英语翻译资料下载 中文版:李克强总理在中欧论坛汉堡峰会第六届会议上的主旨演讲.doc 英文版:Set a New Example of Mutual Benefit and Win-Win Cooperation.doc 树立互利共赢的新标杆 Set a
New Example of Mutual Benefit and Win-Win Cooperation
——在中欧论坛汉堡峰会第六届会议上的主旨演讲 – Speech at the Sixth “Hamburg
Summit: China Meets Europe”
李克强 H.E. Li Keqiang, Premier of the
State Council of the People’s Republic of China
2014年10月11日,德国汉堡 Hamburg, 11 October 2014
尊敬的施泰因迈尔外长, 尊敬的贝特尔首相, 尊敬的舒尔茨议长, 女士们,先生们:
Excellency Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Your
Excellency Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, Your
Excellency President Martin Schulz, Ladies
and Gentlemen,
It is my great pleasure to attend
the “Hamburg Summit: China meets Europe”. Known as the “City of Bridges”,
Hamburg boasts a unique view with over 2,000 bridges. As I see it, Hamburg has
even more intangible bridges that extend to the rest of the world. Hamburg has
a time-honored tradition of free trade and had established the Hanseatic League
back in the 13th century. Today, Hamburg is known to be the fastest
transshipment port in Europe. In fact, one out of every three containers handled
in the Port of Hamburg travels between China and Europe. This illustrates the
long history and current dynamism of China-Europe exchanges.
The “Hamburg Summit: China meets
Europe” 2014 has a rich program, including topics such as how China and Europe
perceive each other, trade and investment order, urbanization in China, green
growth, etc. I can see from the program that there is a great deal of
anticipation for China-Europe cooperation. Cooperation requires more
understanding of each other, so I wish to take this opportunity to brief you on
the current state and future prospects of the Chinese economy.
Since the start of this year, in
the face of a complex environment at home and abroad, the Chinese economy,
under heavy downward pressure, has managed to maintain a stable performance on
the whole. Its GDP grew by 7.4% in the first half of this year, a momentum that
has basically continued into the third quarter. Although this figure is
somewhat lower than China’s high-speed growth of about 10% in the past, it
remains a medium-to-high growth rate. Worldwide, our growth rate is still high.
Given China’s large economic size, the 7% increase in its economy today equals,
if not exceeds, a 10% increase in its economy in the past. The increase is also
equivalent to the size of a medium-sized economy.
In the beginning of this year and
in recent months, there have been some small fluctuations in some of China’s
economic indicators, yet the economy is still running within a reasonable
range. It is inevitable to have some fluctuations, which also occurred last
year. And the growth of other countries is not a perfect straight line either.
We maintain that the Chinese economy needs to perform within a reasonable
range. The growth target for this year is set at around 7.5%. I would like to
draw your attention to the word “around”. This means that with adequate
employment and relatively stable price levels, and as long as we could ensure
parallel growth of household income and positive progress in protecting the
environment, a growth rate slightly higher or lower than 7.5% would be
considered acceptable. For the Chinese government, its focus is still on
employment. Since the start of this year, although economic growth has somewhat
slowed, employment has increased. From January to September, more than 10
million urban jobs were created, over 100,000 more than that of the same period
of last year. Surveyed unemployment rate has stayed at around 5% in 31 big
Economic growth is not a sprint
but rather long-distance running that will never end. It demands certain speed.
More importantly, it demands perseverance and staying power. The quality and
efficiency of China’s economic growth is improving, something that we hope to
see. With the continued rise of the proportion of the service industry, the
rapid development of emerging industries such as e-commerce, logistics and
express delivery, and the growth of high-tech industries and equipment
manufacturing faster than the entire secondary industry, the adjustment and improvement
of industrial structure has progressed by leaps and bounds. We have also seen
encouraging results in energy conservation and emissions reduction. Energy
consumption per unit of GDP was down by 4.2%, and carbon intensity down by
about 5% in the first half of this year, the biggest cuts in years. With
growing household income, consumer demand is also rising steadily. In
particular, consumption by the general public is increasing rapidly. People
have enjoyed tangible benefits in the course of economic development.
The Chinese economy has made
these achievements thanks mainly to reform and innovation. Despite downward
pressure on the economy, we have not adopted indiscriminate strong economic
stimulus; nor have we ever eased monetary policy or expanded deficit. Instead,
we have vigorously promoted reform in administrative, fiscal, financial,
investment and other key areas and, at the same time, reformed and innovated
the approaches of macro-control by promoting structural adjustment, namely
targeted macro-control on the basis of range-based macro-control. Reform is
also a stimulus on the economy, as it helps to improve both the
micro-foundations and the macro-environment for economic growth, and could
generate huge market vitality and social creativity. We have put in place a
number of reform measures to incentivize market entities, strengthen weak links
and boost the real economy, with an aim to release the massive dividend of
reform for development.
Since the beginning of this year,
the Chinese government has continued to spearhead a “self-targeted revolution”
by substantially streamlining administration and delegating powers and
promoting market-based reforms so as to boost the vigor of creation and
innovation for more individuals and businesses. Since the adoption of reform on
the business registration system last March, we have seen an over 60% year-
on-year growth, a massive upsurge, in other words, on the number of newly
registered market entities over the past six months and more. These new businesses,
mostly small and micro-enterprises or players in the service sector, have
generated more than 10 million jobs, and have become a new pillar of China’s
economic growth thanks to their strong growth prospect. We have not only
lowered the threshold of market access by offering much-needed policy support
to these newly-established businesses, but also enhanced on-going and ex-post
oversight, created a market environment featuring fair competition, and
improved the social security network, so that those involved in
entrepreneurship and innovation will have no additional worries and will grow
healthily on the land we have fostered for them. |
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