英语口译、笔译资料下载 中文版:世界打击贩运人口日致辞.doc Message
on World Day against Trafficking in Persons 世界打击贩运人口日致辞
30 July 2014 2014年7月30日
Human trafficking is a callous
global industry that denies victims their rights and dignity and generates
billions of dollars for organized criminal networks. Most of those trafficked are vulnerable women
and children deceived into a life of suffering.
They are exploited for sex and forced to work in conditions akin to
This first World Day against
Trafficking in Persons is a call to action to end this crime and give hope to
the victims, who often live unrecognized among us. To stop the traffickers, we must sever
funding pipelines and seize assets. I
urge all countries to ratify and fully implement the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and
its Protocol on Trafficking in Persons.
Enforcement, cross-border
cooperation and information-sharing can all be effective, but ending human
trafficking also means tackling the root causes. Extreme poverty, entrenched inequality and a
lack of education and opportunity create the vulnerabilities that traffickers
exploit. Ultimately, the best protection
is to accelerate development for all.
Victims of trafficking who are
fortunate enough to be freed need assistance to regain their rights and
reintegrate into society. The UN Trust
Fund for the Victims of Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children,
works on their behalf but needs additional funding. I appeal to everyone to support the UN
campaign, “Have a Heart for Victims of Human Trafficking”.
Let us open our eyes to this
crime and our hearts to the victims. It
is time to say no to human trafficking.
让我们睁大眼睛关注这一罪行,敞开心扉关爱受害者。现在是喝止贩运人口行为的时候了。 |
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