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2014-7-30 20:16| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 3| 评论: 0|来自: 中国外交部网

摘要: Address at the Joint Opening Ceremony of the Sixth Round of the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue and the Fifth Round of the China-US High-level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange


Work Hard to Build a New Model of Major-Country Relationship Between China and the United States



—Address at the Joint Opening Ceremony of the Sixth Round of the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue and the Fifth Round of the China-US High-level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange


中华人民共和国主席 习近平

H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People’s Republic of China



9 July 2014







Secretary of State John Kerry,

Secretary of the Treasury Jacob Lew,

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,




The month of July has embraced the city of Beijing with the touch of green willows and the scent of pagoda tree flowers. In this beautiful season, the Sixth Round of the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) and the Fifth Round of the China-US High-level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange (CPE) are open. It is my great pleasure to have this opportunity to meet with you. To start with, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our American friends who have traveled a long distance to China and give my sincere regards to people from all sectors of our two countries that have long shown care and support for the growth of China-US relations.




The Diaoyutai State Guesthouse where we gather today has witnessed a host of major events in the history of China-US relations. Dr. Kissinger’s secret trip to China, President Nixon’s historic China visit, and negotiations leading to the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, among others, all had close relations with this Guesthouse. In particular, the official establishment of China-US diplomatic relations in 1979,an event that shook the world, not only changed the landscape of international relations, but also opened a new era of exchange and cooperation between the people of China and the United States.




Over the past 35 years, China-US relations have kept moving forward and achieved historic growth despite twists and turns. Over 90 dialogue mechanisms have been set up at the governmental level. Two-way trade has increased more than 200 times to reach US$520 billion last year. Two-way investment stock has exceeded US$100 billion. 41 pairs of sister states and provinces and 202 pairs of sister cities have been formed. And every year, more than four million mutual visits are exchanged between the two sides. China-US cooperation has brought benefit to our two peoples. It has also contributed to peace, stability and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.




Mr. Deng Xiaoping observed, back in 1979, that the interests of the two peoples and those for world peace had made it imperative that we put the China-US relationship in the context of the overall international situation and view it with a long-term, strategic vision. China and the United States, when combined, account for 1/3 of the world’s economic aggregate,1/4 of the world’s population and 1/5 of total global trade. In addition, our interests are more than ever inter-connected. Both history and reality show that China and the United States stand to gain from cooperation and lose from confrontation. If China and the United States work together, we could achieve major undertakings that serve our own interests and those of the world. If we are in confrontation, it will surely spell disaster for both countries and the wider world. Under such circumstances, it is all the more important that we stand high and look far, and continue to strengthen China-US cooperation. We need to stay committed to cooperation and avoid confrontation, as I believe this benefits not only our two countries but the world as a whole.




About 1,000 years ago, Su Shi, a famous writer of China’s Song Dynasty, said, “Opportunity may knock just once; grab it before it slips away.” To grow China-US relations, we need to seize opportunities and keep abreast of the changing times. Despite profound changes in the international environment and in our respective national conditions in the past 35 years, China-US relations have managed to overcome difficulties and move forward. It is because leaders of our two countries, from one generation to another, have been able to follow the trend of the times and constantly bring new dimensions and impetus to this relationship. It falls upon us today to keep moving in the same direction, graduate from the old way of thinking, bring in new ideas, and continue to open up new prospects in China-US cooperation.






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