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from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of
International Mother Language Day 联合国教科文组织总干事伊琳娜·博科娃女士国际母语日致辞
UNESCO, 21 February 2014 教科文组织,2014年2月21日
Local languages for global
citizenship: spotlight on science 当地语言促进世界公民意识:聚焦科学
For 14 years now, UNESCO and its
partners have celebrated International Mother Language Day. We have organized
activities, conferences, concerts and seminars around the world to highlight the
importance of linguistic diversity and multilingualism.
The protection and promotion of
mother languages are keys to global citizenship and authentic mutual
understanding. Understanding and speaking more than one language leads to a
greater understanding of the wealth of cultural interactions in our world. Recognizing
local languages enables more people to make their voices heard and take an
active part in their collective fate. That is why UNESCO makes every effort to
promote the harmonious coexistence of the 7,000 languages spoken by humanity.
保护和促进母语对于世界公民意识以及真正的相互理解至关重要。懂得和会讲多种语言,就可更好地理解我们这个世界丰富的文化互动。承认当地语言可让最大多数人发出自己的声音,积极参与到集体命运之中。所以教科文组织调动一切因素来促进人类所讲的 7000种语言的和谐共处。
This year, we place special
emphasis on “Local languages for global citizenship: spotlight on science”,
showing how languages ensure access to knowledge, its transmission and its
plurality. Contrary to popular wisdom, local languages are perfectly capable of
transmitting the most modern scientific knowledge in mathematics, physics,
technology and so on. Recognizing these languages also means opening the door
to a great deal of often overlooked traditional scientific knowledge to enrich
our overall knowledge base.
Local languages constitute the
majority of languages spoken across our world in the field of science. They are
also the most endangered. Excluding languages means excluding those who speak
them from their fundamental human right to scientific knowledge.
And yet, the rapprochement of
peoples in the “global village” makes working towards intercultural
understanding and dialogue ever more vital. In today’s world, the norm is to
use at least three languages, including one local language, one language of
wider communication and one international language to communicate at both the
local and global levels. This linguistic and cultural diversity may be our best
chance for the future: for creativity, innovation and inclusion. We must not squander
International Mother Language Day
has contributed for more than a decade to highlighting the many roles played by
languages in shaping minds, in the broadest sense, and building a global
citizenship where we all have the means of contributing to the lives and
challenges of societies. I call upon all the Member States of UNESCO, the
International Organisation of La Francophonie—which is associated with the Day
in 2014—those active in civil society, educators, cultural associations and the
media to make the most of this promise of linguistic diversity for peace and
sustainable development.
十几年来,国际母语日为发挥语言的多种作用培养广义的人才、培养世界公民意识、让人人拥有参与社会生活和挑战的真正手段做出了贡献。我请教科文组织的所有会员国、加入到2014年母语日的国际法语组织、民间社会的有关方面、教育工作者、文化协会和媒体履行诺言,让语言多样性促进和平与可持续发展。 |
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