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2014-3-10 14:25| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 529| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部

摘要: Foreign Minister Wang Yi Meets the Press.



Xinhua News Agency: This year, China will host two important international conferences, the Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) and the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting. Can you talk about these two important international conferences and share with us your expectations for them?




Wang Yi: A key feature of China’s diplomacy in 2014 is that we will play host to two major international conferences in Shanghai and Beijing respectively. In May, we will hold the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) Summit in Shanghai. CICA is a very important security cooperation forum in Asia. And then in November, we will hold the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Beijing. It is a primary platform for discussing economic and trade cooperation in the Asia-Pacific. So you can see that the two conferences focus on security and economic issues respectively. And both will be key priorities for China’s diplomacy this year. We will make the most of our role as the host country, put forward China’s proposals, pool Asia’s wisdom and work with the participants to inject new momentum into these two mechanisms.




At the CICA Summit, we hope to advocate common security, cooperative security and comprehensive security, bring into being a new Asian security concept and work together to build a new Asia of peace, stability and cooperation.




At the APEC meeting, we will focus on the theme of “Shaping the Future Through Asia-Pacific Partnership” and achieve new outcomes in advancing Asia-Pacific economic integration, adopting a blueprint for connectivity and promoting economic innovation and development. In particular, we will strive for a new breakthrough in launching the process of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific.




National Broadcasting Company of the United States: China-US relations are the most important bilateral relations in the world. How do you assess the development of the relations in the past year? What major challenges do you see this year? And how exactly do you propose to build the new type of great-power relationship? Will there be more transparency and more coordination between China and the United States in the spirit of the new type of great-power relationship and joint responsibility in maintaining peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region?




Wang Yi: The biggest highlight of China-US relations in 2013 was the historic meeting between President Xi Jinping and President Obama at the Sunnylands. The two sides reached important consensus on working together to build a new model of major-country relations between China and the United States. At the heart of this new model of major-country relationship is no conflict or confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation. This is the common direction the two sides have set. It is a positive strategic outlook the two countries show to the world and a solemn commitment we’ve made to the international community.




The China-US relationship is both very important and very complex. This year marks the 35th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. Over these past 35 years, China-US dialogue and cooperation has increasingly deepened. And the needs for cooperation far exceed our differences. Our experience and lessons of the past 35 years come down to one point, that is, we need to respect each other.




If one compares the new model of major-country relations between China and the United States to a building, then mutual respect is the foundation of that building. I believe when the two sides truly respect each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, social system and development path, and core interests and major concerns, the foundation will be a solid one that can withstand storms and truly grow into an edifice of win-win cooperation. That will not just benefit China and the United States but also the whole world.




We stand ready to work with the United States to uphold peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and carry out positive interactions in this region. An in our view, the Asia-Pacific should be the testing ground of our commitment to build a new model of major-country relations, rather than a competitive arena. Thank you.




Lianhe Zaobao of Singapore: The situation in China’s neighborhood is closely watched by many people. Some people see many problems. Some believe China is more assertive in handling its disputes with its neighboring countries? What is your response to these views?




Wang Yi: This is a quite critical question but one that everyone is interested in. Let me first say that the general situation in China’s neighborhood is both positive and stable.




Last year, China held its first neighborhood diplomacy conference. We made clear that the neighborhood tops China’s diplomatic agenda. We unveiled a whole set of diplomatic guidelines to show we are more friendly and accommodative. And we have put forward a series of major cooperation proposals aimed at delivering win-win results. This fully shows that China attaches a great deal of importance to neighboring countries.




China has been interacting with its neighbors for thousands of years. And all along, we have valued harmonious relations and treated others with sincerity. When others respect us, we respect them even more. Going forward, we will more actively practice the guideline of “amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness”. We will help our neighboring countries and peoples benefit more from China’s reform and opening. We will help them better appreciate China’s commitment to peaceful development. We are willing to listen to voices from our neighboring countries and respond to their doubts about China’s neighborhood policy.




As for China’s territorial and maritime disputes with some countries, China would like to carry out equal-footed consultation and negotiation and properly handle them by peaceful means on the basis of respecting historical facts and international law. There will not be any change to this position. We will never bully smaller countries, yet we will never accept unreasonable demands from smaller countries. On issues of territory and sovereignty, China’s position is firm and clear. We will not take anything that isn’t ours, but we will defend every inch of territory that belongs to us.




China Central Television: The issue of Ukraine has been the focus of international attention in recent weeks. We know that you’ve been on the phone with the foreign ministers of some countries discussing this issue. Can you talk about China’s view on the current situation in Ukraine and how do you think the Ukrainian crisis should be resolved?




Wang Yi: First, let me tell you that China follows a just and objective position on the issue of Ukraine, and we have stated our position on multiple occasions.




It is regretful that the situation in Ukraine has come to what it is today. Yet it is not by accident that the situation has reached this point. There is a complex history behind it as well as conflicting interests. The complex the problem is, the more necessary that it is handled in a prudent way.




China urges that keeping in mind the fundamental interests of all ethnic communities in Ukraine and the interests of regional peace and stability, the priority now is to exercise calm and restraint and prevent further escalation of the situation. The parties should carry out dialogue and consultation to put the issue on the track of a political settlement. China is in communication with various parties, and we will play a constructive role in bringing about a political settlement of the Ukrainian issue. Thank you.




Paris Match of France: Mr. Minister, at the end of this month, President Xi Jinping will be in Europe. What kind of message does he want to deliver to the countries he will visit? And also, what will be the intention of President Xi Jinping when he goes to the European institutions in Brussels?




Wang Yi: Europe has a priority place in China’s diplomatic agenda this year. As you said, President Xi Jinping will visit Europe in late March. This will be yet another major diplomatic action taken by China to advance major-power relations. The visit will open a new chapter in the history of China-Europe relations.




“Cooperation” is the key word in China-Europe relations. China and Europe are two major forces in the world. We are two large civilizations and two big markets. So it’s only right and proper that our cooperation is comprehensive and strategic in nature. Particularly when China shifts its development pattern and embarks on comprehensive and in-depth reform, Europe is a strategic partner with whom our cooperation will have great potential.




Through the historic visit of President Xi Jinping to Europe, the two sides will work intensively to align our respective development strategies. I believe the two sides will strengthen win-win cooperation in some priority areas, such as scientific and technological innovation, energy and environmental conservation, a new type of urbanization, connectivity and people-to-people and cultural exchanges. We also hope to speed up the negotiation toward a China-EU investment agreement, with a view to future free trade arrangements between China and Europe. And of course, we’d like to increase strategic communication with the Europeans in international affairs and work together to promote democracy in international relations and a more multi-polar world.




I think all of you will agree with me in saying that China-Europe cooperation will make the world a safer, more balanced and better place.





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