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2014-3-10 14:25| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 528| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部

摘要: Foreign Minister Wang Yi Meets the Press.


Foreign Minister Wang Yi Meets the Press




On 8 March 2014, the Second Session of the Twelfth National People’s Congress held a press conference at its Press Center and invited Wang Yi, China’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, to answer questions from Chinese and foreign journalists about China’s foreign policy and external relations.




Wang Yi: Good morning, everyone. It is a great pleasure to meet with journalists from the press. At the outset, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I would like to thank you for your interest in and understanding of China’s diplomacy. I would also like to thank you for your efforts in reporting on China.




Today is the International Women’s Day. I would like to take this opportunity to offer my best festive greetings to all the ladies in this room, including those behind the cameras.




Early this morning, we received a piece of very disturbing news. A Malaysian civil aviation flight bound for China lost contact with ground control. This has gotten us all very worried. We hope every one of the passengers is safe. The Foreign Ministry and relevant diplomatic and consular missions of China have activated the emergency mechanism. We are doing all we can to get more details. Once we have some information, we will get it out for you immediately. Now, I am ready to take your questions.




People’s Daily: The year 2013 was the first year of diplomacy under the new Chinese government. As China’s foreign minister, what has struck you the most about China’s diplomacy in the past year? Could you also talk about how China will pursue its diplomacy in 2014?




Wang Yi: “Active” is the most salient feature of China’s diplomacy in the past year.




The CPC Central Committee headed by General Secretary Xi Jinping responded to the aspirations of the people and the expectation of the international community, and carried out a series of visible and effective diplomatic activities.




Let me share some figures with you. President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang visited as many as 22 countries, received 65 foreign heads of state and government, met and talked with over 300 hundred foreign dignitaries and reached around 800 cooperation agreements with other countries.




There are also some facts I’d like to share with you. In the past year, China vigorously defended its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, advanced relations with major countries, unveiled a series of major cooperation initiatives such as the “Silk Road Economic Belt” and the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”. We played a constructive role in the political settlement of hotspot issues such as Syria and Iran. For the first time we deployed formed units of our security force to the UN peacekeeping mission in Mali, and for the first time we sent a naval vessel under operational conditions to escort shipments of Syrian chemical weapons.




China’s diplomacy in 2013 was broader in horizon and more active in conduct. It was not just a successful year under the new leadership, but also a year of innovation and harvest for China’s diplomacy.




In 2014 China will continue to pursue an active foreign policy. We will focus our efforts on two main areas.




First, we will be more active in serving the efforts of comprehensively deepening reform in China. We will strengthen friendly relations with all countries in the world, especially our neighbors, and we will create a more enabling external environment for domestic reform and development. We will vigorously pursue economic diplomacy, deepen win-win cooperation with other countries and create more favorable conditions for the transformation and upgrading of China’s economy. And we will do all we can to implement the initiative to better protect and serve overseas Chinese, and provide stronger protection for China’s ever-growing legitimate rights and interests.




Second, we will be more active in playing the role of a responsible, big country. In our international engagement, we will uphold principles, promote justice and practice equality. In particular, we will advance and protect the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries and make the international order more just and reasonable. We will take an active part in international and regional affairs, put forward more Chinese proposals and play a bigger role in helping to resolve all kinds of global challenges and regional hotspot issues.




Hong Kong Phoenix TV: Over the past year, China has unveiled some new ideas and measures in its diplomacy. It’s clear that there is a shift in China’s diplomatic style. What is your perspective on this as China’s foreign minister?




Wang Yi: In recent years, the international community is generally interested in how a growing China will handle its relations with the outside world. The CPC Central Committee headed by General Secretary Xi Jinping is committed to innovation in both diplomatic theory and practice. On the basis of maintaining policy continuity and stability, the new Chinese leadership has unveiled a series of major diplomatic ideas and steps.




For example, we proposed to build a new model of major country relations. This is to break the historical pattern of conflict and confrontation between major countries and to find a new path in the modern era that seeks win-win cooperation to deliver benefits to all parties. It shows a new approach on the part of China to handle major country relations. It also shows China’s sense of responsibility for the international community.




Let me give you another example. We have proposed the guideline for our neighborhood diplomacy featuring amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness. This is to further demonstrate China’s sincerity and goodwill toward its neighbors and our readiness to work with them to build a community of common destiny. It is a new advancement of China’s policy toward its neighbors and shows that China is more open and accommodative.




A third example is that we have proposed a more balanced approach to upholding principles and pursuing interests. It is to put moral principles first when we deal with fellow developing countries and be more sensitive to their needs. It inherits the fine character of China’s external relations and reflects the inherent nature of the socialist system. It has become an important banner of China’s diplomacy.




These new diplomatic ideas and steps send the following message to the world: China is committed to the path of peaceful development, and we hope other countries will also take the path of peaceful development. The Chinese Dream belongs to the Chinese people, and it is closely connected to the dreams of other nations as our interests are all intertwined.




ITAR-TASS of Russia: Last month, President Xi Jinping traveled specially to Sochi to attend the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games. This is the second time since 2013 that he visited the Russia at the start of the year. How do you assess the current China-Russia relationship, and what will be the priorities for China-Russia relations and cooperation in 2014?




Wang Yi: Speaking of the Sochi Winter Olympics, I’d like to first offer my congratulations to our Russian friends for hosting a memorable and spectacular winter Olympics.




The China-Russia relationship is at its best period in history, characterized by a high level of mutual trust, firm support for each other and intensifying cooperation in various fields. Our two presidents have established a deep friendship and they play an important role in guiding China-Russia relations.




As for China-Russia relations in 2014, I believe the most important task is to make sure that our comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination will continue to grow from strength to strength. We will further strengthen mutual political trust and intensify our strategic cooperation. On that basis, we must focus on following priority tasks. Firstly, we must do all we can to upgrade practical cooperation and make new breakthroughs in our cooperation on some big projects in particular. Secondly, we must organize a successful China-Russia year of friendly exchange between the young people to consolidate and deepen the social foundation for China-Russia friendship. Thirdly, we must work together to uphold the victory of the Second World War and post-war international order and make good preparations for 2015, which will mark the 70th anniversary of the victories of the World Anti-Fascist War and the Chinese People’s War against Japanese Aggression.






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