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2015-1-8 08:06| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 1797| 评论: 0|来自: 中国外交部

摘要: Address by H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, at the Parliament of Australia

携手追寻中澳发展梦想 并肩实现地区繁荣稳定

Jointly Pursue Dream of Development for China and Australia and Realize Prosperity and Stability in Our Region



– Address at the Parliament of Australia


中华人民共和国主席 习近平

H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China


20141117 堪培拉

Canberra, 17 November 2014









The Right Hon. Tony Abbott, Prime Minister of Australia,

The Hon. Bronwyn Bishop, Speaker of the House of Representatives,

The Hon. Stephen Parry, President of the Senate,

The Hon. Bill Shorten, Leader of the Labor Party,

Senators and Members of the House,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,




Good afternoon! I am delighted to have this opportunity to meet you here at the Parliament of Australia on such a sunny day in the southern hemisphere. On behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, I wish to extend warm greetings and best wishes to you and, through you, to all the Australian people.




I am paying a state visit to Australia at the invitation of Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove and Prime Minister Tony Abbott, and I have just attended the ninth G20 Summit in Brisbane. Australia has hosted a fruitful and memorable G20 summit, which demonstrates its important status and influence in international and regional affairs. I extend congratulations to Australia on the success of the summit!




This is the fifth time I set foot on this ancient and dynamic continent of Australia. Since 1988, I have visited five states and two territories of Australia except Tasmania. These visits have left a great impression on me, and I still cherish vivid memories of the strange-looking kangaroo, the cute koala bear, flocks of white sheep, the ingenious Sydney Opera House and boundless expanses of the Outback. Everywhere I went, I have personally experienced the goodwill of the Australian people towards the Chinese people.




Australia has a vast territory, rich resources and an advanced economy, and it is renowned for its diverse culture and unique landscape. It is not just a country “on the sheep’s back” or a country “sitting on minecarts”; more importantly, Australia is a country of dynamism and innovation. It has produced many world-renowned scientists and made outstanding contribution to the progress of human civilization. Many inventions that are important to our life, such as WiFi technology, refrigerators and ultrasound scanners, were made by Australian scientists. China’s National Aquatics Center, known as the “Water Cube” and used as one of the main venues during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, was-jointly designed by Chinese and Australian architects.




Just several days ago, I hosted a welcoming banquet for the guests attending the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in the “Water Cube” and they were all impressed by its ingenious and creative architecture.




In this connection, let me express my admiration for the ingenuity of the Australian people and sincerely wish Australia an even better future and its people greater happiness.




Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,




While China and Australia are oceans apart, friendly contacts between our two countries have a long history. Starting from the early 19th century, many Chinese began to arrive in Australia by ship. They gradually integrated themselves into the local community and made important contributions to Australia’s development. In the first half of the 20th century, Chinese and Australians fought together in two world wars and jointly upheld world peace and justice.




In 1972, China and Australia entered into diplomatic ties, which opened a new chapter of friendship and cooperation in the relations between our two countries. There are now frequent exchanges of visits at the top and other levels and over 30 government consultation and dialogue mechanisms. Our national legislatures maintain regular exchanges, which serve as an important platform for exchanging views and experiences of governance. Notably, economic and cultural interactions and cooperation between our two countries are flourishing. The two-way trade grew from US$86 million in the early years of our diplomatic relations to US$136.4 billion in 2013, and China has been Australia’s biggest trading partner for five consecutive years. People-to-people exchanges have grown steadily, with China becoming Australia’s largest source of international students and tourism revenue. We maintain good cooperation in multilateral mechanisms, including the United Nations, APEC and the G20, and close coordination and consultation on major international and regional issues. In 2013, China and Australia established a strategic partnership, which was a significant milestone in the growth of our bilateral relations.




I am delighted to see that Emeritus Professor Colin Mackerras of Griffith University is with us today. In 1964, Professor Mackerras went to China for the first time. Over the past five decades, he has visited China over 60 times, and he has made tireless efforts to present a real China to Australia and the world based on his personal experience of China’s development and progress. It is worth mentioning that his son Stephen is the first Australian national born in China since the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949. With his unremitting efforts and devotion, Professor Mackerras has built a bridge of mutual understanding and amity between our people. Last September, he was conferred the Friendship Award by the Chinese government. Professor Mackerras, I wish to express deep appreciation to both you and many other Australians for what you have done to enhance the friendship between our two nations.




As an old Chinese saying goes, “The ocean is vast because it admits numerous rivers.” It is the steady streams of mutual understanding and friendship between our two peoples that have created the vast ocean of goodwill between China and Australia. I am greatly heartened by the immense support for China-Australia relations in both countries.




Over the next few days, I look forward to discussing ways to boost the further growth of our bilateral relations with Australian leaders and friends. This, I am sure, will help enhance our mutual understanding and friendship, expand mutually beneficial cooperation across the board, draw a more ambitious blueprint for advancing bilateral relations and add new impetus to the efforts to realize our respective development strategies.







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