英语口译、笔译资料下载 Briefing
to United Nations Member States on the Ebola Outbreak and Response in Guinea,
Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone 有关几内亚、利比里亚、尼日利亚和塞拉利昂埃博拉疫情和应对工作向联合国会员国的通报
Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General
of the World Health Organization 世界卫生组织总干事陈冯富珍博士
Geneva, Switzerland 瑞士日内瓦
12 August 2014 2014年8月12日
Member States of the United Nations, ambassadors, diplomats, ladies and
Thank you. I want to share WHO’s
assessment of the Ebola outbreak and brief you on the response.
We are facing a public health
emergency of international concern.
The outbreak of Ebola virus
disease in West Africa is a crisis. It is a crisis for the affected countries
and their neighbours, for the African continent, and for the international
The outbreak is unprecedented in
its size, severity, and complexity. Cases are occurring in remote rural areas
that are difficult to access, but also in capital cities.
Confirmation of the first case in
Lagos, Nigeria, was a wake-up call. Ebola virus disease can be spread by
international travel, placing every city with an international airport at risk
of an imported case.
To date, nearly 2000 people have
been infected and more than 1000 have died. No one is talking about an early
end to the outbreak.
This is a severe health crisis,
and it can rapidly become a humanitarian crisis if we do not do more to stop
Decisions to seal off the hot
zone of disease transmission, that is, the area where the borders of Guinea,
Liberia, and Sierra Leone intersect, are critical for stopping the reinfection
of areas via the cross-border movement of people.
More than one million people are
affected, and these people need daily material support, including food. The
isolation of this zone has made it even more difficult for agencies, like MSF,
to bring in staff and supplies.
I have discussed this situation
with the presidents of the three countries. The international community must
come together to give them the resources they need.
The number of health-care workers
who have been infected is unprecedented. In past outbreaks, transmission of the
virus in health-care settings ended after the Ebola virus was identified and
measures for infection control were put in place.
Not in the current outbreak. To
date, nearly 170 health-care workers have been infected, and more than 80 have
The infections and deaths of
health-care workers have three major consequences. First, they diminish one of
the most important assets for the response to any outbreak.
Second, they can lead to the
closure of hospitals and isolation wards, especially when staff refuse to come
to work. Third, they drive fear, already very high, to new extremes. The
general public is asking this question: if well-trained and equipped doctors
and nurses are getting infected, what hope is there for us?
This is what I heard yesterday,
in a meeting with ambassadors from a core group of African countries. Many feel
helpless and hopeless given the demands of this outbreak, which far outstrip
their capacity to respond. Others on the panel will be sharing their
As just one example, a facility
treating 70 Ebola patients needs at least 250 health-care workers. In this
region, staff are scarce and hospitals with isolation facilities are virtually
Many facilities lack reliable
supplies of electricity and running water. Other severe infectious diseases,
like malaria, typhoid fever, and Lassa fever, and many chronic diseases are
being neglected, as people are too frightened to seek hospital care.
Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone
have only recently returned to political stability following years of civil war
and conflict, which left health systems largely destroyed or severely disabled.
The outbreak, which is already
having serious economic consequences, threatens to push these countries
backwards. Airlines are cancelling flights. Companies are moving their staff
Let me be clear. Travel bans will
not stop this outbreak. But preventive efforts will.
Standard measures, like early
detection and isolation of cases, contact tracing and monitoring, and rigorous
procedures for infection control, have stopped previous Ebola outbreaks and can
do so again. We have learned much during past outbreaks, including in Uganda,
Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Gabon.
But like the outbreak, the
challenges to containment are unprecedented. The recent surge in the number of
cases has stretched all capacities to the breaking point.
Supplies of personal protective
equipment and disinfectants are inadequate. Rumours and myths abound. The
outbreak continues to outstrip diagnostic capacity, delaying the confirmation
or exclusion of cases and impeding contact tracing.
Some treatment facilities are
overflowing. All beds are occupied and patients are being turned away.
Other facilities are empty. The
fact that Ebola has no cure reinforces the desire of families to care for loved
ones in their homes or seek help from traditional healers. Both practices fuel
further transmission.
Deep-seated traditional burial
practices, which involve close contact with highly infectious corpses, are
another major impediment to control. In Guinea, for example, around 60% of
cases have been associated with burial practices.
Data from the field show that
risks of transmission are greatly diminished when burials are performed, with
dignity, by properly trained teams with pay, mobile phones, and designated
Six months into the outbreak,
fear is proving to be the most difficult barrier to overcome. Fear causes
contacts of cases to escape from the surveillance system, families to hide
symptomatic loved ones, and patients to flee treatment centres. Fear, and the
hostility it can provoke, have threatened the security of national and
international response teams.
疫情发生六个月来的情况证明,恐惧是最难克服的障碍。恐惧导致病例接触者逃离监测、家庭把出现症状的亲人藏匿起来、患者逃离治疗中心。恐惧和恐惧引起的敌意威胁着有关国家和国际应对团队的安全。 |
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