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2014-10-6 23:19| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 146| 评论: 0|来自: 中国常驻联合国日内瓦办事处

摘要: Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Wu Hailong at the Reception Marking the 65th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China


Remarks by H.E. Ambassador WU Hailong at the Reception Marking the 65th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China






Ladies and Gentlemen,




First of all, I would like to extend my warm welcome to all of you to the reception marking the 65th Anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. I wish to invite you to share our joy in celebrating this occasion.




65 years is a just a short episode in China’s long history of over 5000 years. But the past 65 years has witnessed great development achievements made by China, as well as profound changes in its relationship with the world. China has emerged as the second largest economy and the largest trading nation in the world. The Chinese people’s living standards have improved significantly. When the People’s Republic was founded, China’s per capita GDP was less than 100 US dollars. Now it stands at around 7000 US dollars.


China’s achievements can be attributed to the hard work and pioneering spirit of the Chinese people, as well as a development path suited to its national conditions. It’s also benefiting from China’s embrace of globalization in seeking common development with other countries.




Ladies and Gentlemen,




China will be on the course of continued development, provide the world with more opportunities. Against the backdrop of sluggish world economy, China’s economy stayed on the fast track, growing by 7.4 percent in the first half of this year. Estimates show that when China’s economy grows by 7%, it will contribute to one percentage of global growth. China’s annual import is approaching 2 trillion US dollars. This means that China will import over 10 trillion US dollars worth of goods in the next five years. Last year, China’s non-financial outbound direct investment topped 90 billion US dollars. A new round of reforms in China will usher in a new phase of outbound investment by encouraging Chinese businesses and entrepreneurs to invest more abroad. China is a champion for an open, fair and integrated global market and supports both the multilateral trading system and bilateral free trade areas. China is ready to work with all countries in promoting healthy development of globalization.




China remains committed to a path of peaceful development, and is an active player in building the international system, making its due contribution. China plays an important role in resolving international and regional hot-spot issues, combating terrorism, providing humanitarian relief, participating in UN peacekeeping operations and ongoing international efforts against the outbreaks of Ebola virus. Meanwhile, China also provides a large amount of financial support to various activities of the United Nations. With the increase of its comprehensive national strength, China is ready to undertake more international obligations, and is committed to fostering an amicable, secure and prosperous neighborhood, continuing to deepen cooperation with neighboring countries, and addressing our differences and disputes through consultations on an equal footing. China also works with all counties to defend human conscience, international justice and the post-World War II international order.




Ladies and Gentlemen,




The United Nations plays an irreplaceable role in maintaining peace, promoting development and win-win cooperation. China has always been a devoted advocate and practitioner of multilateralism, supporting a greater role of the United Nations in international affairs. At Geneva, a hub of multilateral diplomacy, China will continue to actively participate in the work of the Human Rights Council, the Conference on Disarmament, and various specialized agencies of the United Nations, promoting human rights in China and worldwide, maintaining strategic stability and international security, and advancing global health, social development, science and technology agendas.




I wish to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to the United Nations Office at Geneva, other international organizations, and the diplomatic corps based in Geneva, the Swiss Confederation and the Canton and City of Geneva for your cooperation and support.




In concluding, I wish to propose a toast,




To the 65th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China,




To the prosperity of China and all other countries, and happiness for their peoples, and




To the health of all our guests here.


Cheers! Thank you!





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