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on World AIDS Day 世界艾滋病日致辞
1 December 2014 2014年12月1日
On this World AIDS Day, I welcome
the tremendous progress the world is making in responding to the AIDS epidemic.
This year, world leaders made a commitment to end AIDS by 2030. The Fast Track
approach launched last week will enable us to reach this goal.
Almost 14 million people
worldwide are now accessing HIV treatment. We have reduced new HIV infections
by 38 per cent since 2001. We have prevented 1.16 million infections among
newborn babies by providing essential antiretroviral medicines. We are on track
to provide antiretroviral therapy to 15 million people by 2015 and to eliminate
mother-to-child transmissions within the next few years. Thanks to the
dedication and energy of many partners including those in civil society, we
continue to tackle and remove laws that stigmatise and discriminate. Progress
is accelerating.
But the gains remain fragile.
There are 35 million people living with HIV today, and some 19 million of them
do not know they have the virus. There are important gaps in our response to
key groups of people. Two out of three children who need treatment do not get
it. Young women are particularly vulnerable in many countries with high HIV
prevalence. The AIDS epidemic is increasing in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and
the Middle East, fuelled by stigma, discrimination and punitive laws. And the
essential work of community systems and support organisations often lacks
support. We must leave no one behind. 但是,这些进展仍然是不够的。目前有3500万艾滋病毒携带者,其中大约1900万人不知道他们携带病毒。我们针对关键群体采取的措施有重大不足之处。每三个需要治疗的儿童中就有两人得不到治疗。在艾滋病毒流行率高的国家中,青年妇女尤其容易被感染。由于感染者遭受羞辱、歧视和法律上的惩罚,艾滋病疫情在东欧、中亚和中东日趋严重。社区系统和支助组织开展的重要工作常常得不到支持。我们不能丢下任何人。
I am pleased and proud to see
that we are moving forwards. The legacy of the AIDS response is already
apparent as we confront Ebola in West Africa. We know that medical systems
alone are not enough to provide robust healthcare. Social justice, the
democratization of science, shared responsibility for financing, human rights
and gender equity, and a people-centred approach to health are all lessons we
have learned in the AIDS response that are being applied across the board,
including in our discussions on the post-2015 development agenda.
On this World AIDS Day, I call on
world leaders to unite in our common cause. We have started to turn the tide.
We have set a bold target. Let us end AIDS together by 2030.
值此世界艾滋病日,我呼吁世界各国领导人为我们的共同事业团结起来。我们已经开始向好的方向前进。我们订立了一个宏大的目标。让我们在2030年根除艾滋病。 |
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