英语口译、笔译资料下载 弘扬和平共处五项原则 建设合作共赢美好世界 Carry
Forward the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence to Build a Better World
Through Win-Win Cooperation
——在和平共处五项原则发表60周年纪念大会上的讲话 --Address at Meeting Marking the
60th Anniversary of the Initiation of the Five
Principles of Peaceful Coexistence
习近平 H.E. Mr. Xi Jinping, President of
the People’s Republic of China
2014年6月28日 28 June 2014
尊敬的吴登盛总统, 尊敬的安萨里副总统, 尊敬的各位使节、各位嘉宾, 女士们,先生们,朋友们:
Excellency President U Thein Sein, Your
Excellency Vice President Mohammad Hamid Ansari, Diplomatic
Envoys, Distinguished
Guests, Ladies
and Gentlemen, Friends,
Today, we are meeting here to
commemorate the 60th anniversary of the initiation of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. This is an important
occasion not only for China, India and Myanmar, but also for the international
community. It is of great significance for carrying forward the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence,
enhancing friendship and cooperation among peoples of various countries, and
promoting world peace and development.
On behalf of the Chinese
government and people and in my own name, I extend a very warm welcome to all
of you, distinguished guests and friends.
President U Thein Sein and Vice
President Hamid Ansari have just delivered warm and important remarks, which I
very much appreciate.
Six decades ago, in the course of
decolonization that started at the end of the Second World War, the struggle
for independence and liberation in Asia, Africa and Latin America surged. The
newly independent countries longed for equality in international relations.
Echoing this historical trend, China, India and Myanmar jointly initiated the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence,
namely, mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual
non-aggression, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and
mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence.
On 28 and 29 June 1954, China
issued two joint statements respectively with India and Myanmar, confirming
their commitment to these Five Principles
in conducting their mutual relations and their respective relations with other
countries in Asia and the world. This was a major initiative in the history of
international relations and a historic contribution to the building of a new
type of just and equitable international relations.
At this moment of reflection, we
greatly cherish the memory of the past leaders of our three countries who
initiated the Five Principles and pay
high tribute to people with vision in all countries who have carried forward
the Five Principles over the years.
The commemoration of the 60th
anniversary of the Five Principles of
Peaceful Coexistence today gives us an opportunity to explore ways to
better promote these Five Principles
in the new era so as to build a new type of international relations and a
better world of win-win cooperation.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,
It is no coincidence that the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence
were born in Asia, because they embody the Asian tradition of loving peace. The
Chinese nation has always held such beliefs as “peace is most precious”, “harmony
without uniformity”, “peace among all nations” and “universal love and
non-aggression”. The people of India, Myanmar and other Asian countries also
cherish the values of love, kindness and peace. In one of his poems,
Rabindranath Tagore, the great Indian poet, wrote that if you think friendship
can be won through war, spring will fade away before your eyes. Myanmar has a
World Peace Pagoda where people go to pray for world peace.
The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence give concrete expression to
the purposes and principles of the UN
Charter and facilitate their implementation. The key elements of the Five Principles, namely, “mutual” and “coexistence”,
demonstrate the new expectations the Asian countries have for international
relations and the principle of international rule of law that give countries
rights, obligations and responsibilities.
In the 1950s, guided by the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence,
the wind of friendship swept across the vast land of China and India. When
Premier Zhou Enlai visited India, everywhere he went, the local people greeted
him with “Panchsheel Zindabad”, which means long live the Five Principles of
Peaceful Coexistence, and “Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai”, which means Indians and
Chinese are brothers. Under the guidance of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, China and Myanmar settled
the boundary issue. The China-Myanmar boundary treaty signed in 1960 is the
first boundary treaty the People’s Republic of China signed with its neighbors.
The Treaty of Friendship and Mutual
Non-Aggression between China and Myanmar is also the first treaty of peace
and friendship between Asian countries.
For 60 years, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence
have struck deep roots and flourished in China, India and Myanmar. Meanwhile,
thanks to the important contribution made by the three countries, these
principles are accepted in other parts of Asia and the world. China believes
that the successful application of the Five
Principles in international relations fully testifies to their strong
vitality. India has said that, if these principles are recognized in mutual
relations of all countries, then indeed there would hardly be any conflict and
certainly no war. Myanmar also believes that the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence are appropriate guiding principles
for all countries. |
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