Dear friends and colleagues,
Socialist deliberative democracy
is a unique form and a distinctive strength of China’s socialist democracy.
Politically, it is an important embodiment of the Party’s mass line. It was
stated at the 18th Party Congress that as China’s socialist democracy
progresses, we need to improve the institutions and mechanisms for deliberative
democracy and promote its broad-based, multilevel, and institutionalized
development. It was stressed at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC
Central Committee that with a focus on the major issues concerning economic and
social development and the practical issues that affect people’s immediate
interests, the Party should lead extensive deliberations throughout the whole
of society and ensure that deliberations are conducted both before decisions
are made and during their implementation. These important statements and plans
have shown what the way forward will be for China’s socialist deliberative
We should have a full
understanding of the major assessment that socialist deliberative democracy is
a unique form and a distinctive strength of China’s socialist democracy. The
very purpose of the CPC’s leadership of the people in developing people’s
democracy is to guarantee and support their position as masters of the country.
Guaranteeing and supporting the position of the people as masters of the
country is not simply a slogan or a few hollow words; we must ensure its
implementation in both the country’s political and social activities, and
guarantee the people’s right to effectively manage state affairs, economic and
cultural undertakings, and social affairs in accordance with the law.
A name is not granted by heaven;
it must be earned in life. There are many diverse ways to realize democracy, so
we cannot just rigidly copy any particular one. Further, we must recognize that
there is no such thing as a standard model that is universally acceptable.
Whether people enjoy democratic rights or not depends on whether they have the
right to vote in elections, as well as whether they have the right to
constantly participate in everyday political activities. Besides having the
right to democratic elections, it also depends on whether they have right to
democratic decision-making, democratic management, and democratic oversight. Socialist
democracy requires not just a complete set of institutions and procedures, but
also full participation. The position of the people as masters of the country
must be given concrete and practical expression to through the exercise of
state power by the CPC and its governance of the country, in all aspects of the
work of the Party and government organizations at all levels, and through the
realization and development of the people’s own interests.
Putting people’s democracy into
practice and ensuring the people’s position as masters of the country, demands
that we conduct extensive deliberations amongst people throughout the whole of
society while governing the country. Mao Zedong once said, “The relations
between all aspects of the state need deliberations… You are all familiar with
the nature of our government – to do things through consultations with the
people… we may call it a consultative government.” Zhou Enlai once said, “The
spirit of deliberation of the new-democratic revolution is not in the final
voting; it is mainly in the deliberations and repeated discussions that happen
before a decision is made.”
Under China’s socialist system,
deliberations help when a problem crops up, and matters involving many people
are discussed by all those involved; to reach consensus on the wishes and needs
of the whole of society is the essence of people’s democracy. On matters that
concern the people’s interests, deliberations should be held with the people;
without deliberation or with insufficient deliberation, it is difficult to
handle these matters well.
We should always hold
deliberations when we find and address issues: the more numerous and in-depth,
the better. On matters that have a bearing on the interests of people of all
our ethnic groups, deliberations will be held extensively throughout the whole
of society; on matters that concern the interests of people in one specific
area, deliberations will be held among the local people there; on matters that
affect the interests of certain groups of people, deliberations will be held
among those groups; and on matters that concern the interests of people at the
community level, deliberations will be held within the community.
The process of holding extensive
deliberations among the people is the process of promoting democracy and
drawing on collective wisdom, the process of unifying people’s thinking and
building consensus, the process of scientific and democratic decision-making,
and the process of ensuring the position of the people as masters of the
country. It is only in this way that we can have solid foundations for our
country’s governance and for social governance; it is only in this way that we
are be able to draw together powerful strength.
In both ancient and modern times,
in China and abroad, experience has shown that to guarantee and support the
people’s position as masters of the country, it is paramount that people’s
lawfully elected representatives participate in the management of state affairs
and social activities, and it is equally important that the people participate
in such activities through systems and methods other than election. If the
people merely have the right to vote but no right of extensive participation,
in other words, if they are only awakened at election time but go into
hibernation afterwards, then this kind of democracy will only be a formalistic
On the basis of the review of our
experience with people’s democracy since the founding of the People’s Republic
of China, we have made it clear that in such a vast and populous socialist
country, extensive deliberation under the leadership of the CPC on major issues
affecting the economy and the people’s quality of life embodies the unity of
democracy and centralism. Chinese socialist democracy takes two important
forms, in one of which, the people exercise their right to vote in elections,
and in the other, people from all sectors of society undertake extensive
deliberations before major decisions are made. In China, these two forms do not
cancel one another out, and nor are they contradictory; they are complementary.
They constitute institutional features and strengths of Chinese socialist
Deliberative democracy is a
unique form of Chinese socialist democracy. It springs from our nation’s
long-established inclusive political culture, in which we believe that all
under heaven belongs to the people and we can seek common ground while putting
aside differences. It springs from China’s political evolution in modern times,
from the long-term practical experience built as the CPC led the people through
the course of revolution, development, and reform; from the great innovations
made in our political institutions by all political parties, people’s
organizations, ethnic groups, and people from all social strata and different
backgrounds after the founding of the People’s Republic of China; and from the
continuous innovations in China’s political system since reform and opening up.
It has firm cultural, theoretical, practical, and institutional foundations.
Deliberative democracy has been
integrated into the whole process of Chinese socialist democracy. The Chinese
socialist system of deliberative democracy not only upholds the leadership of
the CPC, but also gives expression to the positive role of all sides; it not
only upholds the people’s principal position in the country, but also
implements the leadership system and organizational principle of democratic
centralism; and it not only adheres to the principle of people’s democracy, but
also promotes unity and harmony. So, the Chinese socialist system of
deliberative democracy diversifies the forms and widens the channels of democracy,
and gives it new meaning.
We need to thoroughly understand
the fundamental nature of socialist deliberative democracy as an important
reflection of the Party’s mass line in the political sphere. The CPC comes from
the people, and serves the people. This makes it essential that the People’s
Republic of China, which was established by the people under the leadership of
the CPC, must closely rely on the people in governing the country and managing
society. The CPC carries out its mass line in its work, that is to say, it
stays committed to doing everything for the masses and relying on them,
following the principle of “from the masses, to the masses,” and translating
its correct proposals into people’s conscious actions. The Constitution of the People’s Republic of China stipulates that all
power of the state belongs to the people, and all state organs and employees
must rely on their support, keep in close touch with them, listen to their
opinions and suggestions, accept their oversight, and work hard to serve them.
Both the CPC and state organs must follow the mass line and rely heavily on the
people in their exercise of state power.
As the Chinese saying goes, “The
rise or fall of a political power depends on whether it accommodates the people’s
will.” The future of a political party or government ultimately rests on
popular support. The whole course of the development of the CPC and the People’s
Republic reveals that the progress we have made in our cause has relied on our
always having maintained close ties with the people and our representing of the
fundamental interests of the greatest possible majority of the people. However,
if we become divorced from the people and lose their support, that cause will
be doomed to failure. We must put the people’s interests first. Under no
circumstances can we ever alter our standpoint of breathing the same air as and
sharing a common future with the people, nor can we forget that our purpose is
to serve the people wholeheartedly, nor can we discard the view of historical
materialism that the people are the real heroes.
Serving the people wholeheartedly
and always representing the fundamental interests of the greatest possible
majority of the people are the important preconditions and foundation for the
implementation and development of deliberative democracy. It is stipulated in
the Constitution of the CPC that the CPC has no special interests of its own
outside of the interests of the working class and the greatest possible
majority of the people. The CPC and the state it leads represent the
fundamental interests of the greatest possible majority of the people, and all
of their theories, lines, principles, policies, and work plans should come from
the people and should be formulated and implemented for the people’s interests.
With this as our major political premise, we have the obligation, and ability
to listen extensively to comments and suggestions from all sectors of
By extensively listening to
suggestions and recommendations and accepting criticism and oversight through
various forms of deliberation, we will, under the CPC’s unified leadership, be
able to reach the broadest possible consensus on all decisions we make and on
all our work, and in doing so, ensure that factional competition and even
bitter disagreement between parties and between interest groups can be avoided.
We will be able to have all demands on matters affecting the interests of all
sides heard before decisions are made so that political forces do not remain
fixed in their own opinions or reject others with different views for the sake
of their own interests. We will be able to put in place broad-based mechanisms
for spotting and correcting errors so that decisions are not made without a
clear understanding of the circumstances, or on the basis of belief in one’s
own infallibility. We will be able to form mechanisms for ensuring people’s
participation in administration and governance at all levels in order to
effectively overcome the problems of the people being unable to voice their
opinions and finding it difficult to take an active part in the country’s
political activities and social governance. We will also be able to pool the
wisdom and strength of the whole of society together to advance reform and
development, effectively overcoming any problems with our decisions and work
not being carried out for lack of consensus. This is where the unique strength
of our socialist deliberative democracy lies. |
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