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Kerry’s Video Message on the Geneva Talks with Iran 国务卿克里就与伊朗举行的日内瓦会谈发表的视频讲话
Washington, DC 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区
November 26, 2013 2013年11月26日
You’ll be hearing a lot about
what the United States and our partners just achieved in Geneva so I wanted to
take a minute to share with you an inside view of what we really accomplished
here and to explain very clearly what it is and what it isn’t. First of all,
this is a beginning. It’s a first step. Over the coming months, we’re going to
roll up our sleeves and keep working with the parties at the table in order to
reach a final, comprehensive agreement that ensures Iran will not acquire a
nuclear weapon and that the nuclear program that they do have will be entirely
peaceful. And that has to be absolutely verifiable.
So let me lay out the main points
of what we’ve already achieved here in this first step agreement. And the
reason I want to do that is, it’s significant. This agreement that we’ve just
signed is the first in almost a decade to put any kind of meaningful limits on
Iran’s nuclear program. And we’re not just slowing down its progress; we’re
actually halting it and even rolling it back in some key areas. That’s very
important. It means that even as we continue to move forward with negotiations,
Iran’s nuclear program will not move forward, and in some respects it’s going
to be moving backwards.
So here’s exactly what this
agreement does. In order to work, nuclear weapons require either highly
enriched uranium or plutonium. Uranium, as I’m sure you know, is found in
nature, but it’s found in a form, a raw form, that can’t be used for a bomb. So
to make it useful for nuclear weapons, you need to separate the majority of the
uranium that is not useful for nuclear weapons from the small amount that is,
and this is a process called enrichment.
Highly enriched uranium, or HEU,
can be produced in a number of ways, but an increasingly common way is through
the use of centrifuges because they are low power, very cheap to operate, and
easy to hide. Uranium for weapons is about 90% enriched. And uranium for reactors,
for instance to give you nuclear power for your electricity in your home, is
usually at about 5%. So you see the difference here. Plutonium, on the other
hand, is not found in nature. It requires putting uranium into a reactor and
then you separate out the plutonium from the uranium. Our proposal addresses
both of these paths to nuclear weapons.
On enrichment, we are eliminating
Iran’s stockpile of already enriched - 20% enriched - uranium. We are holding
their centrifuge program where it is today, and we are stopping them from using
their most advanced centrifuges. These are centrifuges that can separate
uranium very quickly and do the enrichment very fast so they are very risky and
that’s why we keep them away from that process for now.
On plutonium, we’re putting on
hold the most meaningful parts of their reactor that’s currently under
construction in a place called Arak, Iran. Now this is their most likely source
of plutonium, and that’s why it’s something we are absolutely determined to
stop. On top of this, we’re also adding more international inspections so that
we know exactly what Iran is doing at these risky places and that is very
consistent with our deal and, most importantly, it’s so that we can make
absolutely certain that they are not using these facilities during the time
that we’re negotiating the comprehensive deal in order to move towards nuclear
weapons. In other words, we’re verifying, and for the first time, we will get
inspectors into their critical facilities every single day.
Now let me tell you what this
first step does not do, because some people are putting out some misinformation
on it and I want it to be clear. It does not lift the current architecture of
our sanctions. Our sanctions are basically banking and oil sanctions, and those
sanctions will stay in place. All the core sanctions on financial services
remain firmly in place, and we do this in exchange for Iran keeping its end of
the agreement -- that they will get a small amount of additional money which is
totally reversible if we need to, if they don’t keep their word, but we give
them a small amount of relief. Iran will be allowed to repatriate about $4.2
billion or so in oil revenues and will be allowed to export about $2.5 billion
in petrochemicals and vehicles. So believe me, when I say this relief is
limited and reversible, I mean it.
We all know that if the agreement
falls apart, Iran is going to quickly face even tougher sanctions. I want you
to know these were not easy negotiations. We drove a very hard bargain to
achieve what we needed to in terms of our verification and certainty about
where they’re going. And we drove a hard bargain because we have one unwavering
purpose in our goal. President Obama has been absolutely clear that Iran cannot
and will not acquire a nuclear weapon. And today, thanks to this effort, we
took an important first step towards guaranteeing that that never happens, and
I think we did it in the most effective way. We did it through diplomacy.
So now it’s time to get back to
work. We are immediately going to work on the final agreement, the
comprehensive agreement, and our diplomats and our experts will be at the
negotiating table very soon again working to achieve this final comprehensive
agreement that addresses all of our concerns and our friends: Israel, Saudi
Arabia, the Arab Emirates, others. The whole world has an interest in making
sure that this is a peaceful program. We absolutely also have an interest in
trying to achieve that through a peaceful, diplomatic means and also to have a
total answer to the question that challenges the security of the United States,
the Middle East, and the world.
So we’re going to get this done,
I hope, but we’re not cocky about it. We’re not overconfident. It’s going to
take a lot of work, and in the end, it’s really up to Iran to make the choice,
to prove that its program is indeed peaceful. They can say it, but saying it
doesn’t make it happen. It has to be proven. And in the end, they have to be
the ones to make the choice to do that. So let’s work together, all of us, to
try and forge a different future that benefits all of us. Thank you.
所以,我希望我们将完成这项工作,但是我们不会自大。我们不会过于自信。这需要大量的工作,而且最终,这实际上取决于伊朗作出选择,取决于伊朗证明其项目是真正用于和平目的。他们可以这么说,但是光说是没用的。必须得到证明。而且最终,必须是由他们作出选择这样做。所以,让我们,我们所有各方,一起合作,努力打造一个有益于我们所有各方的不同未来。谢谢大家。 |
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