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2014-1-24 21:57| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 3| 评论: 0|来自: WHO

摘要: WHO Director-General addresses the Executive Board

Report to the Executive Board at its 134th Session



Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization



Geneva, Switzerland

瑞士 日内瓦


20 January 2014



Madam chairperson, distinguished members of the Executive Board, colleagues in the UN system and sister agencies, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,




I wish you all a happy and healthy 2014.




I will be brief. This session of the Executive Board has 67 items on its agenda, with 17 resolutions. This is by far the highest number of items ever scheduled for a non-budget year. We will all need to use our time with discipline and efficiency.




We have a crowded agenda and a crowded room, with a record-breaking number of registered participants.




The heavy agenda for this session shows the diversity of your concerns and also some measure of confidence that WHO is the right agency to address those concerns. I interpret the large number of participants as an indication of the high level of interest in global health.




Both are good, but outstrip the capacity of the Secretariat to prepare for this session and serve it well. And there are other, more serious problems.




A lean, effective, and flexible WHO must be strategic and highly selective in the work it undertakes. I would rather see outstanding performance in a limited number of high-impact areas than a full menu approach that dilutes our energy and resources.




This is an easy trap to fall into, and it is dangerous. If this happens, WHO will have a lot to say, but little to show, especially in terms of health outcomes in your countries.




Keep in mind: one reason for the success of the Millennium Development Goals was their limited number. Keep in mind: the Twelfth General Programme of Work, which you approved last May, includes just six leadership priorities.




Part of the problem stems from the simple fact that the determinants of health have become broader and much more complex in a world where not only countries, but also policy spheres are closely interconnected.




We are all aware that some new challenges, especially those driven by the globalization of unhealthy lifestyles, can only be addressed through collaboration with multiple sectors, including some industries.




But WHO and its Member States must resist the temptation to cover every issue in the vast domain of public health. Please help us stick to those high-impact areas where we can get and measure results. Doing so becomes all the more important as the international community transitions to the post-2015 era.




The demands on WHO and ministries of health will only grow as noncommunicable diseases increase, populations age, cities become more crowded, and the climate changes.




Public expectations for health care are rising and costs are soaring. Some new medicines and medical devices are unaffordable, even for the wealthiest countries in the world.




Last year’s G8 summit on dementia, organized by the United Kingdom, made it clear that some major and very costly health problems have virtually no effective interventions for their prevention, early detection, or cure.




WHO will need to perform extremely well in order to steer countries through these challenges.




Ladies and gentlemen,




In recent years, the Health Assembly has approved a number of global strategies and action plans for addressing specific diseases or needs. This is good. All have clearly defined objectives, targets, and indicators, and this helps ensure that countries and their partners align activities in a tightly focused and coordinated way.




As we all know, the large number of health initiatives and actors has led to fragmentation, duplication of efforts, high transaction costs, and heavy reporting and monitoring requirements for countries.




All of these global strategies and plans set out highly ambitious goals. This is also good, as it helps maintain the momentum for better health. But it has a downside.




Like the many partnerships and health initiatives, these strategies and plans impose a heavy burden on health system capacities and carry heavy expectations for monitoring and reporting.




Last year, the Regional Committees discussed their capacity to implement the recently approved Global monitoring framework and targets for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases. In one region, not one single country was routinely producing the data needed to monitor some of the indicators.




We should be ambitious with these strategies and plans, but also pragmatic and realistic. As we have learned since the start of this century, sustainable health improvements depend on a well-functioning health system. We must build the capacities of countries, not overburden them.




I welcome the attention our governing bodies have given to the strengthening of health systems. Initiatives such as the International Health Partnership Plus are especially important as they help build capacity and self-reliance, which is the foundation for true country ownership.




We have much work to do.




According to our latest estimates, only 81 of our 194 Member States regularly submit useable death registration data. Of these 81 countries, only 34 submit data of high quality.




The need for stronger systems for regulatory control and enforcement runs like a common thread through many of your documents, whether concerning antimicrobial resistance, the mandatory notification of diseases, or access to opioid analgesics for palliative care.




For medicines, only around 20% of our Member States have a well-functioning regulatory authority, 50% have variable regulatory quality, and 30% have virtually no or only very limited capacity.


对于药品而言,只有约20%的会员国建立了运转良好的监管当局,50% 的会员国监管质量参差不齐,还有30%几乎没有或者只有非常有限的监管能力。


Worldwide, an estimated 2.7 billion people live in countries with no safety net to cover health care costs. In such a situation, how can health work as a poverty-reduction strategy, especially as the costly burden of NCDs shifts to the developing world?




When I think about these statistics, I also think about people, the many millions of people being left behind in our highly unequal world. I thank Member States and partner agencies for their strong commitment to universal health coverage. In my view, this is one of the most positive and powerful trends in global health.








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