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2014-6-16 16:59| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 4| 评论: 0|来自: 中国外交部网

摘要: Remarks by H.E. Mr. Liu Zhenmin, Vice Foreign Minister of China, at the 2014 ARF Senior Officials’ Meeting







In the world today, countries are getting more and more interdependent. We the Asian countries are becoming a community of common destiny, common interests, and common responsibilities. As a Chinese saying goes, “A wise man changes with time and circumstances”. We should update our security concept to solve security problems of today.




In a recent speech, President Xi Jinping of China elaborated on an Asian Security Concept with common security, comprehensive security, cooperative security and sustainable security at the core. He appealed to Asian countries to improve the multilateral framework to cultivate a new security architecture in the region. This is echoed by many Asian countries.




Common security means respecting and ensuring the security of each and every country. We cannot have security for just of one or a few countries while leaving the rest insecure. Security must be equal. The idea that “bilateral alliances are the foundation of regional peace” is a legacy of the Cold War and should be abandoned.




Comprehensive security means providing security in both traditional and non-traditional fields. We should take into full account the historical background and reality of Asia’s security issues, adopt a multi-pronged and holistic approach, and enhance regional security governance in a coordinated way.




Cooperative security means promoting the security of both individual countries and the region as a whole through dialogue and cooperation. The people of Asia should play a leading role in solving Asian problems. In the meantime, Asia is inclusive and open to the world. We welcome all parties to play a positive and constructive role in promoting Asian security.




Sustainable security means that we need to focus on both development and security to make security durable. We need to promote common development and regional economic integration, foster sound interactions and common progress of regional economic cooperation and security cooperation.




Let me conclude with a few thoughts on how we could promote peace and security in Asia:




First, we should promote regional economic integration. Closer economic cooperation and better communication can help to enhance mutual trust, and put regional development and prosperity on a more solid footing. Economic integration in Asia is about to boom and expand, and China would be happy to play an important role in this regard.




Second, we should strive for positive relations among major countries. It is crucial for major countries to view each others’ strategic intentions in a rational way, discard the Cold War mentality, and cooperate with each other to fight global challenges.




China will continue its efforts to cultivate a new type of major-country relations. China and Russia are committed to promoting secure and sustainable development in the region. China and the US have agreed on building a new type of major-country relationship.




Thirdly, we should properly handle differences and disputes, many of which are legacies of our modern history. We should work to settle these disputes peacefully through direct negotiations and consultations, so that they will no longer do any harm to us. The “quiet diplomacy” advocated by ASEAN is a good example. This should be practiced. Asian countries are wise enough to solve their problems on their own. Inviting external forces or unilaterally resorting to international arbitration will not lead anywhere.




On the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula, China will continue to push for the denuclearization process. Currently, the DPRK and the US are in sharp disagreement over how to resume the Six Party Talks. China hopes that countries concerned could set a reasonable threshold to reopen the Talks as early as possible.




On disputes over territory and maritime rights in the South and East China Sea, China will continue to strive for negotiated solutions with countries directly concerned on the basis of respecting historical facts and international law. We stand for shelving disputes and seeking joint development. We are committed to working with ASEAN countries to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea by implementing the DOC in a comprehensive and effective way, and steadily moving forward COC discussions.




Fourthly, we should improve existing regional framework and foster a new security architecture. We should adhere to multilateralism and oppose unilateralism and military alliances targeting third parties. China is willing to work with other Asian countries to gradually foster a new security architecture that works well for the region and caters to the needs of all parties. The Asian Security Concept can serve as a good starting point.




To this end, China strongly supports a greater role of ASEAN-led frameworks for regional security cooperation, including ARF and ADMM+. In recent years, China has undertaken almost a third of the cooperation projects under the ARF. In the following inter-sessional year, China will undertake another 6 projects with ASEAN counterparts, covering areas of disaster relief, maritime security, preventive diplomacy and cyber-security. China will also co-chair the ISMs on Disaster Relief and Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crimes. We believe that these projects will be conducive to enhancing ARF practical cooperation.




Thank you for your attention.






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