英语口译、笔译资料下载 英文版:Speech by Premier Li Keqiang to British Think Tanks.doc 共建包容发展的美好世界 Inclusive
Development: A Better World for All
——在英国智库的演讲 —Speech to British Think Tanks
李克强 H.E. Li Keqiang, Premier of the
State Council of the People’s Republic of China
2014年6月18日,英国伦敦 London, 18 June 2014
The Royal Institute of
International Affairs, known as Chatham House, and the International Institute
for Strategic Studies are well-known around the world. Today, you are hosting
this event together. This shows the great importance you attach to China and is
a reflection of inclusiveness.
Inclusiveness is the mark of
human civilization and progress. Chinese thinkers before the Qin Dynasty valued
the notion of harmony without uniformity and believed in peace as being the
most precious. This coincides with the belief of ancient European philosophers
that harmony generates justice and kindness. The history of human development
shows that the Eastern and Western civilizations, though of different origins,
both appreciated the importance of harmonious coexistence, inclusiveness and
mutual learning. Inclusiveness and common development are needed all the more
in the 21st century. We need not only to increase employment and promote
balanced, coordinated, fair and equitable development within a country. We also
need to achieve development that features peaceful coexistence and common
growth among countries and regions. Inclusive development should indeed be a
common goal pursued by all countries in the world.
The world is paying great
attention to China. There are all kinds of views about China’s economic growth.
A line from a Chinese poem reads, “A mountain, when viewed in face, may look
like a range; when viewed from the side, it may look like a peak.” That means a
mountain, seen from different angles, will leave people with different
impressions. What it implies is that different conclusions may be drawn when
people see things from different perspectives. The UK is the first to complete
industrialization while China is the biggest developing country in the world. I
believe your interest in China is actually about whether the world can achieve
inclusive development. China’s pursuit of a new type of industrialization,
informationization, urbanization and agricultural modernization is a pursuit of
inclusive development on the biggest scale in the world.
After more than 30 years of
reform and opening-up and through hard work of our people, China has steadily
improved the lives of its 1.3 billion people, lifted over 600 million people
out of poverty and ensured the people’s right to survival and development.
China’s development has been achieved in an open environment. The firm goal of
our 1.3 billion people is to achieve modernization, which will be a long
journey. China is the second biggest economy in the world, but it ranks after
80th in the world with a per capita GDP of US$6,800. In China’s vast central
and western as well as northeastern regions, per capita GDP is slightly over
US$5,000 and it is a mere US$3,000 in some western provinces. Some 200 million
Chinese still live below the poverty line by World Bank standards. At the same
time, fast economic growth has been accompanied by a growing pressure on
resources and the environment. These will remain our difficulties and
challenges in the long run. To achieve modernization, it is important to
complete industrialization and urbanization. This is exactly what the Chinese
people are working for at present and for some time to come.
First, on China’s urbanization.
In the past few decades, China’s
urbanization has been advancing, but it is still lagging behind on the whole.
Over 600 million Chinese are still living in rural areas. Due to inadequate
financial resources and limited public goods, the 200 million rural migrants
cannot enjoy the same public services as those who have been living in cities
with urban residency. Between now and 2020, we need to grant urban residency to
100 million of such rural migrants, mainly in eastern China. We also need to
encourage another 100 million rural residents in central and western regions to
settle down in cities and towns nearby. In addition, there are 100 million
Chinese living in run-down city areas, which need to be redeveloped at a faster
pace. To address these three problems, each involving 100 million people, is a
pressing task for China as it pushes forward the new type of urbanization.
But our challenges go beyond
that. Even if we had solved all the above-mentioned problems for the 300
million people, we still have several hundred million of farmers who will move
to cities in the coming years. This will be difficult to accomplish without
over ten years or even longer and the tasks will only be more difficult on our
way ahead. For any country to complete industrialization, it has to achieve
agricultural modernization, raise agricultural productivity and, on normal
cases, keep the percentage of agricultural population low. China will not be an
exception. To have so many people move to live and work in cities in an orderly
manner will be a long process. That is why we say that China will not be able
to become a medium-level developed country and achieve modernization until the
middle of the century.
Second, on China’s
Industrialization is an important
aspect of modernization. It took western countries over 100 years to achieve
industrialization, while China has instituted a full-fledged industrial system
in just a couple of decades. China now leads the world in the output of many
industrial products. You are all familiar with goods “made in China”, but China
mainly produces medium- to low-end products. It has to advance to a medium to
high level in industrial development. Industrial upgrading will serve our joint
response to climate change. It is also a natural choice for China if it is to
break energy, resources and environment bottlenecks. China will pursue a new
type of industrialization, advocate green and low-carbon development and step
up efforts to conserve energy and reduce emissions so that Chinese products
will be more energy-efficient and environment-friendly and China will achieve
internally-driven growth through innovation. This will also bring huge business
opportunities for the world. In the coming five years, China will import more
than US$10 trillion worth of goods, and invest over US$500 billion overseas.
Outbound visits by Chinese tourists will exceed 500 million. China will be
happy to share its development dividends with other countries in the world.
In the modernization drive of
such a populous country like China, there is no example to follow. We face a
whole range of challenges and need to make hard exploration and efforts. After
decades of fast growth, China’s growth has moderated to a medium-to-high speed
compared with the double-digit rate in the past. Some people begin to worry
that the Chinese economy will not maintain sustained growth and will head for a
hard landing. I can assure you that such things will not happen, because
economic growth in China is supported by urbanization and industrialization.
What is more, there are big gaps between urban and rural areas and among
different regions as well as unreasonable industrial structure. All these mean
potential and huge domestic demand for China’s development. As long as we keep
to the right direction and work hard, we will be able to maintain
medium-to-high growth of the Chinese economy for a long time to come.
Since the beginning of this year,
the Chinese economy has maintained stability on the whole despite considerable
downward pressure. We will continue to follow a proactive fiscal policy and a
prudent monetary policy. We will not resort to massive stimulus measures;
instead, we will further innovate the thinking and model of macro-regulation,
combine a ranged approach with a targeted approach in adjustment, strengthen
anticipatory adjustments and fine-tuning, ensure economic growth will stay within
a proper range between the minimum rate needed for job creation and the CPI
growth ceiling to keep inflation under control. We have confidence in meeting
the growth target of about 7.5% set for this year. This will also lay a solid
foundation for our future development.
China’s economic aggregate has
exceeded US$9 trillion. An annual growth of around 7.5%, adjusted for
inflation, will be translated to an increment of about US$1 trillion,
equivalent to a medium-sized economy. This is no easy job, but it will bring
huge business opportunities to China and the world. I have given you so many
figures, not to play a game of numbers though, but to show you that China has
the condition and ability to promote balanced, coordinated, sustained and
healthy economic development.
Third, on China’s peaceful
To achieve modernization in a big
developing country like China and to fulfil the Chinese dream of great national
renewal requires a peaceful international environment and stable neighbourhood.
Otherwise, we cannot focus on development. This is an irrefutable truth.
The Chinese people love peace.
Our ancestors taught us that we should not do to others what we don’t want
others to do to us and that we must help others achieve success if we want to
achieve success ourselves. This has been imprinted into the DNA of the Chinese
nation and become an accepted code of conduct for the Chinese people. Expansion
is not in the Chinese DNA, nor does China subscribe to the logic that a strong
country is bound to be hegemonic.
The achievements China has made
through development in the past three decades are attributable to an external
environment of peace and stability. The path of peaceful development has
benefited the Chinese people and enabled different countries to achieve win-win
development. This is the one thing important we have learned from our
development over the past decades and we will never give it up. China will
remain committed to inclusiveness, openness, peace and cooperation even after
it becomes stronger in the future.
China is a major responsible
country. China stands for mutual respect, equality and peaceful coexistence
among countries and acts in accordance with the UN Charter and the norms
governing international relations. China calls for peaceful settlement of
disputes and conflicts through diplomatic channels and opposes the use of force
or interference in other countries’ internal affairs. China is steadfast in
pursuing the path of peaceful development and follows a win-win strategy of opening-up.
China is ready to work with other countries to foster an international
environment of enduring peace.
China has over the years
contributed significantly to peace and stability in Asia. Thanks to the common
ground China reached with neighboring countries for cooperation and win-win
progress, a sound atmosphere has been created for handling differences through
negotiations and consultations, hence the prosperity and development of East
Asia today. China follows a neighbourhood policy of building friendship and
partnerships with surrounding countries and wants to live in peace with all its
neighbors. But for those acts of provoking incidents and undermining peace,
China will have to take resolute measures to stop them so as to prevent the
situation from getting out of control and bring the situation back to the track
of dialogue and negotiations. I believe as long as countries in the region
could engage in dialogue and negotiations with sincerity and in good faith, the
environment of peace and tranquility will be maintained.
History tells us that war means
the failure of human wisdom. Peace is the result of reflection on disasters and
sufferings. As the former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill once said,
“In history lies all the secrets of statecraft. Those that fail to learn from
history are doomed to repeat it.” We must learn lessons from the past, face
history squarely and be forward-looking. We need to seek political settlement
of international and regional issues, and work together to counter traditional
and non-traditional security challenges and advance prosperity and development
of the world. |
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