英语翻译资料下载 Speech
at the Closing Ceremony of New Energy Vehicle Journey “创新征程——新能源汽车万里行”活动闭幕致辞
Mr. Christophe Bahuet, Country
Director, UNDP China 联合国开发计划署驻华代表处国别主任白桦
Beijing 北京
23 September 2014 2014年9月23日
Mr. Chen Jiachang, Deputy Director General of Ministry of Science and
Technology, Mr.
Zhang Jihong, Deputy Director-General of Beijing Municipal Science Technology
Commission, Dear
Mr. Gan Ping, Director-General of Shanghai Municipal Science Technology Commission,
Distinguished Guests and Colleagues,
尊敬的科技部高新司陈家昌副司长, 尊敬的北京市科学技术委员会牛近明副主任, 尊敬的上海市科学技术委员会干频副主任, 各位来宾,同事们,
Good morning!
On behalf of United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP), please let me congratulate the organizer of today’s
event to showcase Fuel Cell Cars and other alternative vehicles, which will be
making a difference in building a low carbon society in China.
Today we witness the end of one
journey, a journey that started 20 days ago in Shanghai, where a fleet of
alternative energy cars drove north towards Beijing. The 3 fuel cell cars, 2
hybrid cars and 2 electric cars that
took part in the Touring Across China) visited Nanjing, Qingdao, and Dalian
along the approximately 3,000 km long journey to the capital. A distance that
is almost equal to traversing Europe from northern Sweden to the south of Italy,
something only a few people would attempt.
The truly impressive part is
however that this is only part of the planned endeavor since the cars will
later travel through southern China and visit Xiamen, Foshan, Kunming and
Chengdu, adding another 5,000 km to the rally. Combined with the inter-city travel
to showcase the cars, it is expected that the seven cars will cover a distance
of approximately 10,000 km.
More importantly, today’s event
is only a footstep in a much longer journey in China’s long lasting efforts to
reduce CO2 emissions and combating the air pollution affecting all of our major
As you know China is the second
biggest oil consumer and carbon emitting country in the world, approximately
half of the emissions comes from Coal dependent electricity and heat production
which accounts for almost half of the CO2 emissions of the country. Although
the transport sector only accounts only 7% of the overall CO2 emissions in
China, road transport account for approximately 77% of this annual transport
sector emissions, and with the expected increase in the vehicle stock from 150
to 200 million by 2020, new approaches are truly needed.
At the end of July 2014, the
number of vehicles in Beijing reached 5.58 million. In addition, another
200,000 cars enter or pass Beijing each day. Vehicle emissions, such as carbon
monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides, account for 86 percent, 32% and 56%
respectively of the totals of these pollutants in Beijing’s air. Vehicles
provide 31% of PM2.5 pollutants in Beijing. In Beijing the total
social cost of motorized transport, including air pollution and congestion is
estimated to be 7.5 to 15 % of the GDP.
In addition to GHG emission – transport
fundamentally impacts sustainable human development, particularly human health
as air pollution worsens respiratory health and has a range of other health
implications. Improving and using alternative energy technologies like hydrogen
fuel cells can help address the serious environment challenges, which we are
facing today.
Fuel cell vehicles emit nothing
but water vapor and can operate on renewable hydrogen gas. Fuel cell power
source can generate more power and has better durability compared to lead-acid
batteries. It is also more environmental-friendly without the risks of lead
pollution. However, the sales of FCV have been restrained by their high price
tag and weak refueling infrastructure.
Since early 2000, GEF has been
supporting five countries, namely China, Brazil, Mexico, India and Egypt, to
develop and commercialize fuel cell vehicle technologies. UNDP has since 2003
together with the Ministry of Science and Technology of China successfully
utilized GEF funding for the design and implementation of the GEF project,
Demonstration for Fuel-Cell Bus Commercialization in China. Until now, China is
the only country that can have domestic production of fuel cell vehicles (FCVs)
with the support of UNDP and the GEF. The fuel cell cars being showcased today
are locally made by Shanghai Automobile Industry Corporation and are the
physical demonstration of the fuel cell vehicle technologies. By the way, the
use of Fuel Cell Buses was also well showcased during the 2008 Olympic Games
and the World Expo 2010.
We are fully aware that there are
still several barriers to the widespread application and commercialization of
FCVs in the country’s transport sector. These include; technical barriers such
as the inadequate cost effectiveness and environment adaptability of locally
made FCVs; market barriers like local auto companies’ market expectations for
FCVs is still very low ; and policy barriers including Lack of FC and FCV
testing data for formulating national FCV standards.
However, UNDP, together with
MOST, is helping catalyze the cost-reduction of FCVs for public transport
applications by supporting significant parallel demonstrations of FCVs and
their re-fueling infrastructure in the cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Zhengzhou
and Foshan.
While strengthening policy and
planning capacity of the line government institutions and public transport
companies, the new project will also enhance scientific, technical, and
industrial capacities for commercializing FCVs as well as raise the awareness
among government, investment, media, and other key actors of how the use of
FCVs can positively reduce their climate change footprint.
Ladies and Gentlemen, let me
share with you UNDP’s commitment to working closely with the Chinese Government
in harnessing creative initiatives and innovative ideas for addressing climate
change. UNDP stands ready to promote the commercialization of FCVs in the years
to come.
Thank you very much for your
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