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2014-3-10 14:25| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 530| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部

摘要: Foreign Minister Wang Yi Meets the Press.



China Radio International: Foreign Minister, you made a whirlwind visit to Afghanistan recently, which generated a lot of interest from the international community. This year, the United States and NATO will wind down their troop presence in Afghanistan. How do you see the situation in Afghanistan playing out? And what role will China play in the reconciliation and reconstruction process of Afghanistan?




Wang Yi: This year will be a crucial one for Afghanistan. The country will go through political, security and economic transitions all at the same time. Of course, it’s mainly up to the Afghan people to realize the triple transitions, but they cannot do without the care and support of the international community.





China is Afghanistan’s biggest neighbor. Afghanistan’s peace and stability has a direct bearing on security in China’s western region. We hope to see a united, stable, growing and amicable Afghanistan. For this purpose, we’ll work with the international community to actively facilitate political reconciliation in Afghanistan, support the peace and reconstruction efforts and encourage Afghanistan to be more involved in regional cooperation. We’ll also work with Afghanistan and other neighbors of China to resolutely fight all terrorist forces.




In August this year, China will for the first time host a ministerial conference of the Istanbul Process on Afghanistan. We’ll send invitations to the 14 member states and 28 supporting parties of the Istanbul Process. We hope that through this conference, the parties will build more consensus and work together to support Afghanistan’s efforts to complete the triple transitions and help the situation in Afghanistan to move toward lasting peace.




Asahi Shimbun of Japan: I have a question about the China-Japan relationship. In his Government Work Report, Premier Li Keqiang mentioned the issue of history. He said that we need to uphold the victory of the Second World War and the post-war international order, and no one will be allowed to reverse the course of history. The China-Japan relationship is in a lot of difficulties and the outside world is quite concerned. How do you think the relationship can emerge from its current impasse? And someone has likened the current China-Japan relationship to Germany-Britain relations before the First World War. What is your view?




Wang Yi: Premier Li Keqiang spoke the mind of the Chinese people and showed that China shoulders the responsibility to uphold peace. We fully support his statement.




China and Japan are next-door neighbors. We have every reason to have an amicable relationship. The current situation is not something we want to see and is not in the interests of the people in either country.




When China and Japan normalized diplomatic relations in 1972, the two sides reached important common understanding and consensus on properly handling history, Taiwan, Diaoyu Islands and other issues. This was the precondition for the normalization of diplomatic relations and the basis for a return to friendly relations between China and Japan. Yet the recent comments and actions of the Japanese leader betrayed the spirit of 1972 and undermined the foundation of China-Japan relations. Of course, the Chinese people cannot and will not accept it.




On issues of principle such as history and territory, there is no room for compromise. If some people in Japan insist on overturning the verdict on its past aggression, I don’t believe the international community and all peace-loving people in the world will ever tolerate or condone that.




As for the parallel some people have drawn between the current China-Japan relations and the Germany-Britain relations before the First World War, I wish to emphasize that 2014 is not 1914, still less 1894. Instead of using pre-WWI Germany as an object lesson, why not use post-WWII Germany as a role model? Only by making a clean break with the past and stop going back on one’s words, can the relationship emerge from the current impasse and have a future. Only by truly committing to a peaceful path and stop saying one thing and doing something else, can a country gain the trust of its neighbors and the world. I hope Japan’s leaders can understand these basic points and respect human conscience and the bottom line of international justice.




China Daily: There have been a lot of interactions between China and Latin American and Caribbean countries in the past year, and we have learned that this year the China-CELAC forum will be formally established. Can you share with us your expectations for the furtherance of China’s ties with Latin America and the Caribbean in the year ahead?




Wang Yi: The best line to describe China’s relationship with Latin America and the Caribbean is the following: “Bosom friends from afar bring a distant land near.” This year, we face a historical opportunity for taking this relationship to the next level.




Firstly, President Xi Jinping will attend the BRICS Leaders’ Meeting in Brazil and visit some Latin American countries. Secondly, the recent summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) adopted a special statement supporting the establishment of a China-CELAC Forum. In 2014, we will work hard to formally launch this forum and hold its first ministerial conference. This will be an important breakthrough in the relations between China and Latin America and the Caribbean.




I am full of expectations about China-Latin America relations this year, as I’m sure many football fans in China are full of expectations about this year’s Brazil FIFA World Cup.




Korean Broadcasting System of the Republic of Korea: The current situation on the Korean Peninsula is quite tense. How do you look at the situation? What are the chances of the resumption of the Six-Party Talks? What specific steps will China, the host country, take to help restart the Six-Party Talks?




Wang Yi: The Korean Peninsula is right on China’s doorstep. We have a red line all along: that is, we will never allow war or instability on the Korean Peninsula. This, I believe, is in full keeping with interests of both the south and the north of the Peninsula and the common interests of all countries in the region.




As for the best way to handle the current situation on the Korean Peninsula, if I may use some metaphors, I believe we need to do three things: climb a slope, overcome a stumbling block and follow the right way.




First, we need to climb the slope of denuclearization. The nuclear issue is the crux of the matter. Only with denuclearization can the Korean Peninsula enjoy genuine and lasting peace. So no matter how long or steep the slope is, we must keep climbing it without any stop.




Second, we need to work hard to overcome the stumbling block of mutual mistrust. There is a woeful lack of mutual trust between the parties, especially the DPRK and the United States. This is the stumbling block before us. It has caused sustained tension on the Korean Peninsula and several disruptions to the Six-Party Talks. We hope that the parties will exercise restraint, show goodwill and build mutual trust little by little.




Third, we must follow the right way forward, which is dialogue. Confrontation will only bring tension and war will only cause disaster. Equal-footed dialogue, consultation and negotiation is the only right way forward. The Six-Party Talks is the only dialogue mechanism acceptable to all the parties. As the host country, we hope it can be resumed as soon as possible. Some dialogue is better than none, and better early than late.




ETV of South Africa: As you are aware, China has become very active in Africa in recent years, but there are different opinions about this engagement between China and the African continent, especially emanating from the West. What is your opinion? Thank you.




Wang Yi: Let me make three points to sum up the China-Africa relationship.




First, China and Africa are good brothers who share weal and woe. When China was a poor country, we tightened our belt to support the cause of national independence and liberation of our African brothers. It’s our African brothers who got the People’s Republic of China back into the United Nations.




Second, China and Africa are good friends who engage in cooperation as equals. In its cooperation with Africa, China has never been condescending, never interfered in the internal affairs of African countries and never given any empty promise. Let me tell you one figure. So far, we have helped African countries build over 1,000 projects and we have never attached any political condition to these projects. This fact alone can show that the groundless accusations against China are pale and hollow.




And third, China and Africa are good partners for common development. When I visited Africa in January this year, many African friends told me in person that an important reason behind Africa’s sustained economic growth in recent years is the boost provided by China-Africa cooperation. And this has gotten other countries to increase their attention to Africa.




This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of Premier Zhou Enlai’s first visit to Africa. Since then, China-Africa friendship has been handed down from one generation to another. Last year, President Xi Jinping made a successful visit to Africa. Later this year, Premier Li Keqiang will also step on the soil of Africa. This will be the first visit to Africa made by the premier of the new Chinese government. China-Africa cooperation is entering a new phase of development.




China News Service: Foreign Minister Wang, shortly after you took office, you visited the Foreign Ministry’s Consular Service and Protection Center. You stressed that Chinese diplomats must listen to the voice of the people at all times and uphold their interests. You also expressed your wish to make it easier for people to travel on a Chinese passport. Going forward, how will the Foreign Ministry protect the lawful rights and interests and safety of Chinese institutions and nationals abroad?




Wang Yi: It is the abiding purpose of China’s diplomacy to serve the people. My colleagues and I often receive letters from the public. A lady from Henan Province wrote a letter which has moved me a great deal, and I would like to share this story with you. Her husband was working in a foreign country. He was thrown into prison under false charges. Our embassy in that country argued hard for him, cleared his name and got him released so that he could reunite with his family. His wife wrote to us: “You saved our broken family. You are the people closest to us.” The people see us as closest to them: there is no higher honor for Chinese diplomats.




Every year close to 100 million Chinese travel abroad, and there are over 20,000 Chinese companies operating overseas. It is our bounden duty to protect their legitimate rights and interests. I don’t know whether you’ve noticed or not: when Chinese nationals go abroad, the first text message they will receive on their mobile phone is from the Foreign Ministry, reminding them of the things to be careful about and informing them of the telephone number of the Chinese diplomatic and consular missions in that country. Every year, we handle tens of thousands of consular cases. It could be a small thing like helping our nationals to get their documentation in order or get into contact with their relatives and friends, or it could be a big operation such as rescuing Chinese hostages or carrying out large-scale evacuation of overseas Chinese nationals. Whenever our compatriots abroad need us, no matter how difficult or dangerous it is, Chinese diplomats will appear before them and do all we can to help.




In the new year, we will continue to do our best to implement the initiative to better protect and serve overseas Chinese, and we will further improve consular protection and service. Let me disclose a piece of news to you. In 2014, the Foreign Ministry will establish a global emergency call center for consular protection and services. It will be a 24-hour telephone hot line. In the future, when our compatriots go abroad, no matter in which part of the world they are, if they run into an emergency, they can get into contact with their motherland right away and hear the voice from their motherland.




Only by sinking its roots in the people and delivering benefits to the people, can China’s diplomacy be in an invincible position. We would like to shield wind and rain for every one of our compatriots who travel abroad with their dreams, and become the firm support they can count on.




Kazaag News Agency of Kazakhstan: Last year, when President Xi Jinping visited Kazakhstan, he proposed to build a Silk Road Economic Belt. Later, he proposed to build the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. These have been called the new concepts of China’s diplomacy. What is the thinking behind these two initiatives? How will China put them into practice?




Wang Yi: The Silk Road was first traveled by the Chinese people 2,000 years ago, but it belongs to the whole world. At the core of the Silk Road spirit is peace, friendship, openness and inclusiveness, which have become the common assets of human civilization.




As you mentioned, President Xi Jinping proposed to build a Silk Road Economic Belt when he was on a visit to Kazakhstan. And later, when he was visiting Indonesia, he proposed to build the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.




These two initiatives of overland and maritime Silk Roads aim to seize the opportunity of the further opening-up of China, especially opening in the westward direction. We want to update the spirit of the ancient Silk Road and work with relevant countries to add two powerful wings to the rejuvenation of Asia as a whole.




These two initiatives will focus on economic cooperation and people-to-people and cultural exchanges and prioritize connectivity and trade and investment facilitation. We will pursue these initiatives through equal-footed consultation and incremental progress, with a clear goal to deliver benefits to all and build a community of shared interests.




The door of these two initiatives is wide open, and it will proceed in parallel with the existing cooperation mechanisms and ideas in the region. We welcome countries in the region and other interested countries to take an active part in these two initiatives so that together, we will discuss and build them and benefit from them.




China National Radio: From what you’ve said, Foreign Minister Wang, we can all see that China had a full diplomatic agenda in the past year. You’ve been in the position of Foreign Minister for a year now. Can you talk to us about your personal experience and impression?




Wang Yi: This is the first time I give such a big conference and I thought that such a question would come up. Let me say in relation to your question that I’m a member of China’s diplomatic service. Like my colleagues, I feel a heavy responsibility and a glorious mission to engage in diplomatic work at an important time when our nation is marching toward rejuvenation.




We Chinese diplomats must live by the core values of loyalty, responsibility and devotion. Our task is to face the problems and solve them. Our job is to act responsibly for the nation, win honor for the country and serve the people.




To conduct diplomacy well in the new era, first of all, we must have confidence. Confidence comes from the strength and prosperity of our motherland. Today’s China is marching ever faster toward what we call the “two centenary goals”. The motherland and the people are our firm backing and peaceful development is our firm commitment. We have every confidence and ability to create an even more favorable external environment for the rejuvenation of our nation.




We must also have backbone. The backbone comes from our national pride. Gone is the century of humiliation in China’s modern history. We feel passionately about our sovereignty and national dignity. We have our own judgment about international affairs. We follow the independent foreign policy of peace. We uphold our national interests as well as international justice. This is the character of Chinese diplomats and why we have so much support in the world.




We must also show generosity. Generosity comes from the self-confidence of an old civilization. The Chinese civilization has thrived for 5,000 years without any interruption. An important reason is that we are like the ocean that admits all rivers and streams. Today, as we pursue major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, it is even more important to draw nourishment and strength from China’s rich and profound cultural heritage and show to the world that the Chinese people are poised, confident, open and enterprising.




The press conference lasted 95 minutes and it was attended by more than 500 journalists from home and abroad.






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