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on International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances 强迫失踪受害者国际日致辞
30 August 2014 2014年8月30日
The enforced disappearance of
individuals by States constitutes an unacceptable violation of human rights.
Acts tantamount to enforced disappearance of individuals by armed and terrorist
groups also constitutes a gross abuse of human rights. This abhorrent practice
places people outside the protection of the law, and thus potentially in great
danger of physical violence and sometimes barbaric execution. In addition to
causing unimaginable worry and anguish for the victims and their loved ones,
this creates a generalized climate of fear and terror across entire societies.
Enforced disappearance was once
employed mainly by military dictatorships. Increasingly it has become a tool of
many States around the world – some operating under counter-terror strategies,
or fighting organized crime, and others seeking to quash dissent and human
rights activism.
On this solemn day, I reiterate
in the strongest possible terms that under international law, no one should be
kept in secret detention. Any person deprived of his or her liberty must be
held safely in officially recognized and supervised locations that observe the
rule of law. States should provide full information about the whereabouts of
persons who have been disappeared. And they must effectively implement the
right to the truth, justice and reparation for all victims and their families.
Enforced disappearance is a practice that cannot be tolerated in the 21st
To date, the International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from
Enforced Disappearance, which entered into force in December 2010, has been
signed by 93 States and ratified by 43. It provides a sound foundation for
fighting impunity, protecting disappeared persons and their families and
strengthening the guarantees provided by the rule of law – including
investigation, justice and redress.
《保护所有人免遭强迫失踪国际公约》于2010年12月生效,迄今为止,有 93个国家已经签署,并得到43个国家的批准。该《公约》提供了一个坚实基础,能打击有罪不罚现象,保护失踪人员及其家属,加强法治提供的保障——包括调查、司法和补救措施。
I urge all Member States to sign
and ratify the Convention without
delay. It is time for the universal ratification of the Convention and a final end to all enforced disappearances.
我敦促所有会员国不再拖延签署和批准该《公约》。现在该是普遍批准该《公约》和最终结束所有强迫失踪做法的时候了。 |
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