英语口译、笔译资料下载 让“中—太”友好合作之舟破浪前行 China
and Pacific Island Countries—Our Ship of Friendship and Cooperation will Keep
Forging Ahead
——在第二届中国—太平洋岛国经济发展合作论坛暨2013中国国际绿色创新技术产品展开幕式上的演讲 —Address at the Opening Ceremony
of the Second China-Pacific Island Countries Economic Development and Cooperation
Forum and the 2013 China International Green Innovative Products and
Technologies Show
汪洋 H.E. Wang Yang, Vice Premier of
the State Council of the People’s Republic of China
2013年11月8日,广州 Guangzhou, 8 November 2013
尊敬的各位国家元首和政府首脑阁下, 各位代表团团长、部长和大使阁下, 联合国工发组织总干事李勇阁下, 女士们,先生们:
Excellencies Heads of State and Government, Your
Excellencies Heads of Delegation, Ministers and Ambassadors, Your
Excellency Li Yong, Director General of the United Nations Industrial
Development Organization, Ladies
and Gentlemen,
Yesterday, leaders of Pacific
island countries and I, at our friendly meetings, reached much consensus and
achieved many cooperation results. Today, we are here together for the second
China-Pacific Island Countries Economic Development and Cooperation Forum. On
behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to extend warm congratulations on the
opening of the Forum and a heartfelt welcome to all the distinguished guests
coming from afar.
As the sole high-level collective
dialogue and cooperation mechanism between China and Pacific island countries,
the Forum serves as an important platform for the two sides to deepen mutual
understanding, friendship and cooperation. Since the launch of the Forum in
2006, thanks to the concerted efforts of all sides, our cooperation have made
encouraging progress in all fields. In the past seven years, our trade has
grown at a robust annual rate of 27% on average, topping US$4.5 billion in
2012. Nearly 150 Chinese companies are now operating in Pacific island
countries with a total investment of nearly US$1 billion and the contract value
of projects exceeding US$5 billion. Our people have made more mutual visits.
Seven Pacific island countries are now the approved destinations for Chinese
tourist groups. Last year, Chinese tourists made nearly 70,000 visits to
Pacific island countries. Economic cooperation and trade have grown fast,
delivering real benefits to all sides and bringing the Chinese people and
people of Pacific island countries closer together.
To facilitate the economic
development and improve people’s life in Pacific island countries has always
topped China’s agenda in growing friendly relations with them. China has
provided various assistance worth RMB9.4 billion to Pacific island countries,
undertaken more than 90 complete sets of projects, and sent a number of medical
and agricultural teams to the island countries. The national medical center situated
in the capital city of Samoa has significantly improved local medical
conditions. The renovated central business district in the capital city of
Tonga has become a busy downtown area. The Y-12 aircrafts and dual-use vessels
provided by China to some of the Pacific island countries have greatly helped
with local transport. These speak volumes about the sincere cooperation between
China and Pacific island countries and will bear witness to the lasting
friendship between our peoples.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The international political and
economic landscapes are undergoing major readjustment and transformation.
Global challenges of all kinds are mounting. Pacific island countries, given
their unique natural and geographic conditions, face more challenges and bigger
difficulties in climate change, disaster prevention and mitigation, maritime
environmental protection and food security. Hence, they need full
understanding, support and assistance from the international community. China
and Pacific island countries had similar experience in the past and have the
common task of economic development and poverty eradication. We in China
understand the unique conditions and aspirations of island countries and will
work closely together with them to meet various challenges and risks and set a
good example of South-South cooperation.
—Our cooperation is equal-footed.
We believe that countries, big or small, rich or poor, strong or weak, are all
equal members of the world community. China respects and supports Pacific
island countries in their choice of development path suited to national
conditions, and supports their effort in upholding sovereignty and development
rights and interests and participating in regional and international affairs on
the basis of equality.
—Our cooperation is sincere. We
feel truly happy for the economic and social progress the island countries have
made and share their feelings as they cope with difficulties on the way
forward. Our assistance to Pacific island countries is sincere and selfless,
with no strings attached. We will always do our best to keep our promise and
fulfill our commitments in good faith.
—Our cooperation is practical.
China sees economic growth and a better life of people in Pacific island
countries as the goal for our cooperation. We have worked hard to draw on each
other’s strengths and leverage our complementarities. We have made the best use
of available funds in meeting those needs of Pacific island countries where we
have the capabilities. By so doing, we aim to help address the most immediate
and pressing difficulties of Pacific island countries, make sure our
cooperation programs generate both short-term and long-term benefits, and
enhance the sustainability of our cooperation.
The measures announced by China at
the last Forum have been fully implemented. To step up our support for the
economic and social development of Pacific island countries, China will make
efforts in the following areas:
First, support Pacific island
countries in developing major projects. China will provide US$1 billion in
concessional loans to the Pacific island countries having diplomatic ties with
China for major production projects, and infrastructure and welfare programs.
China Development Bank will offer a special loan of US$1 billion to support
infrastructure development in these countries.
Second, support Pacific island
countries in expanding export to China. We will give zero-tariff treatment to
95% of the products from the least developed Pacific island countries, support
Pacific island businesses in participating in exhibitions and promotion
activities in China and create favorable conditions for their competitive
products to enter the Chinese market.
Third, support Pacific island
countries in developing human resources. China will provide 2,000 scholarships
in the next four years and continue to help train technical professionals for
Pacific island countries. We will also continue to help build primary and
secondary schools in island countries and provide assistance in Chinese language
Fourth, support Pacific island
countries in tapping the Chinese tourism market. We will assist Pacific island
countries in their tourism promotion activities in China, encourage more
Chinese tourists to visit the island countries, sign bilateral air services
agreements in due course and encourage our airlines to establish direct air
Fifth, support Pacific island
countries in developing health and medical programs. China will continue to
help Pacific island countries build medical facilities, send Chinese medical
teams, provide medical equipments and medicines, and share our anti-malaria
experience and technologies.
Sixth, support Pacific island
countries in enhancing agricultural production. We will strengthen cooperation
in the processing and trade of agricultural and forest products, investment and
R&D in agriculture and fishery, and protection and reasonable use of forest
resources. We will work to ensure the success of demonstration farms and other
cooperation projects, continue to dispatch agricultural and fishery experts and
provide relevant equipments for Pacific island countries.
Seventh, support Pacific island
countries in protecting the environment and preventing and reducing disasters.
China will provide Pacific island countries with solar street lights,
energy-efficient electric home appliances and other low-carbon products, help
develop a number of green energy projects in small hydro-power, solar power,
and biogas, and provide assistance in the forecast and early warning of extreme
weather and monitoring of marine environment. |
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