英语口译、笔译资料下载 常驻联合国副代表王民大使在第68届联大关于“国际原子能机构报告”议题的发言 Statement
by Ambassador Wang Min, Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the UN, at
the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly on Agenda Item “Report of
International Atomic Energy Agency”
The Chinese Delegation welcomes
the report of Director-General Amano on IAEA’s work.
Over the past year, the IAEA has
been earnestly fulfilling its duties under its Charter, and made substantial achievements in such areas as
peaceful use of nuclear energy, nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear safety and
security. The Agency organized two international ministerial conferences on
development of nuclear energy in the 21st century and on nuclear security
respectively, which provided important impetus for international efforts in
these regards. Meanwhile, the Agency has remained committed to enhancing the
effectiveness and efficiency of safeguards and promoting proper settlement of
regional hotspot issues. IAEA’s work has been fully acknowledged by its member
Mr. Chair,
The Fukushima nuclear accident
two years ago has prompted the international community to reflect on the
development of nuclear energy. The accident sounded the alarm bell for nuclear
safety. The recent reports on water leakage from the Fukushima nuclear plant
are a source of concern. China follows closely the countermeasures to be
adopted by Japan. We urge the Japanese side to spare no effort in minimizing
the subsequent impact of the accident and provide timely, comprehensive and
accurate information to the international community.
Since China is a major energy
consumer, the Chinese government firmly supports the development of nuclear
power. At the same time, China has always upheld the principle of “safety first”
and attached great importance to nuclear safety and emergency response. China
has made constant improvements to relevant laws and regulations, stepped up
infrastructure development, and established a rigid supervisory and regulatory
system for nuclear safety. China is also an active player in international
nuclear safety cooperation. The Nuclear Safety Demonstration Center in Beijing
is being built with steady progress, which will serve as a training and
exchange platform for Asia and the Pacific. China has made several donations to
the IAEA Nuclear Security Fund. China stands ready to provide help, through the
platform of the IAEA, to countries that need to convert HEU to LEU in their
research reactors.
Mr. Chair,
China has always actively
supported the IAEA in its effort to fully and effectively fulfill its duties
mandated by the IAEA Charter to
promote world peace and development. China hopes that the Agency will focus on
the following aspects in its future work:
First, effectively promote full
implementation of the Action Plan on
Nuclear Safety and the 2014-2017
Action Plan on Nuclear Security, with a view to raising global nuclear
security level and restoring international confidence in nuclear energy
development. We encourage the Agency to follow and monitor more closely the
subsequent impact of the Fukushima nuclear accident and provide the Japanese
government with necessary guidance and assistance to properly address the water
leakage issue. We also hope that the Agency will steadily push forward the
comprehensive review of the Fukushima nuclear accident and the response
Second, continue to provide
support and assistance to developing countries through IAEA technical
cooperation programs to help them develop and utilize nuclear energy.
Third, make safeguards more
effective and efficient while ensuring impartiality and objectivity.
Last but not least, continue to
play a constructive role in addressing regional nuclear issues, and contribute
to the settlement of relevant issues through dialogue.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. |
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