Inequality is the second
challenge. That is where the issue of land reform comes in. Part of the reason
for urban sprawl is that cities tend to finance their expenditures by
converting rural land into urban use. In this process, cities compensate
farmers at the price of agricultural land, convert it into urban land, sell it
to developers at urban land prices, and take the difference to finance their
expenditures. Farmers are rightly aggrieved, and their demand for better
compensation has led to social tensions and manifestations. No wonder the bulk
of social unrest in China occurs at the urban periphery, where these two land
systems—the rural land system and the urban land system—collide.
In terms of policies in China, we
propose to focus on farmers’ property rights, moving away from the dichotomy of
urban land and rural land, and eventually, to a unified land system. There should
be legal limits to land expropriation and eminent domain actions by local
government. Fair and equitable compensation for expropriation would go a long
way to redress grievances of farmers. From 1990 to 2010, local governments
expropriated land at an estimated two trillion renminbi below the market value.
Assuming that those 2 trillion would have generated returns similar to overall
growth, farmers would have more than 5 trillion renminbi in household wealth by
Inequality is an issue that is
hotly discussed worldwide these days, as evidenced by the global success of
Thoma Piketty’s book on Capital in the
21st century. It is also an issue in China: some urban residents are
registered with the city hukou, a household registration system, and have
access to public services, but migrants are left out. Things have somewhat
improved over the years, and many cities are striving to provide social
services for those migrant workers, but access overall is still restricted. We
argue in our report that the hukou system needs to be abolished over time and
access to services should be based on residency, not origin.
Sustainable urbanization needs to
redress environmental deficiencies, air pollution and the degradation of land
and water. We find that, by and large, China has good laws and regulations,
comparable to those of many OECD countries. At issue is implementation, the
weak capacity of environmental agencies, the single-minded myopic future on
economic growth, which only now is given way to a new emphasis on the quality
of growth, of life. Administrative boundaries of cities and provinces are no
longer adequate enough to deal with the environmental degradation that goes
beyond those boundaries. Beijing will not be able to handle air pollution on
its own, since pollution there is mainly caused by the neighbouring Hebei
province, for example.
How is all this going to be
financed? China’s fiscal system needs comprehensive reforms. With better and
stronger land rights for farmers, cities will lose revenues from land
conversion. Cities need new sources of revenue. Now is the time to empower
cities to find new sources of revenue, through property taxes or local
surcharges on income taxes. Environmental levies, such as higher motor vehicle
licence fees, pollution charges and cost recovery on utilities, will raise
revenues while addressing environmental problems at the same time.
To finance long-term investments
in infrastructure, there needs to be reforms of the financial system at the
city level. Local government financing vehicles need to be brought in to reduce
debt levels. Cities in good financial standing should also be allowed to issue
their own bonds.
More efficient cities will yield
major savings. At the current rate and without reforms, China’s cities will
spend about $5 trillion on infrastructure over the next 15 years. In a reform
scenario, China’s more efficient and denser cities may save some $1.4 trillion
in infrastructure investments, more than enough to finance the expansion of
health, education and low-income housing to cope with the influx of people.
Shifting from the physical expansion of cities and infrastructure to delivering
services to China’s citizens would truly be the people-oriented urbanization
that is the ambition and aspiration of the third Plenary outcome from last
November. And this is what we are proposing as well.
Thank you.
谢谢各位! |
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