英语翻译资料下载 Message
from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of
International Day for Disaster Reduction 教科文组织总干事伊琳娜·博科娃“国际减灾日”致辞
Resilience is for life 增强复原力就是拯救生命
13 October 2014 2014年10月13 日
Vulnerability to natural hazards
is increasing to alarming rates, as their frequency intensifies, and
exacerbated by rapid population growth and ageing populations. The 2014
International Day for Disaster Reduction is dedicated to older people, to their
needs and to their contribution to better planning and understanding disaster
risks in their communities.
We know well that age is a major
factor for evacuation during emergencies. Older people are also more vulnerable
than younger groups to injuries resulting from such weather extremes as
heatwaves, storms and floods. It is projected that by 2050, people over the age
of sixty will represent 22 percent of the world’s population, twice the current
number. This is why we must start today to include the concerns of older people
in all planning and preparations to mitigate the risks of disasters.
We must also listen more
carefully to the voices of older people, whose contribution to tackling
environment challenges is underestimated. Our elders are forces for resilience,
thanks to their understanding of natural phenomena, including within
traditional knowledge systems and those of indigenous people. This vast
reservoir of knowledge can help in improving preparedness as well as in
preventing disasters, thanks to the wisdom that older people can share about
local phenomena. Mitigating the risks of disasters must build on local
foundations, drawing on the views and needs of local communities, who are the
first affected by natural disasters.
This was a key message that
UNESCO sent at the 3rd International Conference on Small Island Developing
States, held in Apia, Samoa, during the High-Level Event on Coping with and
adapting to Ocean Threats for Resilient SIDS Communities. UNESCO is acting
across all areas of its mandate and across the world to build a global culture
of resilience for local communities. In Viet Nam, we have been working with
media institutions to train journalists in producing written and broadcast
material that highlights the vulnerability of older people, as well as women
and children, during evacuation situations and calling for more inclusive
prevention plans.
Resilience is more than simply
recovery from adversity – it must be about building stronger societies today to
prepare for tomorrow. On this International Day for Disaster Reduction, I call
on all Governments and all relevant actors to integrate older people in
programmes and plans of disaster risk reduction, and to ensure the
participation of local communities into all stages of planning. This is
essential to lay the ground for a more sustainable world for all.
复原力不仅仅是走出逆境,它要求夯实今天的社会根基,未雨绸缪。值此国际减灾日,我呼吁各国政府和所有相关方把老年人纳入减灾方案和计划当中,确保地方社区参与各阶段的谋划。这是奠定一个可持续世界之基础的关键。 |
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