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2013-12-12 20:14| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 47| 评论: 0|来自: 中华人民共和国外交部

摘要: Remarks by H.E. Wang Yi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, at the APEC Informal Senior Officials’ Meeting



Dear Colleagues,




APEC is entering a new phase of development. At this new historical starting point, we need to join hands and enable APEC to play an even greater role. I wish to share with you a few thoughts on APEC’s future development.




First, we need to consolidate the basis for our cooperation. Many people have told me that the proudest achievement of APEC is its spirit of Asia-Pacific family and community of common destiny. We have a saying in China, a distant relative is not as helpful as a close neighbor. You may choose your friends, but not your neighbors. The Asia-Pacific is our common homeland where we all belong and grow. We should cherish and take good care of it, focusing our efforts on shaping the future through partnership.




Second, we need to uphold the concept of cooperation. Although the members of APEC come from different regions, we all place great importance on treating others with sincerity and helping each other for win-win outcomes in our respective cultural traditions. All APEC members should be cooperative partners in seeking progress. We should respect and trust each other, honor our commitment and maintain harmonious relations, and offer each other support and assistance in times of need. This should be what the spirit of the APEC family is all about.




Third, we need to work for greater achievements in our cooperation. APEC cooperation should be a common enterprise for us all. We should accommodate the legitimate concerns of others while seeking our own interests and promote common development while pursuing our own development. On the basis of the existing outcomes, we need to strengthen top-level design and overall planning, set out ambitious goals and blueprint for cooperation, and work for new achievements and breakthroughs in APEC cooperation, so as to provide strong driving force for the future growth and common development of the Asia-Pacific region.




Fourth, we need to ensure strong guarantee for our cooperation. We should abide by the principle of harmony without uniformity and the spirit of openness and mutual accommodation in order to turn diversity and differences among APEC members into a cohesive power and a common call for deepening cooperation. We should uphold the APEC spirit of voluntarism and consensus, and stay convinced that the Asia-Pacific is big enough to accommodate the development of all parties.




Dear Colleagues,




APEC cooperation in the past 25 years has yielded fruitful results despite various difficulties. Looking ahead, the task remains arduous but the prospect is bright. As the host in 2014, we will build on the progress accumulated through the hard efforts of all APEC members in the past 25 years, work with all the other members to turn challenges into opportunities and build small gains into major accomplishments, and make our due contribution to the sustainable growth, progress and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region. I hope that when we meet in the magnificent surroundings of the Great Wall and Yanqi Lake during the golden autumn season next year in Beijing, we will be able to come up with a long list of deliverables and take a new step forward in the pursuit of common development of all Asia-Pacific partners.




Thank you. 






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