations and advance the Middle East peace process. The Council remained focused on the situation in Syria, drawing on a high number of briefings from a range of relevant senior UN officials in conducting a total of 28 meetings and consultations and releasing four press statements on Syria. The Council also followed closely the situation in other parts of the Middle East, including Lebanon, Libya, Iraq and Yemen. The Council visited Yemen earlier this year, reaffirming its continued support for the ongoing political transition process, in accordance with the Gulf Cooperation Council initiative.




The Council has along paid equally close attention to issues in Asia and Europe on its agenda. A case that is worth mentioning is Timor-Leste. Thanks to the tireless efforts of the Government of Timor-Leste and strong support from the international community, Timor-Leste entered a new stage in its national development and the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste successfully completed its mandate on 31 December 2012.




Mr. President,




While actively dealing with regional hot-spot issues, the Council never slackened its close attention to thematic issues in the area of international peace and security. It adopted a series of effective actions and promoted international cooperation in such areas as counter-terrorism, non-proliferation and combating transnational organized crimes and strengthened the capacity of the international community in collectively responding to security threats and challenges of all kinds. The Council held a number of thematic debates on such topics as the protection of civilians in armed conflict; children and armed conflict; women and peace and security; peacekeeping and post-conflict peace-building; piracy; peace and security in Africa; and the rule of law. Those debates enabled the Council to hear the views of the UN membership, and helped foster international consensus on the issues concerned. The Council worked persistently to strengthen communication and exchanges with regional organizations like the African Union, the League of Arab States, and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, and conducted fruitful cooperation with them in the maintenance of international peace and security.




Mr. President,




In order to better fulfill its responsibilities under the Charter and respond to the calls of the UN Member States, the Council attaches great importance to improving its working methods, and has worked tirelessly in this regard. The Council held 174 public meetings over the past year. To implement the note by the President of the Council S/2010/507, 5 wrap-up sessions were convened in 2013.




Mr. President,




During the period covered by the report, the Council also deliberated on many other issues that had long captured international attention. I will not go into details here. As a general practice, the introduction to the report was prepared by the delegation of the United States, which held the presidency of the Council in July 2013. Members of the Council also made contributions to the preparation of the report, and the Secretariat worked diligently for the compilation of the report. I would like to express my gratitude to all those involved. I welcome the discussion by Member States on the report at this meeting, and will be happy to convey your views to my colleagues at the Council.




Thank you, Mr. President. 





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