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2015-1-10 13:26| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 325| 评论: 0|来自: 中国常驻联合国代表团

摘要: Statement by Minister-Counsellor WANG Hongbo at the High-level Conference on the Central Emergency Response Fund


Statement by Minister-Counsellor WANG Hongbo at the High-level Conference on the Central Emergency Response Fund




Madam Under-Secretary-General,




The Chinese delegation thanks the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) for convening this annual High-Level Conference on the Central Emergency Respond Fund (CERF). China commends CERF under the leadership of Under-Secretary-General Amos for the achievements it has made this year and thanks Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for his report.




The year 2014 has witnessed an eventful humanitarian situation in the world. By making timely and flexible financial allocation, CERF has worked effectively to deal with sudden natural disasters and conflicts induced humanitarian emergencies, resolving long-standing complex emergency situations and contributed to the prompt response to the Ebola pandemic. The Chinese delegation has noted that in recent years, CERF has made continuous efforts to further improve its administration and management, adopted innovative working methods and used regional approaches to cope with crises, thus effectively facilitating the synergy in carrying out humanitarian assistance at national and regional levels. The continued increase in its membership and the uptrend it has maintained in the amount of the donations speak volumes for its success and efficiency. China appreciates the work done by CERF and hopes that it will continue to strengthen its coordination and partnership-building, exert greater efforts to raise funds, adopt innovative working methods, promote and disseminate best practices and successful experience so that it can galvanize even broader support and play a greater role in rapidly responding to emergency humanitarian crises, assisting the efforts to tackle long-standing crises and strengthening resilience-building.




China always attaches great importance to its cooperative relationship with OCHA and participates actively in the CERF advisory group. China has contributed to the core resources of CERF since it started in 2006, and donated 500,000 US dollars to CERF in 2014 to support its efforts to implement its mandate. In 2015, China will continue to make donation to CERF within its capacity and will announce the exact amount of the donation after it is approved by the Chinese National People’s Congress.




Thank you, Madam Under-Secretary-General.






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