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Governance: Solutions for Today’s Global Economy 智能治理:当前全球经济问题的解决方案
Nemat Shafik, Deputy Managing
Director, International Monetary Fund 基金组织副总裁奈梅特·沙菲克
Oxford, United Kingdom 英国伦敦
December 5, 2013 2013年12月5日
Good afternoon! I am so pleased
to be here with you today, where I spent very happy years earning my DPhil in
economics. This is a magical place, full of beauty and clever people. My only
regret is that I left too soon.
Fortunately, my good friends
Ngaire Woods and Max Watson have invited me to return to give the Annual Global
Economic Governance Lecture. Let me outline the main points I plan to make
幸运的是,我的好朋友Ngaire Woods 和Max Watson邀请我重回故地,就年度全球经济治理问题座谈。我想概括地说一下今天打算谈的要点。
the case for smart governance 为什么需要智能治理
Global economic crises tend to
reignite discussions of global governance and international cooperation. The
recent crisis has been no different. This is because crises lay bare the
shortcomings of existing international rules and institutions.
We have seen how weaknesses and
failures in banks and capital markets can spread through the international
financial system. The same is true for other challenges faced by the world
today, whether we are talking about climate change, nuclear weapons
proliferation, or health pandemics. What happens anywhere affects everybody—and
increasingly so.
So it is pretty clear that the
world needs more, not less, international coordination and cooperation. But how
to achieve this goal? In a recent article, the FT’s Martin Wolf discussed the
importance of global public goods and how to provide them. “The states on which
humanity depends to provide these goods, from security to management of
climate, are unpopular, overstretched and at odds. We need to think about how
to manage such a world. It is going to take extraordinary creativity.”
因此,很明显,世界需要更多而不是更少的国际协调和合作。但是,如何才能实现这一目标呢?金融时报的Martin Wolf在最近一篇文章中讨论了全球公共产品的重要性,以及如何提供这些产品。“人类提供这些产品(从安全到气候管理)所依赖的规则不受人欢迎、过分紧张且不一致。我们需要思考如何管理这样一个世界。这要求有非凡的创造性”。
Martin is right. We need to be
creative if we want to make progress. We need smart governance if we want
solutions that work for today’s global economy.
I would like to focus today on
three related topics. First, I will briefly touch upon the historical
relationship between crises on the one hand, and governance reforms and policy
coordination on the other hand. Second, I will discuss the response in terms of
governance reforms and policy coordination that we have seen in the aftermath
of the financial crisis of 2008. Finally, I will close my talk by sharing with
you some reflections on how global economic governance might evolve going
forward—how “smart governance” may provide the right balance between
flexibility and effectiveness that the world needs to manage globalization.
A world
in transition 转轨中的世界
The global economy is in
transition. Global economic power is shifting from west, to east and south.
Emerging and developing economies already make up more than 50 percent of
global GDP (on a PPP basis)—ten years from now this number is expected to
increase to 64 percent.
At the same time, trade and
financial linkages have risen spectacularly. Cross-border bank claims grew from
$6 to over $30 trillion between 1990 and 2008, and global merchandise exports
of goods and services increased from $4 trillion to $20 trillion. While these
numbers contracted somewhat in subsequent years due to the global crisis, the
growth rates for the past 20 or 30 years are still impressive.
On the production side, global
supply chains have become the norm rather than the exception. A typical
manufacturing company today relies on inputs from more than 35 different
contractors from around the world—for some companies, such as car and airplane
manufacturers, this number can range in the tens of thousands.
With the sharp increase in
interconnectedness and the growing diffusion of economic power, it would have
been reasonable to expect a simultaneous transformation and expansion of global
governance. In theory, demand for global governance should have increased with
rising levels of global integration in order to manage the rules of the game
and reduce negative spillover effects.
But as we all know, global
governance issues were on the backburner in the run-up to the financial crisis.
Indeed, against the background of high growth and low output volatility—what
has been called “the Great Moderation”—observers even wondered whether global
governance was a concept of the past, and institutions such as the IMF, World
Bank and WTO superfluous.
Only in 2008, when a disruption
in a relatively small segment of the U.S. financial system spilled into distant
markets and countries, and morphed into a full-fledged global financial crisis,
it became clear that there had been an undersupply of global governance in the
years leading up to the crisis.
as opportunity 危机同时也提供了机遇
Five years after the onslaught of
the global financial crisis, economic governance remains at the center of the
policy debate. I would argue that this is no surprise, given that,
historically, there has been a symbiotic relationship between crises and the
evolution of governance.
Granted, governance is often seen
as evolving slowly and in an incremental manner and at a stately pace, while
crises are intrinsically disruptive and revolutionary. However, as history has
repeatedly shown, crisis often bring out the shortcomings of existing
governance arrangements, while the fear of recurrence can galvanize support for
For instance, in the wake of
World War I, the League of Nations was created to promote international
cooperation and achieve international peace and security, while experiences of
hyperinflation in the 1920s motivated efforts to restore the gold standard.
Similarly, the Great Depression and World War II triggered much of our current
architecture of global governance, with the creation of the United Nations,
IMF, World Bank, and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, now the World
Trade Organization. The traumatic experience of World War II also provided
impetus for political and economic integration in Europe.
In the United States, the
financial crisis of 1907 paved the way for the creation of the Federal Reserve,
while the bitter experience of the Great Depression led to a major overhaul of
financial regulation, with the passage of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1933, which
separated commercial and investment banking, and remained in place for more
than sixty years. More recently, the regional currency swap arrangements among
ASEAN members known as Chiang Mai Initiative were created in the aftermath of
the Asian crisis.
在美国, 1907年的金融危机为创建美联储铺平了道路,大萧条的痛苦经历导致对金融监管进行重大改革,以及在1933年通过格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案,让商业银行与投资银行业务分离,这种分离保持了60多年。亚洲危机之后,东盟成员国之间建立了区域货币互换安排(被称为清迈倡议)。
As with similar situations in the
past, the global financial crisis of 2008 imposed large costs and hardship on
affected countries. However, from a perspective of economic governance, it has
also provided a window of opportunity to advance reforms and strengthen policy
coordination. Did we manage to not let a good crisis go to waste? (a quote
associated with Rahm Emanuel, President Obama’s former Chief of Staff, but like
all great quotes was said by Churchill first). Let me provide a brief overview
of what we have achieved in the past five years before looking at the gaps that
与以往情况类似,2008年的全球金融危机给受创国造成巨大的成本和困难。然而,从经济治理的角度看,它也为推进改革和加强政策协调提供了一个机会窗口。我们能让危机白白发生吗?(引述奥巴马总统前办公厅主任Rahm Emanuel的话,但是,与所有伟大格言都有更早出处一样,这句话最早是丘吉尔说的)。首先让我总结一下在过去五年所取得的成绩,然后看看还存在些差距。 |
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