Why should China use the UN? How would that benefit China, especially as
we move forward, making every effort to achieve the MDGs by 2015 and going
forward with a Post-2015 development agenda? UNDP’s Strategic Plan for
2014-2017, recently approved by our Executive Board, has a good discussion of
this question. It states that UNDP is:
a) Recognized as being neutral,
able to act as an impartial facilitator of dialogues and cooperation on
important development issues,
b) Trusted due to long-standing
relationships at the country level, maintained through good times and bad;
c) Able to draw on knowledge and
expertise gained in all development settings, thus, able to grasp and respond
flexibly to common concerns and important differences between countries and
d) Geared to address development
issues as they actually exist – complex, multi-dimensional and often unique to
each society;
e) Acknowledged as a partner who
can advise on the “big” issues of economic and social transformation,
environmental sustainability and democratic governance, as well as help develop
the plans and capacities to deliver on them;
f) Seen widely as having a strong
operational capability, deployable in widely varying conditions; and
g) Positioned to tap the assets of the UNDS to
support countries in their development efforts
These comparative advantages
clearly offer China ways to account for its contributions and value for
money. In the context of China, working
with the UN also helps the Chinese assistance to take advantage of the
standards and systems that the UN uses,, improving Chinese capabilities over
time and reducing the criticisms we see in the press from time to time. China
should see the UN development system as a resource. This is the case not only for humanitarian
assistance. I would argue it is the same
for development cooperation. The
challenge is to find ways that are suitable for China, for both sides to agree
on the UN’s value added, and to build confidence through pilot
initiatives. I am happy to note that
UNDP and MOFCOM have made significant progress in these directions.
Let’s have a quick look at how
traditional donors have used the multilateral channels for their bilateral aid,
based on their assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the
agencies. Based on our analysis of
OECD’s data, for Japan, about 40% of its aid is delivered through multilateral
channels; for the UK it’s 37%, South Korea 26%, the USA 17%, and for all DAC
country assistance it’s 30%.
One issue that I often see is
China’s reluctance to participate in country level development dialogues, in
countries where China is providing development assistance. Why is this the case? The principles stated in China’s White Paper
may provide partial answers. China may
see these efforts as part of the aid effectiveness effort of Paris and Busan,
to which China does not fully subscribe to.
China may also believe that its aid activities are already coordinated
with the host government and see no need to go to the forums and talk about
them. China may have overlooked, however, a) these development dialogues are
always hosted or co-hosted by the host governments; b) while China has indeed
coordinated with the host governments, most other development partners don’t
know about China’s plans; lack of information gives rise to speculation of
China’s intentions; c) China is missing an opportunity to let other partners
know its objectives, policies, and contributions and to project China as a more
results-oriented and constructive development partner, that it is. In my view, China’s positions on aid
effectiveness should not prevent China from actively participating in
multilateral dialogues at country level.
UNDP is always associated with these dialogues and is always ready to
offer insights if required.
As China becomes more and more
confident in multilateral fora, it needs to build a cadre of professionals who
are familiar with evolving rules of engagement and practices of multilateral
assistance. Most of China’s assistance
will continue to be delivered bilaterally.
Both bilateral and multilateral assistance will require China to have
qualified people as well institutions that are fit for purpose. For people, the UN offers a fertile ground
for training for China’s young and aspiring.
This will, in fact, help increase the number of Chinese working in the
UN as well as cultivate a group of young professionals in the government who
are familiar with international practices and know the UN’s organizational
culture. The total number of Chinese
working in the UN Secretariat system is about 460, or 1.09% of the workforce,
not commensurate with China’s proportion of membership dues. Of the 460, about 35% or 160 are non-language
related specialists or are managers, with 10 or so at senior level (D1 and
above). All other Security Council
members have far more staff than China, including at senior levels.
UNDP runs a Young Professional
Programme, or JPO Programme, for training young professionals (P1/P2
levels). UNDESA runs a similar programme
for the Secretariat. They are funded by
primarily OECD countries to support their young people to work in the UN. In the past, the resistance is often its
cost. But today, the difference between
the cost of JPOs and the compensations of Chinese diplomats working overseas
has narrowed significantly. The Chinese
Government has the ability to finance a JPO programme but needs to be convinced
of its value. The experience of Japan is
instructive. Japan supported nearly 300
JPOs over the past 10 years in different UN agencies, with most in UNDP and the
rest in other agencies. Typically, 50%
of JPOs stay and others go to the government or the private sector. Over the past decade, the number of Japanese
staff in UNDP increased significantly thanks to its JPO programme. Nigeria has seen the value of the JPOs and
has decided to fund its own JPO programme.
We are in the process of recruiting the first batch
联合国开发计划署目前设有一个初级职业官员项目(Junior Professional Officer,简称JPO项目),以培养年轻的专业人员(P1/P2级别)。联合国经济和社会事务局为秘书处设立了相似的项目。这些项目主要由经合组织成员国资助,用以支持本国年轻人在联合国工作。过去,中国因各种原因包括成本问题而没有加入。而如今,中国驻外外交官的费用已经与JPO的成本不相上下。中国政府完全有能力对自己的JPO项目提供财政支持,但需要认识JPO项目的价值。这里,日本的经验值得借鉴。 在过去10年中,日本支持了近300名JPO官员到联合国各机构工作,其中一大部分在开发计划署。统计数字表示约50%的JPO官员会留在联合国,其他则会进入政府或私营部门。过去十年中,由于JPO项目的支持,日本在开发计划署的职员人数有了显著地增长。尼日利亚也看到了JPO的价值,并决定资助其本国的JPO项目。我们目前正在招聘尼日利亚的第一批JPO。
My point is to say that China
needs a generation of young people to bring China’s aid to a new level. The UN, as well as the WB and other
multilaterals, can help. The UN has YPP,
UNDP has a new plan targeting recruitment of P3/P4 level trainees. UNDP also has a secondment programme with
MOFCOM. These are win-win initiatives,
benefiting both China and the UN and helps to enhance China’s voice and soft
power. But it takes time to see the
result. The time to act is now.
I believe there is a need to
review the institutional set-up as well.
As I argued earlier, there is a question who will argue for more
multilateral development assistance. I
also have an impression that perhaps too many Chinese institutions are involved
in providing development assistance, not able to have policy coherence and
achieve real impact. In most countries I
have seen, external assistance is more centralized in a much smaller number of
core institutions. A related question is
how to differentiate aid with trade and investment and, sometimes, how to mix
aid with trade and investment. You will
need very different institutions and experiences to achieve this.
There are many issues that China
cannot tackle alone. Teaming up with the
UN, UNDP included, will allow China to achieve regional impact, e.g. SIDS, LDC
graduation, Middle Income Traps, etc.
Due to time limitations, we will have to leave this to the next
The UN is committed to working
with China to explore new partnerships and areas for deeper cooperation. It’s in China’s interest to review how China
can leverage multilateral approaches to enhance China’s reputation and position
as a global leader for development and a responsible stakeholder of the
international system. China needs to
invest in its young people now to build a generation of professionals who can
manage and deliver China’s assistance programme more effectively in the future. The time to act ambitiously is now.
Thank you very much.
非常感谢。 |
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