Opening Remarks
at the Second Meeting of the High-level Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity 在高级别终止儿童期肥胖症委员会第二次会议上的开幕词
Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General
of the World Health Organization 世界卫生组织总干事
Geneva, Switzerland 瑞士日内瓦
13 January 2015 2015年1月13日
members of the Commission, ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome back to Geneva. Thank you
for again giving us your time and expertise. I will be brief. We all want to
move quickly.
Childhood obesity, if you look at
the statistics, continues to increase in every region of the world. As we all
know, the biological mechanisms that contribute to obesity are notoriously
complex, as are the mechanisms that cause so much damage to health.
But we need to unravel these
complexities. We need to get the science right, and with that we then can
translate it into advice and recommendations that policy-makers, including
politicians, and parents can understand,
I am pleased to note the great
progress on this agenda made since you last met in Geneva in July 2014. You
have met with non-state actors in informal hearings to better understand the
views of both civil society and the private sector on these complex issues.
Given the challenges at the
policy level, we must have the best science on our side. The working group on
science and evidence has met twice and undertaken a substantial amount of work
to develop seven background papers.
This morning you will be
discussing a stimulating summary report. It reaches a number of important
Childhood obesity is not just the
result of lifestyle choices. It is driven by trans-generational, biological and
environmental issues beyond the child’s control.
For environmental issues, efforts
need to focus on factors that influence the dietary and physical activity patterns
of children and their parents.
However, focusing only on the
obesogenic environment will not be enough to solve a problem of this
complexity. New evidence shows the importance of taking a life-course approach.
The ad hoc working group on
implementation, monitoring and accountability held its first meeting in Geneva
in December, 2014. The meeting gave members an opportunity to learn more about
what the Commission is doing and how it works. It initiated discussions on the
development of an accountability framework relevant to all groups with a role
in ending childhood obesity.
Members of the working group are
eagerly awaiting the outcomes of your discussions over the next two days, which
will provide the foundation for the group’s further work.
Since you last met, we have seen
several signs that countries are deeply concerned about childhood obesity and
see an urgent need for action. At its regional meeting last year, PAHO adopted
a resolution and associated action plan on the prevention of childhood obesity.
EMRO went a step further with a
resolution that tackled the marketing of unhealthy foods and beverages to
The November nutrition conference
in Rome covered malnutrition in all its forms, including overnutrition as well
as undernutrition.
What I expect to see come out of
this meeting is the first draft of a consensus report that identifies specific
interventions, and their combinations, that are likely to have the greatest
impact in different contexts around the world.
I think this is what everyone
working to end childhood obesity needs most.
I have high expectations for this
Commission and anticipate that your report will guide consultations and further
research throughout the year.
The audience for your work is
broad, including governments, academics, civil society, the private sector,
other UN agencies, and ultimately, concerned parents.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Ending childhood obesity is one
of the most complex health challenges facing the international community during
this century.
If we get the answers right, and
get governments to do the right things, we will likely be better placed to
tackle other risk factors and their health consequences.
You have a heavy responsibility.
People are looking to you for advice and guidance. I am looking to you for
advice on how to take the agenda forward for implementation and doing what is
needed to keep our children healthy.
Thank you.
谢谢。 |
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