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2014-1-19 10:25| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 16| 评论: 0|来自: WHO

摘要: WHO Director-General assesses progress and challenges in women’s and children’s health

Opening Remarks at the Fourth Stakeholder Meeting: Accountability for Women’s and Children’s Health – Now and in the Post-2015 Agenda



Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization



Geneva, Switzerland

瑞士 日内瓦


14 January 2014



Colleagues in public health, development partners, representatives of sister agencies and civil society organizations, ladies and gentlemen,




Welcome to this fourth meeting of stakeholders as we continue our efforts to improve accountability for women’s and children’s health. I thank all of you for coming to Geneva. We have a good mix of perspectives, experiences, and contributions at many levels represented in this room.




We are at the midpoint in a time-bound process of improving accountability. This is a good time to take stock of where we stand, the lessons we have learned, and how we can institutionalize these lessons as the international community moves into the post-2015 era.




When I was asked to serve as a vice-chair for the Commission on Information and Accountability for Women’s and Children’s Health, I knew we were embarking on a journey into largely uncharted territory.




Accountability for resources and results has long been deeply desired, but rarely tackled in a rigorous and systematic way. I also knew that establishing an accountability framework specifically for women’s and children’s health would be an especially hard test case, perhaps even the hardest test case imaginable.




As we all know, maternal and child mortality cannot be brought down without addressing fundamental weaknesses in health systems that have been neglected for decades. Addressing accountability for women’s and children’s health means addressing long-standing problems with health infrastructures and services, inadequate numbers of appropriately trained and motivated staff, and the absence in most countries of reliable systems for civil registration and vital statistics.




Accountability means counting. Transparency is impossible in the absence of reliable data. It means improving the way donors and recipient countries work together, the way information is collected and used, and the capacity to track resource flows throughout the health sector.




It means ensuring equitable access to services, fair financing for care, and, as the independent Expert Review Group so clearly reminds us, high quality care that is person-centred, not intervention-centred.




I have visited countries that removed fees for maternal and child health services, saw an immediate surge in the use of these services, but did not see improved health, because the quality of care remained poor.




Last year, The Lancet published the largest study to date, coordinated by WHO, on severe complications and “near misses” in pregnancy. The study concluded that having life-saving interventions available in health facilities will not reduce maternal mortality in the absence of overall improvements in the quality of maternal care and emergency services.




These are just some of the challenges before us. During this meeting, you will be considering recommendations from the first two iERG reports. How much progress has been made in meeting recommendations from the first report? And how should we prioritize recommendations from the second report?




The Commission on Information and Accountability envisioned accountability as a cyclical process involving monitoring, review, and remedial action. We depend on the iERG to uncover problems and make recommendations for remedial action.




The iERG reports encourage all stakeholders to think in very concrete terms. What are the barriers that have slowed down progress? What tools are missing or underutilized? Which innovations can be seized and applied for immediate gains? The iERG has also given us some very useful guidance as we think about ways to institutionalize the lessons learned and maintain the momentum in the post-2015 era.




In my view, rigorous and independent mechanisms for accountability hold great promise as a way of spending resources wisely, honouring commitments, fine-turning programme strategies in line with evidence of results, maintaining the confidence of donors, and winning the support of parliamentarians and ministers of finance.




Also in my view, our joint work on accountability is a grand experiment. Can an accountability framework expedite progress? If ways can be found to get and use better information, will this start a chain of events, with better health outcomes as the endpoint? If the answer to these questions turns out to be “yes”, I believe that accountability will become a permanent feature on the development agenda.




The iERG reports have given us a good inventory of challenges and remedial actions. But I think we also have some things to celebrate, some good reasons to continue to build momentum. Stimulated by the Commission’s 10 recommendations, we are seeing some progress, and also some new ways of dealing with some very old and stubborn problems.




Of the 75 targeted countries, 70 have developed country accountability frameworks through a process which brings together government and donors and includes civil society, parliamentarians, and the media. More and more countries are introducing scorecards to track progress.




Some 53 countries have received full or partial catalytic funding to stimulate implementation of the recommendations. We have witnessed an upsurge in health sector interventions to track vital events, notably births, deaths, and causes of death.




Work on accountability has brought a shift from maternal death reviews to maternal death surveillance and response, an approach which aims to identify all maternal deaths and make each one a notifiable event. This new approach also investigates causes of death, paving the way for targeted interventions to prevent maternal deaths and improve the quality of care. More than 50 countries have adopted the new approach and are taking steps to implement it.




National eHealth strategies have been developed and mHealth solutions are being scaled up in more and more countries. But more needs to be done to tap the full power of innovations in information and communication technology.




The Commission’s recommendations have stimulated the use of National Health Accounts as a standard platform for tracking resource flows throughout the health sector. You will be hearing more about this today.








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