英语口译、笔译资料下载 Speech
at the Opening of China Philanthropic Forum 在中国慈善论坛上的演讲
Mr. Christophe Bahuet, Country
Director of UNDP China 联合国开发计划署驻华代表处国别主任白桦先生
Beijing, China 中国
16 August 2014 2014年8月16日
Excellency Mr. Chen Changzhi, Vice-Chairman of the 12th session of the Standing
Committee of The National People’s Congress (NPC), His
Excellency Mr. Li Liguo, Minister of Civil Affairs of PRC, Chairman of the
China Charity Alliance, Distinguished
Fellow Key Note Speakers and Panelists, Guests
and colleagues, Ladies and gentlemen,
第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长陈昌智阁下, 民政部部长,中国慈善联合会会长李立国阁下, 尊敬的各位演讲人及嘉宾, 来宾们及同事们,女士们先生们,
Firstly, allow me to thank the
China Charity Alliance and the Lao Niu Foundation, as well as the various
supporting partners, for hosting this important event at such a crucial time
for China’s philanthropy sector. I am extremely glad to be invited to join you
today to share UNDP’s perspectives on the role of philanthropy in development,
both from China and the Globe. I sincerely hope this will contribute to the
important discussion at this forum.
Over the next two days you will
explore different issues and perspectives related to one common goal:
unleashing the true potential of philanthropy in China. The United Nations Development Programme is
here to support your efforts towards this goal, whether by strengthening the
cooperation between China and other middle-income countries, sharing
international experiences in the development of philanthropic sectors, or
looking at ways to reform the governance of philanthropy to improve its ability
to tackle poverty and inequality.
Philanthropy – literally the “love
of humanity” – is an expression of human generosity that exists and is
reflected in most of the world’s cultures and religions as private giving for
the betterment of others. In the modern world, philanthropy can make a pivotal
contribution to sustainable development, and can complement or make up for the
failure of governments or the marketplace.
In fact, in the last 15 years the
growth in global philanthropy has transformed the international development
sector. Its resources have grown exponentially as a proportion of total
Official Development Assistance. In
2013, official development aid from all OECD DAC nations reached US$134.8
billion. Private capital flows from North to South amounted to about $577
billion, over four times the official flows that year. Of that, philanthropic
financial flows were around $59 billion. The UN recognizes that corporate and
private philanthropy played an important role in supporting progress made
towards the Millennium Development Goals
Development aid, and more broadly
international public finance for sustainable development, will remain essential
in the decades to come. However, we cannot ignore the shrinking proportion of
ODA within total financial flows to the South. Today the largest proportion of
financial flows comes from foreign direct investment; the second largest is
remittances; and the third is private philanthropy. This represents an enormous opportunity,
since a broader range of philanthropists is emerging and becoming engaged in
international giving, as well as domestic giving within developing countries.
Countries like China, but also
Brazil, India and South Africa, have become deeply involved in foreign
assistance not only through government aid but also through private investment,
philanthropy, and remittances. Philanthropic contributions from those four
countries to the developing world already amounted to around $400 million in
2013, a 30% growth from a year before.
However, philanthropy should not
be viewed simply as a “gap filler” for ODA. Instead, and most importantly,
philanthropy brings a complementary and beneficial set of new actors,
approaches, and types of funding to development. And this comes at a pivotal
moment for global development cooperation.
for the Post-2015 Development Agenda is well underway. Looking
forward, it is clear that philanthropy will play an even bigger role in
supporting the achievement of the new goals, which will be endorsed by the
international community next year. In this context, UNDP has commissioned a
review of Philanthropy’s contribution to development globally. Its results will
be discussed in September at a side-event of the UN General Assembly week in
New York.
Yet philanthropy as a sector
still receives little attention in these processes and in turn does little to
engage actively with them. Processes are
led by UN member states and multilateral agencies. While other important
stakeholders like civil society organizations and the private sector have
gradually become more included as non-state actors, the philanthropic sector is
still not engaged enough in these processes and discussions.
Joining the forces of official
development cooperation and philanthropy in the service of the new
international development goals will make a substantial difference. For this to
happen, however, philanthropy needs to leverage the larger resources and
expertise of official development cooperation actors. And the UN system and
governments need to leverage the insights, innovations and more nimble
approaches of the philanthropic sector.
As the world looks for additional
sources of financing to fight against poverty, inequality and disease, a lot of
hope is resting on the rise of philanthropy in countries like China. A strong
and healthy philanthropic sector in China, confident in looking outside its
borders, will benefit China as well as the rest of the world.
In many ways China today has the
unprecedented opportunity to tap into its increasing economic development and
its expanding non-profit sector. At the end of last year there were over 3,600
foundations in China, a 50% increase from just five years ago. According to
some estimates, between January 2011 and March 2012 China’s top 100
philanthropists together contributed the equivalent of $1.6 billion to support
charitable causes including healthcare, education, poverty alleviation,
disaster relief as well as culture and sports.
Most importantly for the
philanthropic sector, according to recent estimates, the levels of personal wealth
in China are rising faster than ever before.
At the end of last year more than 230 billionaires resided in China,
surpassing the number residing in the USA.
The total net worth of the 400 richest people in China was valued at
around $570 billion USD, a 35% increase from the year before. Many of these
wealthy individuals are starting to give back, by setting up private
foundations or by supporting the work of other social organizations.
However, we all know that there
are also challenges ahead. Despite the rapid growth in corporate and personal
wealth, total charitable giving in China is just 4 per cent of the level in the
US and Europe. In 2013 total charitable donations in China actually dropped (17
per cent) from a year before. In many respects, China is still a place where
philanthropists are finding it hard to build, promote, and sustain effective
charitable organizations. This is due to a combination of public distrust in
the sector because of some recent scandals, an unclear legal and policy framework,
and a governance system that needs more transparency. In particular, weak tax
incentives for individuals to donate and difficult registration and operation
procedures for foundations and civil society organizations continue to slow the
growth of the sector.
UNDP has always incorporated the
support for an enabling environment for civil society and philanthropy as a key
component of effective development cooperation at the national and global
levels. In China, UNDP is proud of its longstanding partnership of many years
with the Ministry of Civil Affairs, focusing on improving the policy and legal
environment for civil society organizations as well as their engagement in
policy-making and public service delivery.
Over the years through this
partnership we have supported important pilot initiatives regarding the
administration and management of civil society organizations (CSOs). These
pilots have led to some important breakthroughs. In 2009 in Shenzhen, we
supported the local government in piloting a tax deduction policy for donations
made to CSOs, as well as the simplification of registration procedures for CSOs
and foundations. These policies were officially adopted and now allow the
direct registration of 4 types of organizations. I commend the leadership of
both the Ministry of Civil Affairs and Shenzhen Government on these
achievements in reform.
UNDP will continue to work with
the Ministry of Civil Affairs to promote the development of civil society and
philanthropy in China. Our goal will continue to be a more enabling legal and
policy environment for social organizations, including their registration and
management procedures. However, the
transparency and credibility of the sector needs to be enhanced. In particular,
legal reforms that ensure transparency and better disclosure of spending by
foundations and non-profits are needed to create a new culture of transparency
across the non-profit sector and to regain the trust of the Chinese public.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
To promote philanthropy, we also
need to look at social innovation and the growing role that social media and
the Internet are playing in charitable giving. As non-profit organizations in
China are becoming ever more innovative in the ways they publicize their work,
tools such as mobile giving, fundraising pages and crowd-funding are becoming
more common and have the potential to open incredible opportunities for the
non-profit sector.
New technology is creating a
world where effective philanthropy is no longer the exclusive domain of big
foundations or organizations, but of anyone interested in giving back. This
invigorates people to think that they can make a difference and then urge
others to make a difference as well. All of this should be supported and
Globally, since 2010, in an
effort to support this type of innovation, UNDP has partnered with the Gates
Foundation to organize the Social Good Summit. This has become a global event
organized in New York during the UN General Assembly week but also concurrently
in many countries. The Social Good Summit aims to unite people from around the
world around one common theme: the power of social media, innovation and
technology to solve our world’s greatest challenges.
The true question that lingers
today is how we can better leverage these innovations as well as the growing
work of philanthropic organizations and the private sector to achieve a lasting
and sustainable impact globally and here in China.
Einstein once said: “it is every
man’s obligation to put back in to the world at least the equivalent of what he
takes out of it”. By supporting the development of philanthropy in China we can
all contribute to a more equitable, prosperous, and stable world. I therefore
wish this forum to be most successful.
Thank you for your attention!
感谢大家! |
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