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“Rosetta Moments” for the Global Economy in 2015 2015年全球经济的三个“罗塞塔时刻”
Christine Lagarde, Managing
Director, International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织总裁克里斯蒂娜·拉加德
Washington D.C. 华盛顿
January 15, 2015 2015年1月15日
Good morning!
Diana, thank you for the kind
introduction, and thank you to Christopher Tuttle and the Council on Foreign
Relations for the opportunity to speak today about the outlook for the global
economy in this New Year 2015.
The Council and the IMF have much
in common: they both take a global perspective; they were both founded after
global conflicts – World War I and World War II; and they both joined the
perennial quest for a more peaceful and more prosperous world. I am glad to say
that we are still on the same team!
Good teamwork and strong
leadership will be needed this year. The latest update of our World Economic
Outlook – with all the specific numbers – will be formally presented next week.
But I can already say this: despite the boost from cheaper oil and stronger
U.S. growth, we see the global recovery continuing to face a very strong
But before I delve into the
details of the challenges ahead, I would like to share with you a brief story
that has resonated with me.
Late last year, on November 12, a
little spacecraft operated by the European Space Agency made the first-ever
landing on a comet after a 10-year journey covering half a billion miles. Like
millions of others, I was mesmerized by the sheer audacity of this adventure.
The touchdown on the comet,
called 67P, was part of the ongoing “Rosetta” mission, which is led by a
multinational team of scientists. Together, these scientists have extended
humanity’s reach into the cosmos and, by doing so, they have enhanced our
understanding of our own planet. They embody the spirit of those 19th century
scholars who used the original Rosetta Stone to decode the ancient Egyptian
Why is this story relevant right
now? Because this year the global economy will face what we might call three
“Rosetta moments”. These are major policy challenges that require decisions
based on political courage, decisive action, and multilateral thinking—in
short, true global leadership.
The first Rosetta moment is all
about boosting growth and employment in the next 12 months – overcoming that
“strong headwind” that I mentioned. The second Rosetta moment is about
achieving more inclusive, shared growth; and the third is about attaining more
sustainable, balanced growth.
These three moments are, of
course, deeply interconnected and mutually dependent. All are important, all
demand strong leadership, all require cooperation. But – surely – if we can
catch a comet in space, can’t we address the policy challenges here on Earth?
Global outlook, risks, and policy actions – injecting new momentum 一、全球前景、风险和政策行动——注入新的动力
I will start with the immediate
challenge of how to inject greater momentum into the recovery. As I said, we
are still in the process of finalizing the hard numbers for our updated
forecast. So I will focus on the main trends and policy recommendations.
The obvious question is this:
should lower oil prices and a stronger recovery in the United States make us
more upbeat about the prospects for the global economy? The answer is most
likely “No,” since there are still powerful factors that weigh on the downside.
Certainly, the drop in oil prices
is a welcome shot in the arm for the global economy. Cheaper oil increases
consumers’ purchasing power and private demand in oil-importing countries.
Depending on how long oil prices will remain at low levels, this could provide
a positive contribution to global growth for some time.
As for the U.S. economy, it
performed well in 2014 and should strengthen further this year – largely due to
more robust household spending. U.S. unemployment continues to decline; cheaper
oil is boosting real incomes and consumer sentiment; and there is continued
support from accommodative monetary policy.
So what is the catch? The oil price
and U.S. growth are not a cure for deep-seated weaknesses elsewhere. Too many
countries are still weighed down by the legacies of the financial crisis,
including high debt and high unemployment. Too many companies and households
keep cutting back on investment and consumption today because they are
concerned about low growth in the future.
In fact, the United States is the
only major economy that is likely to buck the trend this year, while others are
being held back – mainly by lackluster investment. A promising recovery
continues in the UK, but growth remains very low in the Euro Area and Japan.
And emerging economies, led by China, are slowing down, relatively speaking.
Risks 风险
Overall, we believe that global
growth is still too low, too brittle, and too lopsided. Moreover, there are
significant risks to the recovery. What are these?
First, the asynchronous
normalization of monetary policies in advanced economies. There has been a lot
of talk about this, but this year we should expect it to actually begin. The
U.S. could see its first rise in short-term interest rates since 2006 – an
important moment. Even if this process is well-managed and well-communicated –
and I believe that it has been and will be – there could be negative effects
for emerging markets and global financial stability.
Second, emerging and developing
economies could face a triple hit of a strengthening U.S dollar, higher global
interest rates, and more volatile capital flows. A stronger dollar will have a
significant impact on financial systems in emerging markets, because many banks
and companies have increased their borrowing in dollars over the past five
years. The oil price drop – and weaker commodity prices more generally – have
added to these risks, with some countries such as Nigeria, Russia, and
Venezuela facing huge currency pressures. Given the size of these economies,
the recent developments could also have significant regional effects.
Third, there is a risk that the
Euro Area and Japan could remain stuck in a world of low growth and low
inflation for a prolonged period. This “low-low environment” would make it even
harder for many Euro Area countries to reduce unemployment and excessive public
and private debt, and so would raise the risk of recession and deflation.
Fourth, there are increased
geopolitical risks. In Ukraine, for example, increased international support to
complement IMF support is crucial. At the same time, there is a palpable sense
that the forces of intolerance and fragmentation are gaining strength. The
recent atrocities in France – my home country – in Nigeria, or in Pakistan are
only the latest actions of forces that are fundamentally opposed to what we
here in this room believe in.
This all points to one thing: the
need for a powerful policy mix that can strengthen the recovery and provide
better employment perspectives for citizens worldwide. How can policymakers
deliver on this Rosetta moment?
action 政策行动
Broadly speaking, accommodative
monetary policies remain essential. Fiscal adjustment must be as growth and
job-friendly as possible. And above all, policymakers need to finally step up
structural reforms. This economic mantra – support demand, growth, and structural
reforms – is not new, but now takes on increased urgency. And it places
increased emphasis on political leadership.
For example, the impact of lower
oil prices will prove to be an immediate test for many policy makers. Not so
much for oil importers, for whom the windfall provides an opportunity to
strengthen their macroeconomic frameworks and may help in alleviating inflation
But oil exporters need to cushion
the shock on their economies. Some are using their rainy day funds and fiscal
deficits to adjust public spending more gradually. Others resort to allowing
substantial exchange rate depreciation, which poses the risk of inflation and
may require tighter monetary policies.
In the Euro Area, cheaper oil is
contributing to a further decline in inflation expectations, which increases
the risk of deflation. This bolsters the case for additional monetary stimulus,
which the European Central Bank has indicated it stands ready to support as
Most importantly, however, the
drop in oil prices provides a golden opportunity to cut energy subsidies and
use the savings for more targeted transfers to protect the poor – for which the
IMF has been pushing hard. We have recently seen a successful decrease in
fossil fuel subsidies in countries such as Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt,
Haiti, India, Indonesia, and Malaysia. In some advanced countries, policymakers
should also seize the moment to increase energy taxes to build fiscal buffers
or reduce other taxes, especially on labor.
This, of course, requires
political courage – which it has in common with the 2nd Rosetta moment: how to
achieve more inclusive, more shared growth over the medium term.
这当然需要政治勇气,第二个“罗塞塔时刻”也是如此——在中期内如何实现更具包容性、更广泛共享的增长。 |
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