英语口译、笔译资料下载 英文版:Empowerment—the Amartya Sen Lecture.doc 中文版:赋权——阿马蒂亚·森演讲.doc Empowerment—the
Amartya Sen Lecture 赋权——阿马蒂亚·森演讲
Christine Lagarde, Managing
Director, International Monetary Fund 克里斯蒂娜·拉加德,国际货币基金组织总裁
London, June 6, 2014 2014
年 6 月 6 日,伦敦
Good evening. What an immense
pleasure to come to this intellectual powerhouse to honor one of the greatest
intellectuals of our time. Let me especially thank Professor Craig Calhoun for
his kind introduction—I know that Professor Calhoun is a great leader in his
field, and a great leader of the LSE.
The LSE is one of the world’s
most prestigious universities. Its alumni include 34 world leaders and 16 Nobel
Prize winners.
伦敦经济学院是世界上最负盛名的大学之一。有 34 位世界领导人和 16 位诺贝尔奖得主毕业于该校。
One of these Nobel Prize winners
is, of course, the luminous Amartya Sen. There are few economists today who can
match his reach—from the complex mathematics of social choice to the lofty
speculation of moral philosophy; combining deep theoretical rigor with a heartfelt
concern for the poor and the marginalized.
Amartya Sen has always understood
that the concerns of economics are closely related to the concerns of justice
and fairness. In that, he follows in the footsteps of the great economic
thinkers of the past.
Today, especially in the wake of
the global crisis, members of the profession are asking the kinds of questions
that Amartya has spent his whole life pondering. His was a prophetic voice, and
he can rightfully be called the conscience of economics.
Tonight, the topic I want to talk
about sits at the intersection of justice and economics—the issue of
empowerment. Empowerment is about economic opportunity, the ability to freely
choose one’s own path in life in accordance with one’s distinctive talents and
abilities. It is about cutting away obstacles to true human flourishing.
I want to address three distinct
layers of empowerment:
First, the empowerment of the
individual—and what that means for economic policies.
Second, what is needed to help
individual empowerment—the empowerment of institutions.
Third, what is needed in turn to
help national economies flourish—the empowerment of multilateralism.
of individuals 个人赋权
Let me begin with individual
empowerment. There are, of course, many obstacles to empowerment. I will
address two of them—obstacles based on income disparities, and obstacles based
on gender disparities.
disparities 收入差距
Starting with income disparities:
across the board, the gap between the haves and the have-nots has risen
substantially in recent years. In many countries, the wealthy are taking home a
greater share of the rewards today than at any time in the postwar era. We
might have avoided a second Great Depression, but we have not avoided a second
Gilded Age.
And while regions like Latin
America and Sub-Saharan Africa are making great economic progress, their
momentum is still being held back by the stumbling block of inequality.
Now, I think I know what Amartya
Sen would say about this. He would argue that we should look beyond income
inequality and worry about a wider set of disparities—such as in health,
education, unemployment, and social exclusion.
This is an extremely important
point. Indeed, Professor Sen’s contribution here is truly groundbreaking. For
some decades now, he has developed an approach to inequality based less on
income and more on capability. This approach judges people’s advantage by their
capability to do the things they value. It is about opportunity, about giving a
person the means to live well.
Yet I would argue that there is
an intimate connection between the modern incarnation of inequality and these
broader notions of opportunity.
In more unequal societies, too
many people lack the basic tools to get ahead—decent nutrition, healthcare,
education, skills, and finance. This can create a vicious cycle, whereby
economic insecurity causes people to invest too little in skills and education.
As the Bank of England’s Andrew Haldane put it, “being poor taxes the mind
every bit as much as the wallet”.
In more unequal societies, we
also find lower levels of contentment. We find less mobility across
The end result is that excessive
inequality can hinder individual empowerment. Not surprisingly, it also hinders
sustainable economic growth—this is a result of recent IMF research.
This is why I believe that
policies to tame excessive income inequality are win-win—if carefully chosen
and calibrated, they can spur empowerment and economic advancement. Think of
policies like boosting spending on health, education, active labor market
policies, and in-work benefits.
Let me say a word here on
education, which remains a uniquely powerful agent of empowerment. In a world
of stark inequality, we need to make education accessible to all.
I want to point out that the IMF
has joined this movement. In conjunction with a not-for-profit partner, we have
developed an online learning program for government officials—and opened it up
to the general public too. These massive open online courses (MOOCs) enhance
knowledge and skills in the areas where the IMF is active—and thus empower
people to better understand, and engage with, the economic policies and
decisions that affect their lives.
disparities 性别差距
Let me now turn to the second
obstacle to empowerment—gender disparities. This is an issue close to my
heart—and Professor Sen’s, too, I know.
Globally, women earn only
three-quarters as much as men, even with the same job and same education. They
are underrepresented in the formal sector and overrepresented in the informal
sector. They spend twice as much time on household chores as men—and four times
as much on childcare. They make up 70 percent of the billion people living on
less than a dollar a day, and are the first to be submerged by economic crisis.
从全球看,女性所挣收入仅为男性的四分之三,即使是同样的工作、同样的教育背景。她们在正规部门的就业过少,而在非正规部门的劳动参与过多。女性花在家务上的时间是男性的两倍,花在照顾孩子上的时间是男性的四倍。全球有十亿人每天靠不足一美元维生,其中女性占 70%。经济危机袭来时,她们将首当其冲。
Women are also locked out of
leadership positions, where gender seems to matter more than qualifications.
When they do reach the top, they are more likely to be fired.
The bottom line is that women are
underutilized, underpaid, under-appreciated—and over-exploited.
This needs to change. Yes, it is
a matter of justice, but it is also a matter of basic economics.
Amartya Sen played a pioneering
role in raising awareness in this area, drawing attention to the scandal of
“missing” women—women who would likely be alive today had they been born male.
They are missing because of too much neglect and too little respect—including
from poor nutrition and healthcare.
Some estimates suggest that there
are more missing women in the world today than all the men killed in all the
wars of the 20th century combined.
她们不见了,因为她们被严重忽略、得不到尊重——包括营养不良和医疗缺乏所致。一些估计显示,当今的“失踪”女性比在 20 世纪所有战争中战死的男性更多。
This is startling and shocking.
It is surely one of the greatest moral causes of our time.
The solution, as Amartya has long
argued, is to increase women’s voice and agency—through their independence and
their empowerment.
What does this mean in practice?
It means focusing on education, ownership rights, and employment opportunities
outside the home.
Once again, empowerment boils
down to education. Women’s education also showers benefits on society as a
whole. The evidence suggests that women are more altruistic—one study found
that women spend up to 90 percent of their earnings on health and education, as
opposed to just 30-40 percent for men.
同样,女性赋权归结于教育。女性的教育对整个社会有益。有关证据显示,女性更无私。一项研究发现,女性将高达 90%的收入用于医疗和教育,而男性的这一比例仅为30-40%。
The same is true for women’s
economic participation. Women are the ultimate agents of aggregate demand,
accounting for 70 percent of global consumer spending. Eliminating gender gaps
in labor force participation can lead to big jumps in income per capita,
especially in regions like the Middle East and North Africa—27 percent—and
South Asia—23 percent.
女性是总需求的最终行为者,占全球消费支出的 70%。消除劳动力参与的性别差距能大幅提高人均收入,特别是在中东和北非地区(增幅将达27%)以及南亚地区(23%)。
This is why the IMF has been
recommending policies to boost women’s participation in places like Korea and
Japan, where women are still not visible enough.
Fundamentally, there are no
shortcuts to a vibrant economy—it must be built from the bottom up, from the
empowerment of every single individual.
of institutions 制度的赋权
This brings to my second
issue—empowering institutions. As people strive to achieve their potential,
they are not striving in a vacuum. They are navigating the dense of thicket of
institutions and governance structures that run through the economy.
These institutions matter.
Depending on how they are designed, they can help or hinder, catapult or
shackle. Good institutions are founded on the principles of accountability,
transparency, and impartiality. They facilitate empowerment by letting success
depend on competence rather than connections, participation rather than
patronage—by offering an open hand rather than a closed fist.
This evening, I would like to
mention a narrow subset of institutions—ones that contribute directly to
economic wellbeing by providing strong frameworks for fiscal policy, monetary
policy, and financial sector oversight. Without good institutions in these
areas, and without capable people behind them, policies will be ineffective,
and avenues for empowerment will be blocked.
To use Amartya’s Sen’s language:
if we want better capability, then we need better capacity.
Let me talk about the IMF in this
context. You probably know that the mandate of the IMF is for global economic
and financial stability.
What you might not know is that
one of the main ways we fulfill this mandate is by helping countries design,
build, and strengthen their institutions. Through technical assistance and
training, we act as a global conduit for the sharing of knowledge and know-how.
Putting it simply: we help
countries help themselves—which is what empowerment is all about.
Overall, we devote a quarter of
our budget to capacity building. Since 2008, we have provided training to most
of our 188 member countries, and technical assistance to 90 percent of them.
Low-income and lower-middle income countries receive two-thirds of our
technical assistance and half of our training.
总体看,我们的预算有四分之一用于能力建设。2008 年以来,我们向 188个成员国中的大多数提供了培训,向 90%的成员国提供了技术援助。低收入和中等偏低收入国家获得了我们所提供技术援助的三分之二,培训的一半。
Our special focus is on the
building blocks of macroeconomic stability—areas like improving tax systems,
better managing public funds, strengthening financial sector oversight, and
enhancing the quality of economic statistics.
Of course, the IMF is not alone
in this. Many others—including the World Bank, our sister institution—are also
doing wonderful work in this area, helping people in a way that respects their
agency. And it is generous donor financing that makes so much of our own work
当然,在这方面开展工作的并不只是基金组织。许多其他机构——包括世界银行,我们的姊妹机构——也在这一领域开展了出色的工作,以尊重人们所起作用的方式帮助他们。另外,我们的大量工作之所以能顺利开展,离不开捐助方的慷慨资助。 |
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