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on Nelson Mandela International Day 纳尔逊·曼德拉日致辞
18 July 2014 2014年7月18日
Last year, the world lost one of
its greatest leaders when Nelson Mandela passed away. We remember his legacy especially on his
birthday, the 18th of July.
Nelson Mandela and the United
Nations had a strong history together.
Shortly after he was released from prison, he came to our Headquarters.
It was a moment of great excitement.
Nelson Mandela’s presence in the
General Assembly Hall proved that United Nations resolutions, sanctions and
solidarity can win over violence and injustice. His extraordinary compassion
after 27 years in prison showed that human rights and equality are stronger
than discrimination and hate. On that day in 1990, he said people would always
be challenged by the fact that, quote, “it took as long as it has before all of
us stood up to say enough is enough.” The room burst into applause.
Apartheid is gone – thanks to
Nelson Mandela, countless other individuals and the proud actions of the United
Nations. But our planet and its people still face terrible threats -- poverty,
discrimination, climate change, conflict and more. Nelson Mandela Day is a call
to action. Each of us can celebrate this Day by helping to address real
problems in our communities. Together we can give great meaning to our
celebration by paving the way for a better future.
由于纳尔逊·曼德拉、其他无数的仁人志士和联合国令人骄傲的行动,种族隔离已被扫进历史的垃圾堆。但是,今天我们的地球和人民仍然遭受着——贫穷、歧视、气候变化、冲突等严峻的威胁。纳尔逊·曼德拉日召唤着我们采取行动。我们大家都可以为解决社区的实际问题献计出力,以此来纪念他的生日。我们团结一致,共同建设更加美好的未来,这正是我们纪念活动的重大意义所在。 |
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