Remarks on Celebration of United Nations Day 2014 在2014联合国日庆祝活动的欢迎致辞
Mr. Alain Noudéhou, UN Resident
Coordinator 联合国系统驻华协调员
Gongwangfu (Prince Kung’s
Mansion), Beijing, China 中国北京·恭王府
22 October 2014 2014年10月22日
Lu Shumin, President of the UN Association of China, Mr.
Yang Tao, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Excellencies,
Ambassadors and members of the diplomatic corps, Distinguished
Guests, colleagues from the United Nations Ladies
and Gentlemen
On behalf of the United Nations
Country Team in China, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you and
thank you for joining us to commemorate United Nations Day 2014.
It is heartwarming to see that
the cold weather has not kept you away from celebrating our shared commitment
to the values and the vision of the United Nations.
Today, we commemorate the day, 69
years ago, when in 1945 the UN Charter
was ratified bringing the United Nations into force.
Today, we celebrate the noble
aspirations of the United Nations: That the nations of the world commit to
resolve their differences peacefully; to promote dignity and human rights; to
foster social and economic development; to protect our environment; and to
provide humanitarian aid in case of famine, natural disaster, and armed
The world looks very different
than it did back in 1945. Seven (7) billion people now live on our planet
compared to 2 billion in 1945. Although we have not experienced another major
war, the world today is faced with an increasing number of complex regional and
civil conflicts. Advancements in technologies have made the world more
interconnected than even before. And
China is now the world’s second biggest economy.
Much progress has indeed been
made since 1945. But despite these advancements, and as stated by the UN
Secretary General in his message of the day: I quote “The United Nations is
needed more than ever at this time of multiple crises. Poverty, disease,
terrorism, discrimination and climate change are exacting a heavy toll.” end of
In this globalized landscape of
interrelated social, economic and political challenges, international
cooperation is more critical than ever before. Effective dialogue among
nations, with a strong spirit of solidarity is very much needed to eliminate
poverty, to fight terrorism, to foster peace, and to protect the health of our
The United Nations, this
organization that belongs to all of us, offers the best platform through which,
we, the citizens of this world, can pursue our fundamental aspiration of
peaceful and sustainable human development.
Here in China, the nature of the
work of the United Nations has evolved since 1979. Over this 35 year period,
our partnership and friendship with China has grown in strength and in
quality. Through our trusted
relationship, we have made valuable contributions to the unprecedented
development progress achieved in this country.
In the coming years, we remain
committed to support the government and the people of China to find new
solutions to development challenges the country is facing. With our extensive
experience, and through our global network of expertise, we will continue to
ensure that China is able to benefit from the experience of other countries –
and that the world will benefit from China’s rich experience in
As has been the case on countless
occasions since its creation in 1945, the convening power of the United Nations
will continue to be critical for global exchanges of ideas and for seeking
peaceful solutions for the crises the world is facing.
It is therefore very fitting that
we gather here today to celebrate the UN vision of peace and international
solidarity in this magnificent venue: Kong Wang Fu (Prince Kung’s Mansion) which is not only rich in historical significance,
but this great Mansion has become a national cultural heritage site in China,
preserved for the enjoyment of future generations.
I would like to take this
opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Sun Xugang, the Director of
Kongwangfu, for graciously hosting us in this beautiful setting.
In conclusion, I want to remind
us all that our gathering here today is to commemorate the 69th anniversary of
the United Nations. 69 years of existence represents a special milestone which
requires joyful celebration.
We hope that you’ll stay with us
to enjoy the rest of the program which includes wonderful performances from
Qianxun, the string quartet and later on the piano baritone duo, two groups of
talented Chinese artists who will express the energy and spirit of this
important day through their music.
On behalf of my colleagues from
the United Nations Country Team, I want to thank the Government of China for
its commitment and leadership in supporting the work of the UN here in China
and globally.
Our heartfelt appreciation also
goes to the UN Association of China, for their diligent work to promote the
ideals of the United Nations and for their generous contribution to make this
day a success.
Our Master of Ceremonies Ms. Tian
Wei, we are grateful for your accepting to officiate at our function and for
your strong support for the UN.
Last but not least, I want to
recognize my dear colleagues and Heads of UN Agencies for their strong
commitment and all UN staff members in China for their dedication to the work
of the UN.
I thank you all for your kind
attention and wish you a very enjoyable evening.
再次感谢诸位的光临。祝愿大家度过一个非常美好的夜晚! |
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