英语口译、笔译资料下载 外交部副部长李保东在信息与网络安全问题国际研讨会开幕式上的讲话 Address
by Vice Foreign Minister Li Baodong at the Opening Ceremony of the
International Workshop on Information and Cyber Security
2014年6月5日,北京 Beijing, 5 June 2014
Guests, Ladies
and Gentlemen,
To begin with, on behalf of China’s
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), I would like to welcome you to this workshop
co-hosted by the Department of Arms Control and Disarmament of the MFA and the
UN Regional Center for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific.
Information and cyber security are hotly-debated issues on the international
agenda. They are strategic and cutting-edge issues that touch upon many areas.
I hope delegates will make full use of this workshop to share policies,
practices and experience on global cyber security, an issue of shared interest,
and explore solutions to it.
I also want to thank the UN for
its efforts to make this workshop possible. China always values its cooperation
with the UN and supports the UN in playing an important role in international
affairs. This is the first time for China to co-host with the UN an
international workshop on cyber security. I believe it will help to build
international consensus on cyber security.
Distinguished Guests,
The fast growth of the
information and communication technology (ICT) has exerted profound impacts on
all aspects of social and economic life of mankind, and offered brand new
digital opportunities for the advancement of human civilization. But at the
same time, it has also brought unprecedented challenges. Cybercrime and
terrorism have been on the rise. The massive-scale surveillance activities by
an individual country have severely infringed on other countries’ sovereignty
and their citizen’s privacy. Cyber-attacks and militarized tendency in cyber
space can diminish international security and mutual trust, and the imbalanced
development of the Internet worldwide needs to be corrected in a timely way.
Cyber space is a new frontier
that deserves our special care. The international community has a shared
responsibility to maintain security, stability and prosperity in cyber space.
To this end, we need to uphold the following principles:
First, the principle of peace.
Cyber space is one of connectivity. Countries are bound by intertwined
interests, have high stakes in each other and form a community of common
destiny in cyber space. Mankind does not need a new battlefield. A peaceful and
tranquil cyber space is in the interest of all countries. That is why we should
discard the zero-sum mentality and Cold War ideology, and foster a new concept
of security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination.
We should seek our own security through common security and on the basis of
full respect for other countries’ security, and ward off militarized tendency
and arms race in cyber space.
Second, the principle of
sovereignty. Development of cyber space has not changed the basic norms
governing international relations that are anchored in the UN Charter. The principle of state sovereignty applies also to
cyber space.
The sovereignty principle in
cyber space includes at least the following factors: states own jurisdiction
over the ICT infrastructure and activities within their territories; national
governments are entitled to making public policies for the Internet based on
their national conditions; no country shall use the Internet to interfere in
other countries’ internal affairs or undermine other countries’ interests.
Upholding the principle of sovereignty in cyber space not only reflects
governments’ responsibilities and rights to administer cyber space in
accordance with law, but also enables countries to build platforms for sound
interactions among governments, businesses and social groups. This will in turn
foster a healthy environment for the growth of information technology and
international exchange and cooperation.
Third, the principle of
co-governance. As the Internet is open to everyone, it needs to be built and
managed by all. The governance of the Internet is an important part of global
governance. The international community should work together to build a global
Internet governance system that is fair and equitable. In this process, the
important outcomes of the two phases of the World Summit on Information Society
(WSIS) should be earnestly implemented. And the principles of multilateralism,
democracy and transparency should be upheld, so that the Internet will be a
place of open resources and shared responsibilities and is governed through
Fourth, the principle of
universal benefit. The Internet is a strong driving force for world economic
growth and achievement of the Millennium
Development Goals and takes an important place in the future global
development agenda. We need to advocate the concept of mutual benefit and
encourage bilateral, regional and international development cooperation. In
particular, we need to increase assistance to developing countries and help
them bridge the “digital divide”. Efforts should be made to promote universal
access to the Internet, enable everyone to benefit from the opportunities
brought by the Internet’s development and share in its achievements, and ensure
that we meet the goal of building a people-centered, inclusive and
development-oriented information society set at the WSIS.
Distinguished Guests,
To meet this goal would be
impossible without the joint efforts of the international community. China
believes that relevant international efforts should be focused on the following
First, we need to be committed to
dialogue and cooperation. Amidst the frequent occurrence of incidents in cyber
space, parties concerned should take a constructive approach, engage in
dialogue on the basis of mutual respect and trust, and resolve differences
through cooperation. An individual country has exercised double standards on
the cyber issue, drawn lines out of its selfish interests and concocted “regulations”
only applicable to other countries. We express strong concerns over this.
Instead of reflecting on its behaviors that undermine the sovereignty of other
countries and privacy of citizens, it has painted itself as a victim and made
groundless accusations against or defamed other countries. This kind of
hypocritical and hegemonic behaviors must be corrected.
Second, we need to formulate
international norms accepted by all countries. Under current circumstances, to
establish a relevant international framework of norms to regulate behaviors of
various parties is an important step towards keeping cyber space in order,
boosting confidence of various parties and achieving common security. We should
continue to study how to apply existing international laws to cyber space and
at the same time actively explore new international norms that accord with
features of cyber space, including Norms
of Responsible Behaviors by States. We may take a gradual approach and
address easier issues first before moving to difficult ones. China, Russia and
some other countries submitted to the UN General Assembly the International
Code of Conduct for Information Security in 2011 and we are ready to work with
other sides for its improvement.
Third, we need to ensure
participation of all parties. The establishment of a new-type cooperative
relationship between governments and other stakeholders will facilitate
equal-footed participation in discussions and enable them to play their
respective roles and jointly foster global awareness of cyber security. We need
to ensure the inclusiveness and openness of relevant international processes,
strengthen the representation of developing countries and accommodate their
legitimate concerns.
Distinguished Guests,
The 21st century is an era of the
Internet and IT application. As a major cyber state with 618 million Internet
users, China attaches great importance to cyber security and IT application and
is committed to improving its level of cyber security. In February, China
established the central leading group on internet security and informatization,
making possible unified leadership and effective enforcement in the work of
cyber security. At the first meeting of the leading group, President Xi Jinping
put forward the ambitious goal of turning China into a strong cyber state,
which is an important part of the Chinese people’s efforts to realize the
Chinese dream. As President Xi said, the Chinese dream is about the pursuit of
peace and happiness and devotion to the world. China has always been
contributing its part to building and maintaining cyber space and committed to
working with the rest of the international community to create a peaceful,
secure, open and cooperative cyber space. We are ready to make greater contribution
to building a more prosperous and enabling cyber space.
Finally, I wish this workshop a
complete success.
Thank you. |
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