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2013-12-18 23:34| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 5| 评论: 0|来自: 中国外交部网

摘要: Embark on a New Journey of China’s Diplomacy: Address by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Symposium “New Starting Point, New Thinking and New Practice 2013: China and the World”



In 2013, China’s sincere efforts on the diplomatic front have been rewarded with friendship and achievements. Reviewing our work in the past year, I believe major achievements have been made in the following six areas.




Firstly, the China-Russia Comprehensive and Strategic Partnership of Coordination has been elevated to a new stage. Russia was the first leg of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s first overseas visit in March as China’s President. The two presidents signed a joint statement that carried much weight. In the statement, the two countries explicitly committed to staunchly supporting each other’s development and revitalization, the right of independently choosing development path and social and political system and upholding such core interests as sovereignty, territorial integrity and security. It set up a fine example of mutual trust and cooperation between major countries. The two sides signed a large number of cooperation agreements which were known as agreements of the century, demonstrating the strategic and special nature of the China-Russia relations. Since last March, the two presidents of China and Russia have had five meetings, cooperation in economy, energy, culture, military and other areas as well as people-to-people and sub-national exchanges have been raised to a higher level, and international strategic coordination and cooperation between the two countries have scaled new heights. The China-Russia ties are a strategic relationship of the highest level and with the most substantive contents in China’s foreign relations.




Secondly, China and the US have entered a new era of jointly building a new model of major-country relations. Historically, it seemed unavoidable for major countries, especially emerging powers and established powers, to engage in competition and eventually slip into confrontation or even conflicts. But in a rapidly globalizing world of the 21st century, China does not believe in or subscribe to such fatalism. We are fully confident in breaking this so-called “pattern” by working together with the US. In June this year, President Xi Jinping, upon invitation, had a meeting with President Obama at Annenberg Estate, California. They reached important agreement on building a new model of major-country relations. President Xi characterized this new model of major-country relationship with three defining features: no conflict or confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation. No conflict or confrontation is the necessary prerequisite. It would enable both sides to abandon bearish expectations on their relations and foster confidence in their prospects. Mutual respect is the basic principle. If this principle is not followed, the two countries will not be able to seek common ground while shelving differences, accumulate consensus while addressing differences, and live with each other in harmony. Win-win cooperation is the only way forward. If China and the US fail to continue and enhance their cooperation, they won’t achieve win-win results, which will not only benefit the two countries, but also the world at large. In 2013, President Xi and President Obama met twice. This year also saw Vice President Biden’s visit to China, the successful conclusion of the fifth round of Strategic and Economic Dialogues and the fourth round of High-level Consultation on People-to-people Exchange, and the start of substantive negotiations between China and the US on a bilateral investment treaty. All these have substantiated the new model of major-country relations between China and the US.




Thirdly, China has broken new ground in its neighborhood diplomacy. China’s neighborhood is crucial to its security, development and prosperity. The new government of China has given greater importance to neighborhood diplomacy in its overall diplomatic agenda. Both President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang made neighboring countries the first leg of their first overseas visits after taking office. They exchanged visits with the heads of state and government of 21 neighboring countries and there have been extensive high-level contacts between China and its neighbors. Over the past year, China has put in practice its cooperation concept of benefitting neighbors for win-win results, proposed a number of major cooperation initiatives, and has seen its practical cooperation with its neighbors enhanced. We have deepened political mutual trust with them in a spirit of treating others with every sincerity. We have vigorously advocated the regional spirit of openness, inclusiveness and agreeing to disagree, encouraged various regional cooperation mechanisms such as 10+1, 10+3, the East Asia Summit and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to complement and reinforce each other, and make significant contribution to regional peace and development. In October this year, we held the first conference on neighborhood diplomacy since the founding of the PRC, which set out the strategic objectives, basic principles and overall plan for our neighborhood diplomacy in the next five to ten years, thus opening up even greater prospects for neighborhood diplomacy.




Fourthly, the unity and cooperation between China and other developing countries have come to a new phase. Developing countries are the foundation for China’s diplomacy. In 2013, President Xi Jinping visited Tanzania and two other African countries, met with over 10 African leaders, announced a host of new measures supporting Africa, and signed over 40 cooperation agreements with them, including major projects that bear on their national development and people’s wellbeing. Meanwhile, African leaders have forcefully refuted the so-called “neo-colonialism” by China in Africa, and have highly appreciated China’s policy towards Africa. In addition, President Xi Jinping visited Mexico and two other Latin American countries this year. During the trip, he signed 24 cooperation documents, had bilateral talks with leaders from eight Caribbean countries, and announced a set of new measures supporting the economic and social development of Caribbean countries. All this has been very well received. Notwithstanding a substantial increase in its aggregate national strength, China has remained a developing country. This is an objective fact that we should recognize, and it will remind us that no matter how far we go in the course of development, we should always speak for developing countries, act in their interests, and firmly uphold their legitimate rights and shared interests.




Fifthly, China has given full play to the role of a responsible major country and made new contribution in the world. As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China has never forgotten its international responsibilities and obligations, and has taken an active part in addressing major regional and international issues. China is a defender of world peace. At the make-or-break moments in both Syria and the Iranian nuclear talks, China has resolutely safeguarded the basic norms governing international relations, upheld equity and justice, and opposed war and power politics. It has thus played a positive role in bringing the Syrian issue back to the track of a political settlement and concluding an agreement between the P5+1 and Iran. China is a builder of Asian security and stability. We have worked together with other parties to ease tension on the Korean Peninsula, actively pushed for a resumption of the Six-Party Talks, and supported peace and the reconstruction process in Afghanistan. We have thus played a vital part in maintaining regional peace and stability. China is a contributor to the cause of international development. We have actively participated in the making of the post-2015 development agenda, and offered our proposals for and contributed our share to possible solutions to climate change and other global issues.




Sixthly, China has achieved new progress in upholding its national interests. President Xi Jinping underscored that China will be firmly committed to the path of peaceful development, but not at the expense of its national interests. Over the past year, we have unswervingly implemented the decisions and arrangements of the central leadership and effectively forestalled the illegal acts of individual countries to encroach upon China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. We also maintain that relevant issues need to be resolved properly through dialogue and negotiation on the basis of fully respecting historical facts and international law. China and ASEAN countries have launched consultations on a code of conduct in the South China Sea within the framework of implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea. China has reached agreement with Brunei and Vietnam on promoting joint development and maritime cooperation. All these contributed to the peace and stability in the South China Sea.





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