英语口译、笔译资料下载 Secretary-General’s
Message on International Day for the Abolition of Slavery 秘书长废除奴隶制国际日致辞
2 December 2013 2013年12月2日
This year’s International Day for
the Abolition of Slavery comes as the international community is intensifying
efforts to eradicate poverty and forge a post-2015 development agenda. In pursuing these goals, it is vital that we
give special consideration to ending modern-day slavery and servitude which
affects the poorest, most socially excluded groups – including migrants, women,
discriminated ethnic groups, minorities and indigenous peoples.
There has been important progress
in the last year. A number of countries
have acted to combat slavery through stronger domestic legislation and greater
coordination. More and more businesses
are working to ensure their activities do not cause or contribute to
contemporary forms of slavery in the workplace and their supply chains.
I strongly support these
initiatives and urge all Member States to ratify the Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, develop
robust and effective domestic legislation and boost enforcement on the
ground. The partnership of the private
sector in implementing these efforts is critical.
Civil society continues to play a
major role in assisting victims, often with the support of the United Nations
Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery. For more than 20 years, the Fund has helped
restore human rights and dignity to tens of thousands of children, women and
men. I urge continued support for this
vital initiative.
As we mark the International Day
for the Abolition of Slavery, let us join forces to make our world
让我们在纪念废除奴隶制国际日时共同努力,创建一个没有奴隶制的世界。 |
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