Solidarity or seclusion 3、团结或闭塞
Let me now turn to the third and
final big choice facing us—solidarity versus seclusion. Do we lift high the
banner of cooperation or do we sink low into the mud of provincialism?
You all know the answer. You know
that the most fertile ground is common ground; the best form of self-help is
mutual help; the best kind of knowledge is shared knowledge. This is why we are
all here today.
It is why you are members of the
Yet you also know that the global
economy is undergoing radical shifts. Fifty years ago, the emerging markets and
developing economies accounted for about a quarter of world GDP. Today, it is
half, and rising rapidly. During the global crisis, it was the emerging markets
that contributed most to global growth.
This diffusion of power is not
restricted to nation states. Aided by technology, we also see the rapid rise of
a more diverse network of global stakeholders: NGOs, cities, and even citizen
activists. Powered by social media, they have proven their ability to force
policy change.
This new reality demands a new
response—but not a new philosophy. It requires us to update, adapt, and deepen
our modes of global cooperation. It requires using the wonders of technology
for the betterment of humanity. It requires what I have a called a “new
In the words of Maya Angelou: “to
give birth again to the dream”.
What does this mean in practical
terms? For a start, it means a re-commitment to the values of open trade and
investment. It means resisting the lure of “beggar-thy-neighbor” economics. It
means placing the global good above individual self-interest.
There are three areas where
progress is vital:
First, in the financial sector:
we need cooperation to come to an agreement on the cross-border resolution of
Second, we know that tax
competition especially hurts low-income countries as they strive to mobilize
badly-needed revenue. The international community needs to go further in making
it more difficult to shift taxes from one country to another simply for profit.
Third, on external imbalances: we
know that behind every current account deficit lies a current account surplus.
Countries on both sides must take responsibility for balance and stability.
Renewed solidarity also calls for
global action to turn the tide of climate change. 2015 is shaping up to be a
make-or-break year. If we miss this chance, then we are failing the world’s
poorest people, the generations to come, and the planet.
So we must not fail. The new
multilateralism must prevail. And the IMF has a pivotal role to play.
Every day—and often nights as
well—our magnificent staff and Executive Board are working hard for you. They
are a uniquely talented group of people—dedicated to the ideals of
international public service, steadfast in their zeal to make the world a
better place. I am immensely proud of them—and all of those who have served the
Fund so well over these 70 years. I know you are proud too.
Here, let me pay special tribute
to a dear member of our family, Wabel Abdallah. Wabel was our resident
representative in Afghanistan, and he was brutally killed by a terrorist attack
in Kabul earlier this year. He represented the Fund at its very best. Wabel
devoted his life to helping the people of Afghanistan, and he died doing his
duty. We miss him dearly. As they say in Arabic, “lel fakeed al rahma”—mercy to
the departed.
在此,我要特别向我们大家庭里亲爱的一员Wabel Abdallah致以敬意。Wabel是基金组织在阿富汗的常驻代表,在今年前段时间喀布尔爆发的恐怖袭击中惨遭杀害。他展现了基金组织最好的一面。Wabel为帮助阿富汗人民献出了宝贵的生命,为履行自己的职责献出了生命。我们深深地缅怀他。正如阿拉伯语中所说的“lel fakeed al rahma”——愿逝者安息。
At the Fund, we have mourned
Wabel’s loss together. But we are honoring him day by day through our continued
commitment to global cooperation. This includes our work with higher-risk
countries, where it is more important than ever to work toward sound
institutions, so that people will one day face a better and more stable future.
We will continue to adapt to
changing realities on the ground. And we must strive to be even more
representative of our dynamic global membership.
That makes completing the 2010
governance reforms so crucial. Our membership knows what needs to be done.
The right choice must be made.
Our Choices 结语:我们的选择
Mr. Chairman, Governors, let me
At this key fork in the road, let
us choose acceleration over stagnation, stability over fragility, solidarity
over seclusion.
Let us choose the path of 1944,
not 1914.
I began with a popular children’s
story, let me end with another. In J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter, the protagonist
is given this key piece of advice: “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we
truly are, far more than our abilities”.
Our choices.
Thank you.
谢谢。 |
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