examples 国家例子
But rather than talking in
general terms, let me give you a concrete and vivid flavor of what we are
actually doing on the ground.
Let us begin with Myanmar, our
third largest recipient of technical assistance. Myanmar is today awakening
from fifty years of isolation, and decades of drift and insularity when
learning was limited, universities were neutered, and travel was restricted.
Until recently, the economy was
poorly integrated into the wider world. The central bank was part of the
ministry of finance. The budget process was antiquated and a lot of data were
maintained by hand.
Together with other donors, we
joined hands with Myanmar and helped it take those crucial first steps—setting
up an independent central bank, removing exchange restrictions and establishing
a functioning foreign exchange market.
We are now providing assistance
in core areas like tax administration, financial sector oversight, and economic
We are helping Myanmar not only
awakening—but humming with energy and dynamism. I saw this first hand when I was
there last December. Everyone I talked to—including the amazing Aung San Suu
Kyi—said the same thing: the country must have the foundations in place to
achieve economic lift-off.
我们不仅帮助缅甸实现了觉醒,而且让它充满了能量和活力。我去年 12 月访问缅甸时亲眼见证了这一点。与我交谈的每一个人——包括杰出的昂山素季——都谈到了相同的一点:缅甸必须打好根基,实现经济崛起。
They all understood the
importance of boosting tax revenue—which is a mere 7 percent of GDP—to raise
money for essential spending on health, education, and infrastructure. They all
understood the need to build a modern financial sector, so that people can
empower themselves through access to credit—including women and people in rural
他们都知道,为保证医疗、教育和基础设施的必要支出,必须提高税收收入。缅甸的税收收入仅占 GDP 的 7%。他们都知道,需要建设现代化的金融部门,使人们能够通过获得信贷而实现自我赋权——包括女性和农村人口。
I focused on Myanmar because of
its unique awakening. Yet I could tell a similar story in countless other
In Cambodia, for example, we are
helping to put in place a legal framework to restore trust in the financial
system. One legacy of the Khmer Rouge terror was the complete breakdown of the
banking system—people put their money under beds instead of in banks. Yet
Cambodia needs a thriving financial system for rural development and
empowerment. And we can see results: a decade ago, banks were almost
non-existent in the countryside; now they are commonplace.
Look at Kosovo, which not so long
ago gained its independence and emerged from conflict. In a short period of
time, it has made remarkable progress in building the foundations of a modern
market economy. With hands-on technical assistance and training, Kosovo created
a brand new central bank from scratch. And just as it once received, it now
gives—training other central banks in the nuts and bolts of monetary policy.
I could also talk about Peru, one
of the world’s fastest-growing economies. Peru is leaping ahead, and yet its
capacity to collect taxes is lagging behind—with a fifth of its revenue lost
through avoidance and evasion of taxes. With our assistance, it is now
strengthening tax collection and the management of its public finances. That
means it can spend more on vital social programs like Juntos—a conditional cash
transfer program that makes sure that poor children get access to healthcare
and education.
我还可以谈一谈秘鲁。秘鲁是世界上增长最快的经济体之一,正在大步前进,但它的征税能力却很落后——财政收入的五分之一因避税和逃税而丧失。在基金组织技术援助的支持下,秘鲁目前正在加强税收征管和公共财政管理。这意味着,秘鲁能够将更多资金用于社会项目,比如 Juntos——这是一个有条件的现金转移项目,保证贫困孩子能够获得医疗服务和教育。
I could also mention the Arab
transition countries, where citizens are seeking to empower themselves through
time-tested principles like opportunity, impartiality, and dignity. We are
helping these countries build the economic foundations of new societies—in such
core areas as tax policy and administration, financial sector reform, monetary
policy, capital markets, and statistics. And we are doing it on the ground,
including through a regional technical assistance center and a regional
training institute.
As one final example, let me turn
to sub-Saharan Africa. Just last week, we held a major conference in Mozambique
on the theme of “Africa rising”—which is really one of the great, if underappreciated,
stories of our time. Many African countries are blessed with a bounty of
natural resources, but—as we know only too well—this blessing can too easily
become a curse. So it is vitally important to put in place strong fiscal
regimes to manage resource revenues—for the benefit of this generation and
generations to come. This was a key theme at the conference, and we are
providing assistance in this area to countries like Kenya, Mozambique, and
Tanzania. Much of our hands-on help in Africa is delivered through our five
regional technical assistance centers—in Gabon, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire,
Mauritius, and Tanzania.
This is just a flavor of IMF
capacity building. The basic point is, I believe, clear: the empowerment of
people depends fundamentally on the empowerment of institutions—which need to
be subject to accountability, transparency, and impartiality.
And as the global economy becomes
more intricate and interconnected, institutions—and the people behind them—will
need to keep up with these changes. So we will need continuous empowerment of
institutions across the entire spectrum of our membership—not just the poorer
of multilateralism 多边主义的赋权
This brings me to my third area
this evening—the empowerment of multilateralism. In a very basic way, today’s
challenges are increasingly global challenges. Empowerment today depends not
just on what is happening in your own country, but what is happening in the
wider world.
I know that this vision resonates
at the LSE, which truly has a global reach and a global mentality. I can see it
in this room.
We live in a world that is
simultaneously coming together and drifting further apart. Coming together due
to the dense and intricate web of interconnections that run through our global
economy—in trade, finance, technology, communications. Coming apart due to the
increasing diffusion of power across the world—toward more diverse geographical
regions and more diverse global stakeholders, a more tribal mentality.
If we are not careful, this
tension between integration and fragmentation could lead to indecision,
impasse, and insecurity.
At the same time, the global
economy is facing huge threats to sustainability, threats that affect us all,
no matter where we live. Think about huge demographic shifts, the perils of
climate change, the strains of rising inequality, the development of fragile
Problems of this magnitude cannot
be solved by homegrown solutions or provincial mindsets. They require a sense
of common purpose and common citizenship. They require a reinvigorated sense of
Once again, Professor Sen has a
lot to say about this. He has argued that we must recognize the responsibilities
that come with our shared humanity. As he puts it, “to argue that we do not
really owe anything to others who are not in our neighborhood…would make the
limits of our obligations very narrow indeed”.
This is the peril of our modern
global economy: if we hunker down behind closed doors, or erect walls or
barriers, we erect obstacles to opportunity, obstacles to empowerment.
In other words: if enhancing
capability means enhancing capacity, it also means enhancing cooperation.
As Charles Dickens once said,
“the men who learn endurance, are they who call the whole world brother”.
This is another area where I
believe the IMF can play a crucial role. Indeed, we have been playing that role
for 70 years now—as a fruit of that visionary postwar “multilateral moment”,
when nations put the global good above narrow interests, taking a bet that the
blessings of cooperation would disperse far and wide. This is a bet that always
pays off.
我相信,基金组织也可以在这一领域发挥关键作用。事实上,我们在过去 70 年中一直发挥着这一作用——这也是战后“多边主义时刻”理想的成果。当时,各国将全球福祉置于狭隘利益之上,冀望于全球合作能带来深远的好处。只要持有这种冀望,那么你将必然得到回报。
I have talked already about the
role played by the IMF in helping countries build capacity. It also plays a key
role as a global convener of cooperation, bringing together 188 countries to
share knowledge, to collaborate toward common ends, to lend a helping hand to
one another in time of need.
我已经谈了基金组织在帮助各国开展能力建设过程中所发挥的作用。基金组织还在促进全球合作方面发挥着关键作用——将 188个国家召集在一起,分享知识,为了共同的目标开展合作,并在需要时相互帮助。
The instruments of collaboration
developed during those formative years have stood the test of time quite well.
They should be preserved and protected. That requires bringing institutions
like the IMF fully up to date, making them fully representative of the current
global economic reality. We are working on that, and the mission is not yet
Yet we also need to go
further—toward what I have called a “new multilateralism” for the 21st century.
The new multilateralism must engage not only with the emerging powers across
the globe, but also with the expanding networks and coalitions that are now
deeply embedded in the fabric of the global economy.
但我们还需走得更远——朝着我所称的 21 世纪“新多边主义”迈进。新多边主义不仅要让全球的新兴强国参与进来,而且要扩大目前深嵌于全球经济中的网络和协作。
We need to invest in this kind of
global social capital. We need to develop this idea of a global civil
society—one that provides space for all voices, takes a broad global
perspective, and adopts a genuine long-term vision. A vision that would make
Amartya Sen proud.
With such a framework, I believe
that the international community can unblock obstacles and unlock
opportunities: providing the space for all to flourish—and to be empowered.
在这样的框架下,我相信,国际社会能消除障碍,释放机会:创造空间,让所有人获 得成功,实现赋权。
Conclusion 结语
Let me conclude with some wisdom
from Charlotte Brontë: “Liberty lends us her wings, and Hope guides us by her
This is really what economic empowerment
is all about—freedom, dignity, opportunity.
We must do whatever we can to
help people help themselves, to let people lift themselves up—through enabling
policies, enabling institutions, and enabling modes of international
As we set sail in this direction,
we could do worse than ask Amartya Sen to guide us. After all, he has been
sailing these waters for decades now. He knows them well. And he has been the
one thinking about solutions long before most of us had even begun to recognize
the problems.
Thank you very much.
十分感谢。 |
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