英语口译、笔译资料下载 Message
from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of World AIDS
Day 联合国教科文组织总干事伊琳娜·博科娃女士在世界艾滋病日的致辞
1 December 2013 2013年12月1日
This World AIDS Day is an
opportunity to celebrate much progress.
Globally, new HIV infections are
down 33 percent in 2012 from 2001. New infections among children have dropped
even further, down 52 percent to 260,000. Since the peak in 2005, AIDS-related
deaths have dropped by 30 percent, thanks largely to some 10 million people in
low- and middle-income countries receiving life-saving antiretroviral
treatment. The United Nations is set to exceed its goal of ensuring that 15
million people receive treatment by 2015.
All of this is positive, but
There are worrisome signs that
social and behavioural programmes may now have a lower priority than before.
Advances have been slow in ensuring respect of human rights and in securing
access to HIV services for people most at risk of HIV infection. For people
using drugs, there has been little change in the HIV burden, and HIV prevalence
among people who inject drugs remains high—up to 28 percent in Asia. Preventing
violence against women and girls, a key factor in vulnerability to HIV, remains
a serious problem.
Young people continue to be a
priority target for global action. This group still requires effective HIV and
sexuality education programmes, access to high-quality and youth-friendly sexual
and reproductive health services, and the elimination of sexual violence
against young women and girls.
UNESCO is sharpening its work in
this area. In Eastern and Southern Africa, we have spearheaded a new initiative
with UNAIDS -- and its cosponsors including UNICEF, UNFPA and WHO—in a region
where every hour still brings 50 new HIV infections amongst young people. A new
UNESCO Report, entitled Young People
Today—Time to Act Now, compiles evidence on the situation facing young
people in 21 countries of the region, calling for urgent action to ensure that
young people have access to comprehensive sexuality education as well as sexual
and reproductive health services. This Report is a key reference for country
consultations that will lead to a summit of ministers of education and health
from the region, to be held in Cape Town, South Africa, on 7 December 2013.
This will be an opportunity for all to redouble their commitment to strong
UNESCO has chaired the UNAIDS
Committee of Cosponsoring Organizations throughout this year. In this capacity,
I have led discussions on how the eleven United Nations cosponsors of UNAIDS
and its Secretariat will accelerate action to achieve the Millennium
Development Goals, and what we will collectively do to support countries beyond
2015, in a world where HIV and AIDS requires that we use every resource
available to overcome this terrible epidemic. There is progress across the
world, but the stakes remain high and we must not tire in accelerating
教科文组织今年全年担任联合国艾滋病规划署共同赞助组织委员会的主席。作为主席,我牵头开展了多场讨论,探讨联合国艾滋病规划署及其秘书处的十一个联合国共同赞助组织如何加快行动以实现千年发展目标以及2015年后我们应共同为各国提供何种支持,以便利用一切可用的资源来战胜这种流行病。世界各地都在取得进展,但形式依然严峻,我们必须毫不懈怠地推动这项事业的加速发展。 |
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