A mixed
score card 好坏参半的成绩单
The efforts in governance reform
since the crisis can be broadly split into three categories—coordinating
macroeconomic policies, fixing global financial regulation, and strengthening
regional and global safety nets.
First, macroeconomic policy
coordination. Although not perfect, such coordination was particularly strong
at the initial stage of the crisis. For instance, six major central banks
announced, in an unprecedented move, a coordinated cut in policy rates in
October 2008 to ease global economic conditions. The U.S Federal Reserve and 14
different monetary authorities established temporary U.S. currency swap
arrangements to mitigate dollar shortages in short-term funding markets. And
the first ever G20 Leaders’ Summit was convened in November 2008 and led to a
commitment to coordinated fiscal stimulus and a pledge to refrain from
These massive efforts meant that,
instead of another Great Depression, we got the Great Recession, which actually
is a significant achievement, given the possible counterfactuals. However, more
recently, the momentum for policy coordination has slowed, as the focus has
shifted from preventing a calamity to avoiding future crises and supporting the
nascent recovery. Some have argued that while the G20 was good in war, it might
not be able to deliver as much in peace time.
And the task is far from over.
One challenge faced by the
international community going forward will be to continue the dialogue on
unwinding unconventional monetary policies and managing potential spillover
effects as well as managing our way out of the debt burdens accumulated during
the crisis.
Second, global financial
regulation. To address the origins of the crisis, G20 members committed to a
fundamental overhaul of global financial regulation, with the intention of
promoting a more transparent, safe, and resilient global financial system.
Most notably, the Financial
Stability Board (FSB) was created in 2009 with a mandate to develop and promote
effective financial regulation. Significant progress has been made in terms of
strengthening system-wide oversight, increasing capital and liquidity buffers,
promoting the exchange of financial information, and implementing
macroprudential policy frameworks. Efforts are also underway to facilitate
cross-border resolution.
Yet major challenges remain, such
as ending the too-big-to-fail problem, reforming shadow banking, and making
derivatives markets safer. In the euro area, recent policy actions have helped
ease market stress, but more still needs to be done to reverse financial
fragmentation and move towards a full banking union.
Third, strengthening regional and
global safety nets. To mitigate the impact of the crisis, countries came
together to strengthen the global financial safety net, including by trebling
the size of the IMF’s resources and increasing the allocation of SDRs. In
Europe, the financial architecture of the euro area was enhanced through the
creation of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) and the ECB’s Outright
Monetary Transactions (OMT) framework. In other parts of the world, commitments
to regional financing arrangements, such as the Chang Mai Initiative and the
Eurasian Economic Community Anti-crisis Fund, were reinforced.
However, progress has been uneven
in other areas. For example, in the case of the IMF, the agreement reached in
2010 on important quota and governance reforms that would further increase the
voice and representation of emerging market and developing economies has not
yet been implemented. While two of three required conditions have been
fulfilled, further support is needed to meet the final condition that will
allow the reform to take effect.
If we put all this together, the
report card on global governance reform since the crisis is somewhat mixed.
Policymakers across the globe need to keep the momentum alive and seize the
opportunity to advance governance reform while memories of the crisis and the
sense of urgency remain fresh. Indeed, there is a real danger that the window
of opportunity for addressing some of the most challenging global issues might
soon be closing. How can this trend be reversed and important reforms
finalized? To answer this question, it is helpful to look at the different
types of solutions that have evolved as means to deliver global public goods.
versus hard policy coordination 软和硬政策协调
In what direction is the global
system of economic governance and policy coordination evolving? To answer this
question, I find it instructive to differentiate between “hard” and “soft”
governance and policy coordination.
“Hard” policy coordination is
typified by quid pro quos in policies with a focus on specific and tangible
outcomes. Examples include the two initial G20 Leaders’ Summits that took place
in the immediate aftermath of the crisis, and resulted in the coordinated
fiscal policy response I mentioned earlier and the creation of the FSB.
In contrast, “softer” forms of
coordination are more process-based without a priori expectation of substantial
outcomes or agreements. They are designed to facilitate the exchange of views
and information sharing on an ongoing basis, such as the regular discussions
among central bankers at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
Soft and hard policy coordination
can complement each other. For instance, soft arrangements can keep the policy
dialogue alive during quiet times, and provide a framework for harder
cooperation, and even full-fledged policy coordination, during crises.
versus hard governance 软和硬治理
A parallel argument can be made
for governance. “Hard” governance arrangements require the establishment of
legal obligations and independent institutions through treaties. The UN, IMF,
World Bank and the WTO typify such arrangements.
On the positive side, this kind
of hard, treaty-based architecture strengthens the credibility of member
countries’ commitments and grants legal enforcement powers to institutions.
However, their establishment and adaptation to changing circumstances tends to
be a relatively slow-moving process, which can be a problem when the global
environment or the needs of members change.
“Soft” governance arrangements,
such as the G20 and BRIC country groupings, the FSB, or the Financial Action
Task Force (FATF) have no international legal personality or obligations. As a
result, they tend to be more flexible and can often be put in place more
quickly. They do not, however, have treaty-based mandates or legal enforcement
powers. As a result, they have a more limited ability to enforce commitments,
which can pose challenges for their relevance and effectiveness over time.
“软的”治理安排,如20国集团和金砖四国集团、FSB或金融行动特别工作组(FATF )不具备国际法律地位或义务。因此,它们往往更灵活,通常可以更快地建立。但是,它们没有基于条约的授权或执法权力。结果,它们强制执行承诺的能力更有限,随着时间推移,这会给其相关性和有效性带来挑战。
Finally, there are, of course,
also private sector solutions to governance challenges. One example are
Collective Action Clauses (CACs) which allow a supermajority of bondholders to
agree to changes in bond payments terms, with the intention of facilitating
smoother debt restructuring. Another example is IFRS, an independent nonprofit
foundation that promotes the harmonization of global accounting standards.
最后,当然,解决治理挑战还有私营部门解决方案。其中一个例子是“集体行动条款”,该条款允许在绝对多数债权人同意的情况下变更债券支付条款,以促进债务顺利重组。另一个例子是国际财务报告准则,这是一个独立的非营利基金会,旨在促进全球会计标准的统一。 |
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