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2013-12-18 23:34| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 6| 评论: 0|来自: 中国外交部网

摘要: Embark on a New Journey of China’s Diplomacy: Address by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Symposium “New Starting Point, New Thinking and New Practice 2013: China and the World”



Diplomatic Envoys,

Dear Friends,




In 2013, China’s diplomacy has got off to a good start and achieved many exciting results. In 2014, China will make all-round efforts in its diplomacy, and achieve even more exciting result in the year to come. We are going to focus on the following five areas.




We will work harder to build a framework of major-country relations featuring sound interactions and healthy development. We will strengthen high-level exchanges, deepen strategic mutual trust, increase converging interests and promote sustained, stable and sound growth of bilateral relations with major countries. We will go further in building a new model of major-country relationship between China and the United States and give more substance to this relationship by making our cooperation more productive. We will expand practical cooperation across the board and intensify international strategic coordination with Russia to ensure that China’s relations with Russia will always operate on a high level. We will implement the China-EU 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation and find more ways for our respective development strategies to truly dovetail. We will also elevate our relations with major developing countries and strengthen our coordination and cooperation on important regional and international issues.




We will work harder to foster a stable, friendly and prosperous neighborhood to underpin our overall diplomatic strategy. We will thoroughly implement the conclusions of the conference on China’s neighborhood diplomacy. We will consolidate good-neighborliness and friendship, enhance mutually beneficial cooperation and build a closely-knit community of shared destiny with neighboring countries. We will stick to the goal of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and promote the resumption of the Six-Party Talks. We will firmly uphold China’s sovereignty and dignity and resolve disputes over territories and maritime rights and interests with some neighbors through dialogue and negotiation. We will play a good host to the fourth Ministerial Conference of the Istanbul Process in an effort to promote political reconciliation and economic reconstruction in Afghanistan.




We will work harder to deepen traditional friendship with other developing countries. The notion of sticking to the right approach to principles and interests as adopted by China has become a banner guiding China’s diplomacy. We will expand practical cooperation with Africa in various fields, implement announced measures of assistance to Africa and make new breakthroughs in China-Africa trade and economic cooperation. We will ensure the success of the sixth Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum and announce new measures of cooperation between China and Arab states. We will promote the establishment of a cooperation forum between China and Latin America and the Caribbean to inject new impetus into China’s cooperation with this region as a whole. We will also follow the right approach to principles and interests and uphold justice and equality in the international arena. In particular, we will continue to speak up for developing countries and act in their interests.




We will work harder to step up economic diplomacy to facilitate efforts to comprehensively deepen reform at home. We will vigorously promote the development of the economic belt along the Silk Road and the maritime Silk Road for the 21st century and endeavor to achieve an early harvest on those initiatives. We will accelerate the implementation of the FTA strategy both bilaterally and multilaterally, work with relevant countries for the early conclusion of negotiations on the China-ROK and China-Australia FTAs, make substantive progress in negotiating an upgraded version of the China-ASEAN FTA and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and continue to advance the negotiations on China-Japan-ROK FTA. We are open towards the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and other regional and trans-regional free trade initiatives. And we encourage inclusiveness on all parties to work jointly for mutual progress. We will take an active part in the reform of the international economic governance system and steadily raise China’s right and say in rule-making internationally.




We will work harder to ensure the success of diplomatic events to be hosted by China. We aim to take the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia and the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in China next year as opportunities to promote security cooperation and economic development. We will also use the occasions of different fora and expos to be held in China to explain to the world the open and inclusive nature of the Chinese dream, China’s commitment to peaceful development and the right approach to principles and interests and how they will benefit the whole world, with a view to cultivating and enhancing China’s soft power. We will also try to make China’s voice heard, present China’s proposition and play China’s due role regarding proper settlement of the Syrian issue, the Iranian nuclear issue and other regional and international hotspot issues.




Diplomatic Envoys,

Dear Friends,




The Third Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC opened up a new historic stage of China’s reform and development. Under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary, China, firmly committed to reform, will continue to adhere to the win-win strategy of opening-up and forge an even closer community of shared interests with the rest of the world. China will continue to serve as an important engine for global growth and a stronger driver of development and prosperity of the world and will continue to play its due role as a responsible major country and make greater contribution to world peace and stability.




In conclusion, I wish the symposium a full success.




Thank you.






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