– Promote trade and investment
facilitation in East Asia. Since China and ASEAN started FTA negotiations in
2002, trade between the two sides has grown by eight times and per capita GDP
of the ten ASEAN countries has more than tripled. China has been ASEAN’s
biggest trading partner for five consecutive years and ASEAN has become China’s
third largest trading partner. The two sides are working hard to complete, as
early as possible, negotiations on an upgraded version of the China-ASEAN FTA.
China is willing to take part in negotiations on investment treaties under the
pre-establishment national treatment plus the negative list model. It will set
aside RMB 30 million in the next three years to support economic and technical
cooperation between the two sides. China stands for trade liberalization and is
committed to building a market and legal environment conducive to fair
competition. It will work with other parties to conclude negotiations on the
RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership) before the end of 2015 and
we are happy to see that parties attending the just-concluded APEC Economic
Leaders’ Meeting in Beijing all supported starting the initiative of an FTAAP
(Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific). China is open to negotiations on the TPP
(Trans-Pacific Partnership). In our view, various FTA arrangements can play a
positive role in fostering a just and free international and regional trade
– Accelerate connectivity in East
Asia. The initiatives put forward by China to build the Silk Road Economic Belt
and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road are aimed at strengthening connectivity
among countries along the ancient land and maritime Silk Roads. The Asian
Infrastructure Investment Bank that is under preparations should follow the
principle of openness and inclusiveness, act as a complement to the Asian
Development Bank, the World Bank and other existing institutions, and focus on
financing regional infrastructure development. China has announced the
establishment of the Silk Road Fund, and will support infrastructure
construction on a priority basis. China will provide US$ 10 billion of
preferential loans to ASEAN countries and will start the raising of US$3
billion for the second phase of the China-ASEAN Investment Cooperation Fund.
The China Development Bank will set up a US$ 10 billion special loan for
China-ASEAN infrastructure development. All these measures will help speed up
the building of regional connectivity.
– Expand financial cooperation in
East Asia. To prevent major financial turbulence from happening in this region,
we need to strengthen financial and fiscal cooperation with a special focus on
improving the CMIM (Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization) which will
effectively relieve regional short-term liquidity strains. We need to fully
leverage the role of AMRO (ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office) and enhance
the regional capacity for financial supervision, coordination and early
warning. Countries also need to increase the size of local currency swap
arrangements and settlement of cross-border trade in local currencies so as to
provide financial facilitation and support for trade.
– Step up poverty reduction
cooperation in East Asia. Poverty elimination remains a priority for East Asia
to achieve development. China will put forward, at this year’s ASEAN Plus Three
Summit, the East Asia Cooperation Initiative on Poverty Reduction, and will
offer RMB100 million for rural poverty reduction projects. China will provide
RMB 3 billion of free assistance to less-developed ASEAN countries next year.
China is ready to discuss the possibility of establishing a dialogue and
cooperation mechanism for Lancang-Mekong River countries under the framework of
China-ASEAN cooperation to help ASEAN narrow the development gap. Countries in
the region may make good use of the APTERR (ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice
Reserve) mechanism to respond to food security emergencies.
– Advance maritime cooperation in
East Asia. Next year is designated as the year of maritime cooperation between
China and ASEAN. The two sides may explore the possibility of convening a
maritime cooperation forum to be attended by maritime ministers from relevant
countries and increase dialogue and cooperation between maritime law
enforcement agencies. The China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation Fund with a total
value of RMB3 billion is a major platform for the two sides to advance maritime
cooperation in various fields. The two sides need to fully implement the 2014
projects and start application process for the 2015 projects as soon as
possible. China will also provide RMB30 million for the East Asia Maritime
Cooperation Platform.
– Intensify people-to-people and
cultural exchanges in East Asia. Dialogue and exchanges among different
civilizations and cultures in East Asia are instrumental in boosting mutual
understanding and trust. The path of friendship and cooperation will extend
wherever exchanges between people exist. We shall continue to explore into the
history and culture of the Maritime Silk Road. China commends India’s efforts
to revive Nalanda University and is ready to work together for cooperation in
culture, education, international students and other fields. We shall encourage
track II cooperation mechanisms in the region such as the Network of
ASEAN-China Think-Tanks and the Network of East Asian Think-Tanks. I believe
their wisdom will contribute to greater exchanges in the cultural and social
sectors in East Asia and more prosperous development of Asia at large.
Dear Colleagues,
Next year marks the 10th
anniversary of the East Asia Summit. The EAS should continue to play its role
as a leaders-led strategic forum, follow the principles such as ASEAN
centrality, embrace equality, openness and inclusiveness, accommodate each
other’s comfort level, conduct candid dialogue on major regional and global
issues, and advance results-oriented cooperation in relevant areas.
East Asia is among the most
promising regions in the world. The future of East Asia bears not only on the
well-being of the people in this region but also on the future and destiny of
the whole Asia-Pacific region. Countries, within the region and without, are
passengers traveling in the same big boat with their interests closely linked.
As a Myanmar proverb goes, “He who does not look ahead will encounter many
difficulties.” All parties are contributors to East Asia cooperation. Let us
join hands and work together to promote peace and development of the world.
Thank you very much.
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