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2014-12-26 02:42| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 16| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部

摘要: 2014 in Review: A Successful Year for China’s Diplomacy–Speech by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Opening Ceremony of the Symposium on the International Developments and China’s Diplomacy in 2014



Third, we have made our own contribution to common development in the world. As the world’s second largest economy, China is fully aware of its responsibility and has done its utmost to promote development and prosperity of the world.




By maintaining economic stability at home, we have helped global economy, Asian economy, in particular, to effectively resist the downward pressure. As the world’s fastest growing economy, China has made itself an opportunity to world development. The recent Central Economic Work Conference sent out a message that the Chinese economy has come to a new normal, reaffirming China’s direction for a new round of high-quality opening-up. On the home front, we will pursue a path of sustainable development, maintaining a healthy and steady growth of a medium-high speed, upgrading our economic structure toward the medium-high end and bringing about sustained benefits to our people. On the external front, we will deepen our opening strategy of mutual benefit, achieving the transformation from being the world’s workshop of consumer items to being a key supply base of manufacturing equipment and realizing the common prosperity of China and the rest of the world.




By promoting the development of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, we have injected a strong impetus to the common development in Eurasia. The economic belt and the maritime Silk Road are projects designed to boost win-win cooperation between China on the one hand and Eurasian countries on the other in the spirit of mutual learning and harmonious coexistence reminiscent of the ancient Silk Road and serve as an overarching architecture for China’s external cooperation endeavor in the new era.




Internally, this initiative dovetails with China’s development strategy of developing our central and western regions while addressing regional imbalances and fits well with our “go global” strategy aimed at building all-directional cooperation with the outside world. Internationally, this initiative aims to secure common development and shared prosperity in all countries along the routes, as it upholds the vision for a community of shared destiny and highlights a win-win approach featuring consultation, joint development and sharing. The initiative is bound to bring new life and vigor to the ancient land of Eurasia and give this vast continent two strong wings on its journey toward prosperity.




In the past year since the initiative was raised, over 50 countries along the routes have responded positively and signed on, ready to align their respective development schemes with it. Substantive steps have been made in the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which renders strong support to the initiative. The Silk Road Fund is in place. Infrastructure connectivity cooperation such as China-Mongolia and China-Thailand railway projects is making progress. China-ROK and China-Australia FTA negotiations have yielded fruitful results. As time goes by, the great significance and far-reaching impact of the initiative will become more keenly felt.




By promoting the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP), we have worked relentlessly to ensure a right direction for regional cooperation in the Asia-Pacific. Using the opportunity presented by hosting APEC meetings, we set in motion the FTAAP process and approved the relevant roadmap, transcending and integrating the increasingly fragmented bilateral and multilateral FTAs in the region and creating a significant milestone in the APEC process, which aroused strong resonance and support from all parties. The effort goes a long way toward ensuring mutual inclusiveness and reinforcement of the existing cooperation arrangements in the region.




By taking part in international economic and financial governance, we have played a positive role in revamping the relevant international systems. We moved the G20 Summit in Brisbane to include structural reform, as China called for, in its Leaders’ Communiqué as an important element under macroeconomic policy coordination. We worked with the United States and Australia in drafting the G20 Principles on Energy Collaboration and urging its endorsement by the Summit. In such a way, we took an active part in agenda-setting and rule-making in the multilateral arena. At the BRICS Summit in Fortaleza, we pushed for the launch of preparations for a New Development Bank and a Contingent Reserve Arrangement, thus making a new contribution to improving global financial governance. We actively participated in the United Nations Climate Summit. The Joint Announcement on Climate Change by China and the United States, spelling out their respective post-2020 actions on climate change, set an illustrious example for the international community.




Fourth, we have played our part in addressing global hotspot issues. The Chinese nation has been peace-loving throughout the ages. Not only are we committed to a path of peaceful development, we have also asked ourselves to stand for peace, make pace and keep peace in international affairs.




We have backed our support to the triple transition of Afghanistan with concrete actions. By announcing new assistance package and major training programs for Afghanistan, we have worked hard to maintain peace and stability in that country. In successfully hosting the Foreign Ministerial Conference of the Istanbul Process on Afghanistan, we have helped identify 64 priority cooperation projects as confidence building measures, thus injecting new vitality to the Istanbul Process and setting new standards to it.




We have taken an active part in the negotiations for a comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue. Chinese leaders have personally talked at great length to the leaders of relevant countries on many occasions. We put forward a five-point political proposition at the early days of the negotiations and went on to offer our ideas and plans throughout the process, especially at critical junctures of negotiations. The constructive role played by China in bridging differences, breaking impasse and moving the negotiations forward has been widely recognized.




In the face of the Ebola epidemic, the biggest global public health crisis in nearly 30 years, we extended a helping hand to our African brothers right away. So far, China has provided four batches of assistance worth a total of RMB750 million to the affected countries and their neighbors, sent more than 1,000 epidemic control experts and medical workers for the relief efforts and built in a timely fashion treatment centers in the affected areas. These moves have won China extensive praises internationally.




With respect to the question of Ukraine, China has maintained an objective and impartial position, worked actively to promote peace through dialogue, and displayed the image as a responsible major country. We made a three-point proposal designed to promote a political solution at the start of the crisis, and we encouraged all along efforts to seek a political solution that accommodates the legitimate interests and concerns of all parties. China’s position has been well received by the relevant parties.




We are committed to achieving denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, maintaining peace and stability on the Peninsula and solving the issue through dialogue and negotiation. By working vigorously on the relevant parties on the various occasions and through various channels, we have tried hard to create the conditions for the resumption of the Six-Party Talks and to bring the Korean nuclear issue back to a dialogue process that is sustainable, irreversible and result-oriented.




We have put forth a five-point peace proposal for settling the Palestine-Israel conflict. Having sent our Special Envoy on Middle East Affairs to the region four times on a shuttle mission of mediation, received visit to China by the Special Envoy of the Palestinian President, and provided emergency humanitarian assistance in cash to the Gaza people in the name of the Chinese Government and the Chinese Red Cross Society, China has contributed its share to easing tensions between Palestine and Israel and safeguarding peace and stability in the Middle East.




We have got actively involved in addressing the Syrian issue by urging the convening of the Geneva II Conference on Syria, making a five-point proposition for a political settlement and encouraging all parties in Syria to seek a middle way that suits Syria’s national conditions and accommodates the interests of all parties. We have also made a great deal of efforts to secure the passage of Security Council resolutions on Syria’s humanitarian situation by consensus.




We have worked hard to solve the conflict in South Sudan. By receiving the government and opposition delegations from South Sudan successively and appointing a special envoy on intensive shuttle diplomacy, China has worked on the conflicting parties in a balanced and in-depth way and played a substantive role in stabilizing the situation in South Sudan.




We have been committed to dialogue, consultation and peacefully solving the disputes concerning sovereignty, territorial integrity and maritime rights and interests with some neighboring countries. While firmly safeguarding our sovereignty and legitimate rights and interests, we have actively advocated a “dual track” approach in addressing the South China Sea issue, namely, the relevant disputes should be resolved peacefully through friendly negotiations by the countries directly concerned while peace and stability in the South China Sea be jointly maintained by China and the ASEAN countries. This approach has won understanding and support from most countries in this region.




At the recent Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs, President Xi Jinping pointed out that China must develop a distinctive diplomatic approach befitting its role as a major country, so that China’s diplomacy will show salient Chinese features, Chinese style and Chinese confidence. China’s diplomacy has already stood on a new historical starting point and its relations with the outside world are displaying brand new chapters. The vision, practice, contribution and role of China as I elaborated above have all demonstrated the Chinese features.




The word “features”, highlighting the major-country diplomacy as China pursues, underscores China’s determination to achieve national greatness through ways different from traditional powers. The Chinese features, first and foremost, support unequivocally the social system and development path widely endorsed by the Chinese people and uphold unswervingly the leadership of the CPC and socialism with Chinese characteristics. This is where the foundation of China’s diplomacy lies.




Secondly, the Chinese features embody the upholding of the independent foreign policy of peace, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries and other fine traditions in China’s diplomacy. At the same time, we need to keep abreast of the times and continue to work for their improvement, enrichment and development.




Thirdly, the Chinese features include the adherence to such principles as standing for reason and justice and acting in equal-footed way. These principles reflect both the proud traditions of the Chinese civilization and the intrinsic requirements of China’s socialist system, more effectively safeguard the overall interests of developing countries and help promote democracy in international relations.




Fourthly, the Chinese features require that we make serving domestic development, reform and opening-up our top priority. China is the world’s second largest economy, but it is also a typical developing country, which makes it different from other major countries. Therefore, China’s diplomacy must be brought to serve the country’s domestic development by fostering a more stable and more friendly external environment.




Comrades, the major-country diplomacy with Chinese features is an unprecedented undertaking. It has become all the more valuable just because of its difficult and challenging nature. To persevere in the major-country diplomacy with Chinese features is what the central Party leadership with Comrade Xi Jinping as the General Secretary asked of us, and it is also the glorious mission history has bestowed on this generation of ours. I hope that all of us will pool our strengths and wisdom together and make unremitting efforts to this end.






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