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2014-1-24 21:57| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 4| 评论: 0|来自: WHO

摘要: WHO Director-General addresses the Executive Board

Ladies and gentlemen,




The world again faces simultaneous humanitarian crises. This time there are four: in the Syrian Arab Republic, the Philippines, the Central African Republic, and South Sudan. These crises are testing WHO’s emergency performance in a highly visible way. Given the challenges, I believe we are doing well.




Vigilance is our watchword as we continue to monitor sporadic cases of MERS coronavirus, and H7N9 and other avian influenza viruses, including North America’s first case of H5N1 reported earlier this month.




Nothing can be predicted with certainty, but on present evidence, none of these viruses shows a potential to spread widely or cause an explosive outbreak. Nonetheless, this situation reinforces the importance of building the core capacities of the International Health Regulations to detect cases, report, and respond.




As I said, WHO must be strategic and highly selective in responding to these and many other challenges. This is one central purpose of WHO reform. Let me summarize a few achievements as the reform process continues to mature.




Two financing dialogues have now been held with frank and open discussions. These discussions have included the identification of areas where resources can be used more efficiently and recommendations for some novel remedial actions that can help save money.




A new web portal to support the programme budget offers open access to data on monies coming into the Organization, where those monies go, and what they are expected to deliver. The web portal was welcomed as a major contribution to transparency.




Further financing reforms aim to strengthen coordinated resource mobilization at all levels of the Organization. Human resource reforms, including streamlined recruitment and selection processes, are being aligned with programmatic needs, staff needs for learning and development and, of course, fiscal realities.




Ladies and gentlemen,




Let me conclude by illustrating what I mean by outstanding performance in high-impact areas.




To date, WHO has prequalified more than 400 medical products, including 62 last year. Thanks to these and other efforts, WHO estimates that 97% of the global vaccine supply is currently of assured quality. Worldwide, 65% of babies are immunized using WHO pre-qualified vaccines.


迄今,世卫组织已经对400余种医疗产品进行了资格预审,包括去年的 62种产品。根据世卫组织估计,这些努力和其它工作使全球疫苗供应的 97%是质量有保证的。全世界65%的婴儿接种的是用经世卫组织资格预审的疫苗。


Last year, the “Lancet” published the largest study to date, coordinated by WHO, on severe complications and “near misses” in pregnancy. The study concluded that having life-saving interventions available in health facilities will not reduce maternal mortality in the absence of overall improvements in the quality of maternal care and emergency services.




This tells us clearly that we must focus more sharply on improving the quality of care. The WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist, which is now undergoing trials in more than 100 hospitals, can help move us in this direction. This is a simple checklist, but evidence to date suggests it can have a major impact on the quality of care for mothers and their babies.




The accountability framework, developed to support the Every Woman, Every Child strategy, has given us a new model for results-driven structuring and monitoring of development work. The framework incorporates the safeguard of rigorous independent monitoring, another important innovation.




As we are seeing, getting and using better information can set off a chain of events, with improved health outcomes as the end result. We have seen this most dramatically in Niger, one of the poorest countries in the world, where the availability of high-quality data was instrumental in reducing child mortality by a stunning 43%.




In fact, I think we have enough evidence to conclude that any country, no matter how poor, can improve health if it really wants to.


事实上,我想我们有足够证据表明,无论一个国家有多穷,只要它真正 想改善卫生,它就可以做到。


In December of last year, the WHO certification commission that oversees the eradication of guinea worm disease declared that four African countries are now free from this disease. Nigeria is one of them.




When the eradication initiative was launched, Nigeria was the epicentre of this disease, with more than 650 000 cases reported each year.




Going from that number to zero is a major achievement that must be praised. Those who follow the African media will know how much certification means to Nigeria and its President, who has expressed his commitment to do the same for polio.




Nigeria’s certification also has some lessons. Surveillance for cases and the investigation of rumours were done hand-in-hand with polio immunization teams.




This is the kind of joined-up effort that makes the most effective use of our human and financial resources, which will always be limited, and has a dramatic and measurable impact.


正是这种携手使我们能够最有效地使用总是非常有限的人力和财政资 源,并产生巨大的可衡量影响。


For polio eradication, India, which has not seen a case for three years, is another shining example. This achievement sets the stage to certify all of South-East Asia polio-free very soon.




There are many more examples, but I promised to be brief.




Thank you.








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