英语口译、笔译资料下载 中文版:国际反腐败日致辞2013.doc Secretary-General’s
Message on International Anti-Corruption Day 秘书长国际反腐败日致辞
9 December 2013 2013年12月9日
Corruption suppresses economic
growth by driving up costs, and undermines the sustainable management of the
environment and natural resources. It
breaches fundamental human rights, exacerbates poverty and increases inequality
by diverting funds from health care, education and other essential services. The malignant effects of corruption are felt
by billions of people everywhere. It is
driven by and results in criminal activity, malfunctioning state institutions
and weak governance.
Good governance is critical for
sustainable development, and vital in combating organized crime. Every link in the trafficking chain is
vulnerable to corruption, from the bribes paid to corrupt officials by dealers
in arms and drugs to the fraudulent permits and licenses used to facilitate the
illicit trade in natural resources.
Corruption is also rife in the
world of sport and business, and in public procurement processes. In the last decade, the private sector has
increasingly recognized its role in fighting corruption. A Call
to Action launched by the United Nations Global Compact and partners is
mobilizing businesses and Governments to engage in transparent
procurement. Guidelines are also being
developed to help business fight corruption in sport sponsorship and
The UN is strongly committed to
fulfilling its own obligations.
Operating in some of the world’s most unstable environments, the UN
faces multifaceted corruption risks that can undermine our efforts to advance
development, peace and human rights. We
have developed a robust system of internal controls and continue to remain
vigilant and work hard to set an example of integrity.
Corruption is a barrier to
achieving the Millennium Development Goals and needs to be taken into account
in defining and implementing a robust post-2015 development agenda. The UN
Convention against Corruption, adopted 10 years ago, is the paramount
global framework for preventing and combating corruption. Full implementation depends crucially on
effective prevention, law enforcement, international cooperation and asset
recovery. On this International
Anti-Corruption Day, I urge Governments, the private sector and civil society
to take a collective stand against this complex social, political and economic
disease that affects all countries. To
achieve an equitable, inclusive and more prosperous future for all, we must
foster a culture of integrity, transparency, accountability and good
腐败是实现千年发展目标的一大障碍,在制定和实施稳健的2015年后发展议程时须加以考虑。10年前通过的《联合国反腐败公约》是预防和打击腐败方面最重要的全球框架。其全面实施在很大程度上取决于能否进行有效的预防、执法、国际合作和资产追回。值此国际反腐败日之际,我谨敦促各国政府、私营部门和民间社会采取共同立场防治这一无国不受其害的复杂社会、政治和经济之症。我们必须树立起一种廉正、透明、问责和善治的文化,才能实现一个人人共享的公正、包容和更加繁荣的未来。 |
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