英语口译、笔译资料 中文版:世界海洋日致辞.doc Secretary-General’s
Message on World Oceans Day 秘书长世界海洋日致辞
8 June 2014 2014年6月8日
“Ocean Sustainability: Together
let’s ensure oceans can sustain us into the future”
The observance of World Oceans
Day this year coincides with the 20th anniversary of the entry into force of
the United Nations Convention on the Law
of the Sea. Known as the
“Constitution for the Oceans”, this instrument provides a comprehensive legal
regime for all ocean activities and is critical to the sustainable use of the
world’s seas and oceans.
We have to ensure that oceans
continue to meet our needs without compromising those of future
generations. They regulate the planet’s
climate and are a significant source of nutrition. Their surface provides essential passage for
global trade, while their depths hold current and future solutions to humanity’s
energy needs.
On this World Oceans Day, let us
reflect on the multiple benefits of the oceans.
Let us commit to keep them healthy and productive and to use their
resources peacefully, equitably and sustainably for the benefit of current and
future generations.
值此世界海洋日,我们应该凝思海洋给人类带来的种种惠益。让我们承诺保持海洋的康健和多产,和平、平等、可持续地利用海洋资源,以造福于人类的今世后代。 |
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