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Responsible Energy Pricing 以负责的态度为能源定价
Christine Lagarde, Managing
Director of International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织总裁克里斯蒂娜·拉加德
Center for Global Development 全球发展中心
July 31, 2014 2014年7月31日
Good morning!
I am delighted to be back at the
Center for Global Development, and I would like especially to thank Nancy
Birdsall and Lawrence MacDonald for the warm welcome.
We all know that CGD combines
top-notch intellectual firepower with deep-rooted concern for the world’s
poorest people. It is an indispensible agent of economic development. Thank
you, Nancy, Lawrence—and all of your colleagues—for the great work that you do.
As some of you might recall, I
was last here two years ago in the run-up to the Rio+20 conference on
sustainable development. At that time, I talked about the path to a sustainable
future that would require us to overcome a triple crisis—an economic crisis, a
social crisis, and an environmental crisis.
Today, I want to follow up on the
third area—the environmental crisis, which is shaping up to be one of the
greatest crises facing our generation and our century. It is also the issue
upon which future generations will judge us.
If we do nothing, we face a
future that is grim indeed. Our fortunes will melt with the ice, evaporate like
water under a relentless sun, and wither away like sand in a desert storm. And
the planet’s poorest and most vulnerable people will be the first to feel the
Clearly, that is simply not an
option. We must push back against these grave threats to our environment—as a
matter of utmost urgency. This certainly calls for the international community
to come together. Yet there is also a lot that countries can and should do on
their own—this is one of my themes today.
What is the IMF’s role in all of
this? Two years ago, I made a commitment that the Fund would work hard to
provide practical guidance—a kind of “toolkit”—to help our members ensure that
they are pricing energy responsibly.
Today, we are following through
on that commitment by releasing a new book: Getting
Energy Prices Right: From Principle to Practice. In effect, it is the
toolkit that we promised.
In that context, let me talk
about three things this morning:
First, why environmental
issues—particularly those related to energy production and use—matter so much
to the Fund.
Second, what we mean by
“responsible” energy pricing.
And third, how this principle can
be put into practice.
issues and the IMF 环境问题与基金组织
Let me begin with why the IMF is
concerned about the environment. The reason is simple: a degraded environment
leads to a degraded economy. Environmental damage has macroeconomic
implications, and implications for the design and impact of fiscal policy.
So where environmental damage is
“macro-critical” it must also be “mission-critical” for us. Fossil fuels, we
have learned, are a doubled-edged economic sword. The unprecedented improvement
in global living standards over the past century certainly would not have been
possible without the energy derived from these fuels.
Yet we seem to have lost some
ancient wisdom on the importance of balance and moderation.
For while the world became richer
as energy fueled economic expansion, only recently have we come to fully
appreciate the damage done to our precious—and irreplaceable—natural resources.
Think of spiraling atmospheric
concentrations of greenhouse gases, which—according to the latest assessment
from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change—will warm the planet by
around 3-4 degrees Celsius by 2100, in the absence of firm policy responses.
Think also of dirty air, which is
caused mainly by burning fossil fuels. According to the World Health
Organization, outdoor air pollution alone causes 3.2 million premature deaths a
year. Meanwhile, relentless growth in vehicle traffic results in ever more
productive hours lost in the grind of daily congestion.
What can we do? We clearly cannot
reset the clock to a time before the industrial revolution—that is as
impossible as it is undesirable. The only viable solution is for policymakers
to protect rather than plunder the environment, to steward rather than sabotage
our precious resources.
As the American poet Wendell
Berry put it, “To cherish what remains of the earth and to foster its renewal
is our only legitimate hope of survival.”
But sometimes the poets need some
help—in the form of clear, effective, practical advice on how to “cherish and
As we all know, there is no
simple solution here. Protecting the environment involves a multitude of moving
parts. It encompasses, for example, research and development, infrastructure
upgrades for power and transportation systems, and appropriate tax and
regulatory regimes for extractive industries.
Yet, in all of this, fiscal
policy must take center stage. The message is simple: to get it right, price it
right. Make sure that prices reflect not only the costs of supplying energy,
but also the environmental side effects.
This brings me to the main entry
point for the IMF.
We have already done quite a bit
of work in this area. For example, we have been pushing hard for the
elimination of energy subsidies, which—as discussed in IMF research published
last year—are bad for the planet, bad for the economy, bad for the budget, and
bad for social equity.
But we need to go well beyond the
elimination of direct cash subsidies, and make sure that energy tax systems
around the world properly reflect environmental side effects.
On this point, let me be crystal
clear: we are generally talking about smarter taxes rather than higher taxes.
This means re-calibrating tax systems to achieve fiscal objectives more
efficiently, most obviously by using the proceeds to lower other burdensome
taxes. The revenue from energy taxes could of course also be used to pay down
public debt.
We would expect these sorts of
tax shifts to have limited adverse economic effects—the whole point is to raise
revenue in ways that make the economy work better by fixing market failures.
Of course, taxing energy is not the
only route. We can certainly think of good alternatives like programs where
governments sell rights to pollute. Cap and trade systems have been around for
a number of years and, if set up properly, provide a very reasonable
alternative to meet the same objective.
当然,征收能源税不是唯一的途径。我们当然可以想想其他好的办法,比如,政府出售污染权的计划。 排放总量限制和排放权交易制度已经实行了若干年,若得到妥善安排,将提供一个能实现相同目标的合理替代方案。 |
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