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2015-1-13 23:10| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 1183| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部网

摘要: Address by H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, at the Opening Ceremony of the First Ministerial Meeting of the China-CELAC Forum



Using today’s opportunity, I wish to share with you the following thoughts regarding development of the Forum in the coming years.




First, we need to commit ourselves to the cooperation principle of acting as equal partners. Countries big and small all have their own merits. China and CELAC members, however different in size, strength and level of development, are equal members of the China-CELAC Forum family. We may come together under the vision of friendly consultation, joint development and outcomes sharing, accommodate each other’s interests and concerns and build as much consensus as we can so as to lay a solid political foundation for overall cooperation.




Second, we need to adhere to the goal of win-win cooperation. As a governmental cooperation mechanism between China and CELAC members, the forum covers political, economic, trade, people-to-people, cultural, social, science and technology, and many other areas. Our two sides should keep firmly to the goal of pursuing common development, enhance institutional building of the forum, and draw up a blueprint for conducting overall cooperation. This will allow us to produce early harvest and achieve the effect of making one plus one bigger than two, and ensure sustainable development of the forum.




Third, we need to pursue cooperation in flexible and pragmatic ways. It is China’s view that China-CELAC overall cooperation and bilateral cooperation between China and CELAC members should be conducted on a parallel basis, which complement and reinforce each other. We may, within the framework of the China-CELAC Forum and relevant forums on specific fields, identify priority areas and projects of cooperation and carry out both bilateral and multilateral cooperation in diversified ways to draw on each other’s strengths.




Fourth, we need to ensure open and inclusive cooperation. In conducting the cooperation within the China-CELAC framework, it is important to give full account to different interests and needs of various parties and accommodate each other’s comfort level. We welcome active participation in China-CELAC overall cooperation by other regional organizations and multilateral institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean. The forum will therefore contribute to not only solidarity and collaboration between the two sides, but also South-South cooperation and development and prosperity of the world.




Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,




Latin America and the Caribbean, which is endowed with abundant resources for development, is one of the most promising emerging regions in the world. In recent years, the region has maintained sound momentum of stability and development. Led by CELAC and other regional organizations, it has achieved fresh progress in strengthening itself through unity and accelerating regional integration. As a result, its overall strength and international influence have been enhanced. Countries in the region have actively pursued multi-direction diplomacy, and they have given priority to fostering friendly and cooperative ties with China and other Asia-Pacific countries, thus creating more space for promoting all-round growth of their relations with China.




The Chinese people are striving to finish the building of a society of initial prosperity in all respects and realize the Chinese dream of great national renewal. The people in Latin America and the Caribbean are endeavoring to achieve their dream of solidarity, collaboration, development and revitalization. So we are bound together by shared dreams and common pursuits.




China is committed to pursuing an independent foreign policy of peace, peaceful development and a win-win strategy of opening-up. China champions and practices a right approach to principles and interests, and it upholds good-faith, friendship and justice. China will integrate its own development with the common development of other developing countries and work with them to build a new type of international relations of win-win cooperation.




Looking ahead, China will maintain medium to high rate of growth, as its economy has entered a new normal. In the next five years, China will import more than US$10 trillion of goods and make over US$500 billion outbound investment, and over 500 million overseas visits will be made by Chinese tourists. All this will offer more market, investment, growth and cooperation opportunities to countries in Latin America, the Caribbean and the rest of the world. In the next ten years, we will work together to raise two-way trade to US$500 billion, and China’s direct investment in the region will rise to US$250 billion.




Our two sides have designed an exquisite emblem for the forum. It is in the shape of a pair of peace doves or two clasped hands, which symbolizes close cooperation between the two sides soaring to great heights.




In a word, with the long-term and strategic goal in mind, China will work with Latin American and Caribbean countries to ensure the success of the new platform of China-CELAC overall cooperation. We should take the first Ministerial Meeting as a new starting point and seize new opportunities in China-CELAC overall cooperation. With these efforts, we will write a new chapter in our partnership of comprehensive cooperation and raise our relations to a higher level.




To conclude, I wish the meeting every success.




Thank you.







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